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My Teen Is A Runaway What Do I Do Now

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My Teen Is A Runaway. What Do I Do Now?

If your child is a teen runaway, there is a problem. Before you jump to the conclusion that they are just a bad kid, determine what really pushed them in this direction. As a parent, there is nothing more fearful then knowing that your child is out there, facing whatever scum walks the earth and that you can not protect them. But, before you can get them to stay home with you, you need to work with them to determine why they left in the first place.

To do this, you need to do several things. First, stop accusing and leave the anger at the door. You need to have a frank but fair conversation with them. Determine why they left. Do not yell at them, punish them or demand answers. Calmly determine why they left, they must tell you here.

Tell them why being a runaway teen is dangerous. Explain why this is not something that is okay and that you will not allow it. Make sure they know that you are open to helping them to work through problems they have at school, with their peers or with you so they can avoid being a runaway teen.

Get them help. Physically, they need to be examined. Emotionally they need to work with a child therapist to determine what they need to resolve with you or their problems to keep them at home, safe. In fact, the biggest benefit they will need is working with you side by side to determine what the solution is.

A teen runaway is a call for help. In some form, they can no longer handle what is in their lives threatening them. They are looking for a way to run, to hide or to start over because something is pushing them to do that. You do not have to be a bad parent to face a runaway teen. In fact, most will deal with this. Yet, what you need to be is an open parent that will welcome your teen runaway back into your home and work on repairing problems so that they will stay at home with you.
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BONUS : Mysteries Of Language Development In Children

The first step is to make time for the child in your busy schedule. Rework your life to give priority to the child. Spend quality time and read as well as sing songs to the child everyday. You could play soft music and other tapes like chants and so on in the child’s room at specific times each day. Music enhances memory and learning.

Speak to the child and give the child time to respond. Make everyday activities a learning time—introduce names of foods, point to the bath tub and say bath, show the child the sponge or soap, help the child recognize the animals and toys in the bath by introducing things like “ baby duck—quack, quack.”

Children listen, they learn how to discriminate specific sounds, and then they associate sound with actions, and finally put together sounds with what they actually mean.

Be vigilant at all times. If you have any doubts or notice any problems please consult a doctor.

Play “follow the leader”

Well have you thought of things you can do to encourage speech and language development? Well you don’t need special training or courses to do this. Think about it—you smile and the baby smiles at you. So, if you play “follow the leader” your baby will ape whatever you do and unconsciously learn.

So, you must make faces at and sounds like ma, da, ba, and so on at the baby. Strike a conversation with the baby while feeding, bathing, or bonding with the baby. Tell the baby what is happening and all about other family members and pets. Help the child recognize objects and colors by saying things like, “Ah nice red ball, or cuddly brown bear.” Don’t just use single words say, “Mama loves baby.”

Interactive Learning Tools

Innovations in learning have been in existence since time immemorial. Early humans used the walls of the caves to express themselves and teach young ones. With time, humans used beads, terracotta plaques, and Abacus counters to teach. Colorful blocks and cards were used in memory games to sharpen retentive skills as well as recognition in children.

With the many innovations in technology and the fast pace life is taking, age-old methods of crooning songs while sitting with the child on a rocking chair, or spending hours just conversing with a child are fast changing. What is popular is interactive teaching materials that are fun, CDs and DVDs from companies like Smart Neurons and several other companies make learning a fun process. These are specially designed by language experts to enrich a child’s vocabulary of words while simultaneously placing them in the appropriate context. The CDs and DVDs are more than interesting, they stimulate natural language and promote learning through play.

Stay One Step Ahead

You will benefit if you make an effort to find out all you can about language development. There are self-help books as well as web sites and articles written by experts.

It is important to understand that the learning curve for every child is unique. Some talk early while others do so a little later but most do catch up. So, don’t be anxious and try and push the child. If in doubt, ask the doctor. Plan to spend quality time with the child, listen to the child’s moods and choices. Introduce laughter and joy by singing action songs, making comic faces, and playing “pat-a-cake.”

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