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Puppets Turned Into Muppets Under Age Drinkers

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Puppets Turned Into Muppets - Under Age Drinkers

What is it coming too when the law can not uphold the law? with Under age drinkers

In their powerless efforts to control the rising problem with under age drinkers the numbers are increasing day by day. How sad for the parents who have tried in vain to put the kids on the straight and narrow.

These kids may as well be walking arm in arm with a suicide bomber.

Even adults over the years think they have mastered the art of self control when drink symptoms kick in taking the mind and body. I am sorry to say one drink to many and we all end up like a puppet on a string.

Coming back to the parents, we have the caring and not so caring mothers and fathers who encourage this behaviour by not knowing where the child is or what they are doing.

Your childrenÂ’s health is at stake here and you need to act now to keep them safe from the harm they are doing to themselves or that of others.
We are talking about the kids of the 21st century who I am afraid to say does not fear the police force unlike in our childhood.

Police patrol in twoÂ’s; a two man army enforcement of the law is not enough to stop a riot.

Where is the guarantee for all law abiding citizens who are afraid to go out of their homes or to the local shop because of the masses of beer swilling louts making their lives a misery? Regular detours are taken because of crowded corners of gangs, if the police have no control over the behaviour from under age drinkers then what chance do we have?

We all know drink gives us all Dutch courage and if ever bravery medals should be awarded then give it to a drunk. No one will ever be has brave as he/she under the influence.

Lessons in controlling under age drinking.

Should the right force of authority be authorised to keep law and order to stop this problem from escalating even further, then so be it. Send in the vigilantes because the boys in blue are of no threat to this generation.

Our police powers are non existent so their hands may as well be tied behind their backs. If it takes a group of Arnold Schwarzenegger terminator type geezers to patrol the streets to uphold peace and calm, then I am all for that. You may bet the under age drinkers sober up pretty fast and into the bargain less lip.

Heights of oblivion where you remember nothing is not having a good time and very dangerous too. So why waste your money. No matter what I say or do is going change the habits of a great many of you but it may help the ones crying out for help

I havenÂ’t forgot that I was young once, and there were times when I managed to pull the wool over my mums eyes, but if what I did at the time was going to hurt my parents in a way that it would break their hearts and cause them pain, then there was no way I was going to let that happen to the two closest people in my life. Think of yourself but most of all think of Mum and dad.

If drinking is causing you to suffer then please cut down on your intake, it is not the answer but it is half the battle won.

Talk to your parents, if they bawl and shout it is only because they care. Remember you always hurt the one you love. So next time mum jumps up to give you a clout, you know it is because she loves you and heaven forbid should you get a good hiding then her love for you is stronger than you will ever know

Influenced by alcohol turns puppets into Muppets
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BONUS : Putting Reading First

ItÂ’s well documented that when children develop good reading skills early on, they are much more likely to be better learners and better educated. Reading is the foundation for success for all other subject matter and the level of success throughout life for the child.

Learning to read isnÂ’t an easy task for a child. This is why it is so very important that you as the parent is a model for reading and work with and encourage your child to read each and every day.

As a parent or homeschooling parent, you should help insure that your child develops essential skills associated with reading such as:

> Use of language and vocabulary.

> Having your child respond after listening to stories – read short paragraphs and have your child tell you about what they just heard.

> Lean and recognize the alphabet and letters – use everyday items around your house to use as examples. For example, cut out big letters and have your child find items around the house that begin with that letter and stick the letter to them.

> Work with your child to connect the sound the letters make to the spoken language.

> ReadÂ… and read often to your child so they know that reading is a daily activity.

> Work daily with your child to add a new word to their vocabulary.

> Discuss with your child what was just read. This helps you monitor their level of comprehension.

These skills are vitally important for the pre-first grade level reader. Once you child gets to the first grade level the focus becomes building upon these skills that the will set the stage for the child essentially for the rest of their lives. As a parent itÂ’s not enough to merely incorporate these skills into your childÂ’s daily activities, you keep your fingers on the pulse of your childÂ’s progress and understanding. At this early age, it is critical to get the reading journey off on the right foot.

At its simplest form, reading is a skill. Just like any other skill, it takes practice to become proficient at it. In fact, reading is such an important skillÂ… it takes more practice than a child will receive if they attend a traditional school. As a parent you need to augment the schoolÂ’s reading program with daily reading time at home. If you are homeschooling, make reading a daily top priority type of activity.

Introduce your child to your local library as soon as you can. Get them signed up for summer reading programs. Set aside an area in your home where your child can have and develop a library all their own. Put their favorite chair in their library or where they like to read and have you read to them.

Reading truly is fundamental to education and successes. Without good reading skills, much of life will always be a struggle. Build a sound and solid foundation for your child by ensuring early on that you help establish a love for reading in your child and success will follow.

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