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Pulling The Plug On Virtual Reality Tips For Parents Of Teenage

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Pulling The Plug On Virtual Reality: Tips For Parents Of Teenage Mouse Potatos

Any parent of a teenager today who sees their child’s face in full frontal view is lucky indeed. Many of us are accustomed to addressing the back of our offspring’s head, silhouetted against the glowing blue light of the computer screen.

It seems like pretty basic common sense that it can’t be great for a kid’s growing body to be sitting motionless in front of a screen all day, so I won’t bore you with all the research. However, the computer is today’s vehicle of choice for the social connections that are so critical to a teenager’s world.

The developmental task of the teen years is to master autonomy. Toward this end, many parents wisely allow their teens plenty of freedom to make and learn from mistakes. It can be challenging to sit back and watch your teen experiment with spending too much time at the computer. But if you impose a mandate that he or she ‘get off that computer this instant,’ you are interrupting your child’s natural feedback system before it has a chance to register its own protest regarding the prolonged physical stillness.

Here are my sneaky, tried, and true suggestions for helping your teen to find his/her own healthy balance of computer and non-computer time without turning your family life into one big power struggle:

Locate the computer within range of your sight and hearing. If it is in your child’s room, have an open door policy. Find a friendly reason to drop in -- deliver a drink and a snack, the mail, or the laundry. While you are nearby, notice what is on display and ask casual questions. When your teen knows you could show up at any second, he or she is more careful about what makes it onto that screen.

Show your interest and curiosity by listening to your teen when he or she talks about what is happening in chat rooms or online activities. Pay attention! Don’t freak out, but do feel free to share your values regarding ethics, morality, and problem-solving. Offer yourself as a resource if they should ever encounter a situation that troubles them.

Share news articles or stories you have heard about internet abuse.
No lectures! Just information. Your teen will connect the dots.

When you feel they’ve been sitting still for too long, offer to do a more compelling activity together, rather than simply lecture or demand they turn the computer off. Invite your teen to participate in a physical activity WITH YOU. Shoot hoops, play pool, go for a bike ride, go shopping. You know what they like to do best. Offer it! Challenge yourself to make real life more interesting than virtual reality.

Ask for help around the house. Often my son gets into command-following autopilot while playing games, so when I ask him to get the clothes out of the dryer he just does it! If he hears the whir of the kitchen mixer, he inevitably comes down to see what I’m baking, and a few minutes later is up to his elbows in cookie batter.

Help your teen access and acknowledge their body’s signals. Ask how their eyes, back, or arms are feeling. Just ask, don’t tell!

Be an impeccable role model. Talk about why you are getting up to stretch now, or how stiff your neck feels when you work online for too long. Turn on loud music and dance around the house to loosen up. All the better if you dance on in to your child’s computer space and hassle them a little bit in a playful way.

The bottom line is that the more you try to compel a teenager to do something that is your idea about what is best for them, the less successful you will be! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be a living and thriving example of balance. Enjoy real life to the fullest, and invite your teen to join you. Be irresistibly engaged in enjoying physical activity yourself, and you will become more magnetic to your teen than virtual reality.

Copyright 2005 Karen Alonge
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BONUS : Puppets Turned Into Muppets - Under Age Drinkers

What is it coming too when the law can not uphold the law? with Under age drinkers

In their powerless efforts to control the rising problem with under age drinkers the numbers are increasing day by day. How sad for the parents who have tried in vain to put the kids on the straight and narrow.

These kids may as well be walking arm in arm with a suicide bomber.

Even adults over the years think they have mastered the art of self control when drink symptoms kick in taking the mind and body. I am sorry to say one drink to many and we all end up like a puppet on a string.

Coming back to the parents, we have the caring and not so caring mothers and fathers who encourage this behaviour by not knowing where the child is or what they are doing.

Your children’s health is at stake here and you need to act now to keep them safe from the harm they are doing to themselves or that of others.
We are talking about the kids of the 21st century who I am afraid to say does not fear the police force unlike in our childhood.

Police patrol in two’s; a two man army enforcement of the law is not enough to stop a riot.

Where is the guarantee for all law abiding citizens who are afraid to go out of their homes or to the local shop because of the masses of beer swilling louts making their lives a misery? Regular detours are taken because of crowded corners of gangs, if the police have no control over the behaviour from under age drinkers then what chance do we have?

We all know drink gives us all Dutch courage and if ever bravery medals should be awarded then give it to a drunk. No one will ever be has brave as he/she under the influence.

Lessons in controlling under age drinking.

Should the right force of authority be authorised to keep law and order to stop this problem from escalating even further, then so be it. Send in the vigilantes because the boys in blue are of no threat to this generation.

Our police powers are non existent so their hands may as well be tied behind their backs. If it takes a group of Arnold Schwarzenegger terminator type geezers to patrol the streets to uphold peace and calm, then I am all for that. You may bet the under age drinkers sober up pretty fast and into the bargain less lip.

Heights of oblivion where you remember nothing is not having a good time and very dangerous too. So why waste your money. No matter what I say or do is going change the habits of a great many of you but it may help the ones crying out for help

I haven’t forgot that I was young once, and there were times when I managed to pull the wool over my mums eyes, but if what I did at the time was going to hurt my parents in a way that it would break their hearts and cause them pain, then there was no way I was going to let that happen to the two closest people in my life. Think of yourself but most of all think of Mum and dad.

If drinking is causing you to suffer then please cut down on your intake, it is not the answer but it is half the battle won.

Talk to your parents, if they bawl and shout it is only because they care. Remember you always hurt the one you love. So next time mum jumps up to give you a clout, you know it is because she loves you and heaven forbid should you get a good hiding then her love for you is stronger than you will ever know

Influenced by alcohol turns puppets into Muppets

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de Daniel LAMBERT

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