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New Internet Filter And Kid Safe Web Browser Keeps Internet Safe

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New Internet Filter And Kid Safe Web Browser Keeps Internet Safe For Kids.

Finally there is a solution for parents and grandparents who want to allow their children the freedom to surf the Internet without the fear that they may stumble across the “wrong things” online. Children’s Educational Network has designed a very unique, free Internet filter and parental control multiple themed “Kid Safe Browser” which is the gateway to what they call TUKI.

Most everyone with children has either experienced first hand or knows someone with children who have stumbled across negative content (either innocently or intentionally). The Kid Safe Browser is designed to give parents the ability to have a say as to what their kids are looking at. Parents are given the tools to either delete or add (pre-approve) websites that they deem appropriate or inappropriate.

TUKI is the acronym for “The Ultimate Kids’ Internet” ( and this is the membership portion of the their service which offers many premium features. The one very important and meaningful benefit for you and your family is the educational aspect of the Kid Safe Browser. Management of the Company are committed to not only protecting children with technology but also offering educational messaging to teach children the ins and outs of being a responsible, safe web surfer.

This educational messaging is a real powerful feature that we found with TUKI and could not find any other Internet filter or parental control software that also offered an educational aspect.

The Kid Safe Browser gives access to thousands of pre-approved (by teachers and parents) websites that can be surfed (NASA, Nickelodeon, Disney etc.). If a child tries to go to a website that has not been pre-approved the browser displays a message that reads: “This website is not in the ‘Approved List’.

Parents can then decide whether or not that site is acceptable for their child to visit and choose to add it if meets their approval. There is also a “Internet Protection Lockdown” feature that prevents the user from exiting the Kid Safe Browser and entering another browser (AOL, Netscape, IE etc.) that allows access to potentially controversial websites.

Yet, another concern for Parents is that they might receive unsolicited (spam) email. As part of the TUKI membership kids are issued a spam free and safe email account. Again, parents are given the keys to their children’s email box so to speak. Parents pre-approve who the child can send and receive email from. Parents can also add key words (to an already existent ‘Ban List’ that a child cannot send out via email & chat. For instance, a child would be prevented from giving out private information such as a home address, home phone number, school name or sports team or any other bit of information that a parent might feel would compromise their privacy or safety.

Other features of the TUKI membership are “Chore Reminders” and “Encouraging Words”. Since each browser has it’s own (themed) animated talking Internet Guide, (The Noah’s Net Browser has Noah – The Mindstein Browser has Professor Mindstein) Parents can dictate some of the things that the Internet Guide will pop up and say; “Mandy – did you feed Fido today?” “Billy, Your Mommy loves you so much!”

For the most part, the Kid Safe Browser is pretty easy to use. Mostly, your kids will love the talking animated characters; the many games included with the software, and homework sites that make keeping with their schoolwork easier. Meanwhile, you will love the fact that you can sleep at night knowing you’ve taken action in preventing your child form being exposed to sites and sounds that he or she shouldn’t.

As a child advocate I recommend everyone to take action and get this new free Internet filter and parental controlled Kid Safe Browser. To get your own Kid Safe Browser visit and download your very own Kid Safe Browser.
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BONUS : New Service Reduces Impact Of School Emergencies

It's a disturbing reality that some gunmen, criminals and sexual predators have been able to slip into U.S. schools. Consequently, parents, as well as school and community leaders, are demanding action to prevent further tragic results.

Schools, in concert with police and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, are focusing on communication as one of their top priorities. Knowing what is happening in routine and emergency situations, and understanding the best course of action to take, are deemed essential in keeping students, faculty and staff out of harm's way.

Several school systems around the country are taking a proactive step by implementing a new, state-of-the-art alert service called the Immediate Response Information System. This high-speed notification and response service, also referred to as IRIS, sends emergency messages electronically to thousands of individuals in seconds.

A uniform message goes out from a single designated staff member using any phone or

Internet-connected computer. IRIS then transmits voice and text alerts to home or cell phones, e-mail accounts, digital pagers, PDAs, fax machines and other frequently used electronic methods. IRIS continues to redial busy lines or phones that don't answer until it makes live contact.

Equally effective in non-emergency situations, IRIS can be used to send routine announcements, such as severe weather alerts and testing schedules.

IRIS can be implemented without adding hardware, software or costly outlays for system installation.

TechRadium Inc., the developer of IRIS, is introducing the service to school systems and commercial property owners in several states. For example, the Houston Independent School District, one of the nation's largest school systems, placed IRIS into operation last year. And Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently instructed the state's Office of Safe and Healthy Schools to recommend IRIS to school districts seeking to upgrade their communication systems.

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de Daniel LAMBERT

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