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Pros And Cons Of Online Schooling

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Pros And Cons Of Online Schooling

Ten years ago, the term online schooling might not be very appealing; just like the iron horses in the early part of the 19th century or an airplane in the beginning of the 20th century. Internet was still underdeveloped in 1996 compared to what we have now. And the conventional today may not be acceptable by the general population in 1996.

But we don’t live in 1996 anymore. We are now in the era where everything is possible and acceptable. Just like studying outside the school, in front of your computer at the very comforts of your home. This is called online schooling.

Thinking of entering online schooling can arouse discomfort for some. This is quite understandable since it is not the usual way of learning just like those people who have tried airplane as a way to travel for the first time. However, with the reputation online schools are gaining, the way students learn is transforming in an “unconventional way”.

If you are one of those students who are considering this relatively new form of learning, here are the things you should know- the pros and cons of online schooling:


No time wasted on traveling

Whether you live in the most remote town in the United States (provided you have an internet connection) or at the top of the tallest building in your city, you can always be on time to study your lessons. Online schooling eliminates the time you have to prepare to dress up for school. It also removes the time you have to spend sitting on the taxi or waiting for the green light. With online schooling, your home and your classroom are the same.

Can attend home needs anytime

For people who need to attend important things around the home, online schooling works best. For instance: you have a baby to take care of or you have a several things that must be done around the house. If before you have to find ways to squeeze all the items in your “to-do-list” for one whole day, now online schooling will give you more time on other things as it eliminates the time you have to spend on preparation for school.

No more classmates to mind

When you get online schooling, the classroom is all yours. You don’t have to fight on your seat, you don’t have to get along with a group, and you don’t have to be nice or rude to others.


Online school competence

There are many online schools to choose from. The question is: would you be able to land on a job after you have spent all your time and money on your chosen online school? One advice is: do research on the competency of several online schools and consider the credit they can give once you step into the working world.

Personal competence

Can you learn on your own or should you require a board and a talking professor to absorb the lesson? There are some students who are better studying alone. There are some who are not. If you think you are capable of learning without the need of the actual classroom discussion, then you can consider online schooling.

Environment cooperation

Is your home fit for studying? Can you concentrate with all the destructions you can get in your home? Many homes are not fit to become a school. It may be because there are children around, or the neighborhood’s dogs are always barking, or your home is simply not conducive to learning.

All these only say one thing: home schooling is not for everyone. Do more research and consideration before entering home schooling program. If you think you are fit and you can benefit more on home schooling, then it is all up to you.
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BONUS : Prosthetic Limbs Help Children

Parents whose children have lost an arm or leg often blame themselves for the loss. They may feel responsible for the accident or prenatal condition causing amputation. They may worry their child will never be able to have the same experiences as other children.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Modern prosthetics can help children with limb loss live a normal life.

Parents may have a lot of questions about prosthetic limbs, such as whether their insurance will cover it, or if there are alternatives available for those without insurance.

The answer is yes; most first-tier health insurance providers cover pediatric prosthetics. In addition, funding may be found among charitable foundations or from private donors who understand the whole new future a properly fitted prosthesis can provide.

Another question parents may ask is whether prosthetics can be functional but still have a realistic appearance.

The technology advances in modern prosthetics are remarkable, and myoelectric upper extremity prostheses are state-of-the-art. In the absence of a hand or arm, the child's brain continues sending signals to grasp or open the hand in the residual limb. Myoelectric sensors can read these signals on the skin. A computer chip magnifies those signals, actuating a tiny powerful motor to accomplish the task. Many infants and children learn to open and grasp with their "myo" on command in a matter of days.

Pediatric Prosthetics Inc., a company specializing in prosthetics for children, is also employing advanced technology with lower extremity prosthetics to make them lighter, stronger, more comfortable and more responsive to the needs of active children. It is the first prosthetics company focusing solely on the needs of the children and their families. It now has strategic alliances with prosthetists in 21 states and is continuing to expand that network.

Linda Putback-Bean, founder of Pediatric Prosthetics, has been specializing in fitting infants and children for more than 20 years. She has also hosted summer camps and numerous support group meetings for families affected by pediatric limb loss.

Linda and her staff combine well over 50 years of experience fitting infants and children. She and her associates travel to their patients' hometowns whenever necessary to ensure all the children get the personal care and support they require.

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