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No Kidding Preparation The Key To Preventing Abducted Missing Ch

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No Kidding-preparation The Key To Preventing Abducted, Missing Children

Did you know that, according to figures from the RCMP, approximately 186 children are reported missing each day in Canada? That's one almost every 7.75 minutes; recent US statistics are much more alarming, somewhere in the United States approximately every 40 seconds a child is reported missing. In fact, by the time you have finished reading this article, the odds are that another child has been reported missing or abducted.

The thought that a child could be taken or go missing is a very real fear that all of us, as parents, share. Naturally, we want to keep our children safe, but we can't watch over them 24 hours a day. I am frequently asked by parents for advice on what they can do to protect their children. I'd like to share some advice with you so you can reduce the risk that such a tragic event will ever befall your family.

First, teach your child his or her full name, address, phone number and your full name. That way, if they are ever lost, they can give this information to a police officer. You should also teach them how to dial 0 or 911 in the event of an emergency. After all, the sooner they can make that call for help, the better. Whether going to school, band practice or a friend's house, they should always follow the same route without taking any shortcuts.

A family password is another great idea to help protect your child. It should be something that is easy to learn and remember, and should be unique to your family. It could be tied to a special event- such as a birthday or vacation-or it could be your maiden or middle name.

Because there are bound to be times when your older children are home alone, there are a few simple rules they should follow. Make sure they understand not to let strangers in the house while you are gone. If someone calls, tell your kids to take a message, and that they should never say you are not home.

Safeguarding your kids when home alone is one thing, but how can you protect them when out in public at a mall, movie theatre or grocery store? One-way is to tell them to go to the information booth or checkout counter if you should become separated, and be sure your kids know where they are located. You should also tell the to yell and fight if a stranger should try to hurt them, or force them to go somewhere else. Creating a scene can prevent an attempted abduction.

One tip you may have heard from schools is to sew your child's personal information into their clothes or personal items, such as backpack. Unfortunately, a stranger can use this same information to assume the role of a family friend and gain the trust of a child. A better solution is to contact and register with a child identification service that will provide you with coded iron-on identification labels.

If the unthinkable should happen, and your child is missing or abducted, contact your local police force immediately. In this situation, a Child ID kit, in which the childÂ’s fingerprints, recent picture, specific identification features as well as a hair sample, is truly the most helpful item parents can possess. In the event that this precaution has been overlooked, provide them with as much detail about your child as possible, including a recent photograph, a hair sample from a pillow or hairbrush and, if there is a search planned, a recently worn piece of clothing.

Finally, make the time to talk to your children regularly on ways to stay safe. It takes repetition and positive reinforcement for them to learn these tips. Activities and coloring books promoting safety are a very good idea for very young children, and the time you take to prepare them now will go a long way toward protecting them from harm in the future.
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BONUS : No, No, No – Living With A Two Year Old

If your child is approaching the age of two, your life is about to change dramatically. I know, your life already has changed dramatically, but youÂ’re about to enter a whole new level of, well, frustration and despair. Luckily, the difficulties only last for about two yearsÂ…Â…Â…..sigh. Well, to help you out, let me give you some tips about living with your two year old.

First – you need to understand that toddlers have no impulse control. This is a critical piece of information, and you will need to chant it to yourself several times a day. Even when a toddler knows what she’s doing is wrong, and knows she’s going to get into trouble for it, she can’t help it. She just has to do it. So, don’t think your child is incapable of being trained when she gets into the toilet paper for the tenth time today. The best advice is just put the stuff away. And, don’t punish her too harshly. At this age, making punishment harsher for subsequent offenses isn’t helpful. The same time out routine each time will have more effect, though you must understand me when I say this – nothing except growing older will have much effect on a two year old.

Secondly, if you live with a two year old, don’t try to do anything in a hurry. Gone, at least for a while, are the days when you can “run to the grocery store”. At this age everything takes a long time, and you should just get used to it. Trying to hurry them along only creates frustration for both of you. Let them try to get in and out of the car themselves. Let them pick exactly which grocery cart you’ll use. It’s good for their development and it helps keep peace.

Thirdly, pick your battles. DonÂ’t allow anything thatÂ’s unsafe, but donÂ’t try to control how and when everything gets done. If she wants to wear the purple plaid pants with the yellow striped top, some days you just need to let her do it. One way to minimize the battles is to give your child some choices up front, but not too many. For instance, pick out two appropriate outfits for the day, and then let her choose between them.

Finally, enjoy this age. As difficult as two year olds can be (oh, and three year olds can be just as bad), they are also simply magical to watch. They learn something new every day. TheyÂ’re excited and amazed by the simplest things, like blowing bubbles and getting a sticker. TheyÂ’re a wonderful combination of baby and child, and theyÂ’ll never be this age again. Thank God.

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