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Parenthood And Long Hair

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Parenthood And Long Hair

If they don’t cut their hair in pregnancy, many women cut their hair shorter after the baby is born. The reason, as always, is that it’s easier to deal with.

If you think about it, though, long hair may not require that much extra effort when compared to short hair. You’ll spend less time getting it cut at the salon, which can be nice when you have to fit that in around your children’s schedules. Brushing your hair only takes a little longer for well-maintaned long hair than it does for shorter hair.

Pulling the hair back in a ponytail is easy and practical for any hair that is long enough for that style. I’ve always been fond of braiding my hair when I need a lot of control.

Children love long hair. My daughter is always asking me to brush her hair long, “like Rapunzel’s.” My kids would be shocked if I cut my hair.

But what about those hectic days when you have a hard time even getting into the shower? Isn’t long hair inconvenient then?

It doesn’t have to be. Twist your hair up into a knot if you don’t absolutely have to brush it and you won’t have to wait for it to dry. My hair needs washing only about every other day before I start to notice an oily feeling… occasionally daily in summer due to the heat, and sometimes I suspect I could get away with washing it less in winter if I were in THAT much of a hurry. It’s just so nice to get out of the shower some days, feeling clean, but not needing to worry about drying my hair.

Moms do not have to have short hair. It’s common practice these days, but it’s nice to stand out in a way you won’t regret later. I often get envious comments from other moms, and meeting other long haired moms is fun. No, we don’t talk about having long hair all the time… occasionally share care or styling tips, but I think most women do that anyhow. It’s just a little something we automatically know we have in common.

Keeping your hair long is also a great way to feel feminine. My husband and I knew each other for years before we married, but had lost contact for a time, during which I grew my hair out. His first comment on seeing me after 5 years apart, aside from general hellos was “I love your hair.” I don’t say that’s the only reason we got back together, not by a long shot, but it sure didn’t hurt. He’d be quite disappointed if I cut my hair. Few men can resist long hair. When you’re a parent and sometimes there aren’t many ways to show your feelings, little things like teasing him with long hair works quite nicely.
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BONUS : Parenting - Find The Right Balance!

Parenting can be a daunting prospect even for the most accomplished and the most prepared. Good parenting is a balance of many different factors and you will need to discipline as well as spend good, quality time with your child. In this modern age, time is of a premium. Even when parents do find they have some spare time to interact with their children this time is often spent worrying about what needs to be done next.

Make sure you set aside some time every day to spend with your child or children and when you do, try to concentrate solely on them. If you appear withdrawn or distracted your child will notice and in many cases they will associate it with their own actions. Do things that will educate and entertain them and remember that socializing is as educational as any other activity.

A well-socialized child will grow into well-adapted young adult. Usually, they will easily make friends and treat people with respect. They will also be able to attract similar responses from those around them. Socializing should start very early on and playgroups can be an excellent opportunity to interact with children of their own and different ages. Because there are a number of children at playgroups and parents can attend, a playgroup should become something to look forward to.

By setting aside this time every day or routinely attending playgroups you are already beginning to build a good structure in your child’s life. Your future parenting requirements will be greatly helped by this. Children appreciate structure because it helps them to concentrate and it makes them feel at ease, but if they are unaccustomed to this structured way of life then they will find it difficult to adapt when you start demanding it. If you work unusual hours or stay at work late it can be difficult to include this structure, but you should do so whenever you can.

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