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Providing A Safe And Secure Home For Your Child

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Providing A Safe And Secure Home For Your Child

Accidents in the home are the primary cause of death in U.S. children. By taking a few simple precautions, these injuries can be avoided, making your home safe for your child and the children who visit it.

In your kitchen, you should be sure to install safety latches on cabinets and drawers. This helps keep them out of the everyday household chemicals you use to clean your home and dishware with, and also keeps them from grabbing sharp objects like scissors or knives from inside the drawers. Use the back burners when cooking on the stovetop, and keep the handles of your pots and pans turned out of a curious child's reach while cooking.

Safety latches should be installed on cabinets and drawers in your bathrooms as well to keep them out of unsafe household cleaning products and medicines. Be sure to unplug any electrical appliance such as a blow dryer or curling iron directly after use and put out of a child's reach. Teach them early that electricity and water do not mix and that no electrical appliances of any kind should ever be immersed in or placed under running water. Toilet locks should also be used in homes that have small children to keep lids down. Young children are 'top heavy' and can easily fall into a toilet if they lean in to play in it. Since a young child can drown in less than just an inch of water, it is imperative to closely supervise them in the bathroom at all times.

Around your house, be sure to secure furniture such as bookshelves and heavy furniture that could tip easily to the wall using brackets. Use doorknob covers to keep them out of rooms with potential hazards and to keep them from leaving the house unsupervised. Make sure your window blinds do not have looped cords on them as they can present a strangulation hazard to a young child. And always cover your electrical outlets with protective covers to keep small fingers from them and small objects from being inserted into them.

Check your house over carefully for other potential hazards and address them immediately. With these precautions and some common sense, your household will be your child's haven.

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BONUS : Pulling The Plug On Virtual Reality: Tips For Parents Of Teenage Mouse Potatos

Any parent of a teenager today who sees their childÂ’s face in full frontal view is lucky indeed. Many of us are accustomed to addressing the back of our offspringÂ’s head, silhouetted against the glowing blue light of the computer screen.

It seems like pretty basic common sense that it canÂ’t be great for a kidÂ’s growing body to be sitting motionless in front of a screen all day, so I wonÂ’t bore you with all the research. However, the computer is todayÂ’s vehicle of choice for the social connections that are so critical to a teenagerÂ’s world.

The developmental task of the teen years is to master autonomy. Toward this end, many parents wisely allow their teens plenty of freedom to make and learn from mistakes. It can be challenging to sit back and watch your teen experiment with spending too much time at the computer. But if you impose a mandate that he or she ‘get off that computer this instant,’ you are interrupting your child’s natural feedback system before it has a chance to register its own protest regarding the prolonged physical stillness.

Here are my sneaky, tried, and true suggestions for helping your teen to find his/her own healthy balance of computer and non-computer time without turning your family life into one big power struggle:

Locate the computer within range of your sight and hearing. If it is in your childÂ’s room, have an open door policy. Find a friendly reason to drop in -- deliver a drink and a snack, the mail, or the laundry. While you are nearby, notice what is on display and ask casual questions. When your teen knows you could show up at any second, he or she is more careful about what makes it onto that screen.

Show your interest and curiosity by listening to your teen when he or she talks about what is happening in chat rooms or online activities. Pay attention! DonÂ’t freak out, but do feel free to share your values regarding ethics, morality, and problem-solving. Offer yourself as a resource if they should ever encounter a situation that troubles them.

Share news articles or stories you have heard about internet abuse.
No lectures! Just information. Your teen will connect the dots.

When you feel theyÂ’ve been sitting still for too long, offer to do a more compelling activity together, rather than simply lecture or demand they turn the computer off. Invite your teen to participate in a physical activity WITH YOU. Shoot hoops, play pool, go for a bike ride, go shopping. You know what they like to do best. Offer it! Challenge yourself to make real life more interesting than virtual reality.

Ask for help around the house. Often my son gets into command-following autopilot while playing games, so when I ask him to get the clothes out of the dryer he just does it! If he hears the whir of the kitchen mixer, he inevitably comes down to see what IÂ’m baking, and a few minutes later is up to his elbows in cookie batter.

Help your teen access and acknowledge their bodyÂ’s signals. Ask how their eyes, back, or arms are feeling. Just ask, donÂ’t tell!

Be an impeccable role model. Talk about why you are getting up to stretch now, or how stiff your neck feels when you work online for too long. Turn on loud music and dance around the house to loosen up. All the better if you dance on in to your childÂ’s computer space and hassle them a little bit in a playful way.

The bottom line is that the more you try to compel a teenager to do something that is your idea about what is best for them, the less successful you will be! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be a living and thriving example of balance. Enjoy real life to the fullest, and invite your teen to join you. Be irresistibly engaged in enjoying physical activity yourself, and you will become more magnetic to your teen than virtual reality.

Copyright 2005 Karen Alonge

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de Daniel LAMBERT

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