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Motivation To Succeed Develops In Early Childhood

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Motivation To Succeed Develops In Early Childhood

Disclaimer: None of the content of this article should be considered medical or psychological advice. You should consult with your health care professional for specific advice relating to your medical and psychological questions or conditions.

Have you ever heard about a child whom parents or teachers describe as lazy, unenthusiastic, and non-interested in any school subject or social activity? If yes, have you ever thought why this child is so low motivated, when he or she needs to do something demanding assiduity, diligence, patience, attention, tenacity, self-control and other important personal qualities?

While growing up these children meet obstacles in real life and do not find enough will power, strength of mind to overcome life difficulties and achieve goals. This happens because in childhood and during adolescent period, when important aspects of self-regulation and self-control build up, these children did not learn to be patient, assiduous and purposeful.

That is the reason why it is very important to make the basis of your child’s motivation to success, self-control, and self-regulation in early childhood. Sometimes it is much easier for parents just to close their eyes to many things thus allowing their child to do anything he or she wants and have “peace” without listening to the child crying or demanding anything. But this is not a way out of the situation, because now your child is having only a small problem, but while the child is growing up problems will be becoming more complicated and solving them will be much more difficult.

How can you help your child be more motivated?

1. Be sure that you are ready and have enough patience to talk and explain your child many things even there could be some misunderstandings and communication difficulties.

2. Do not be afraid to be strict sometimes, but at the same time try to explain all your actions, be reasonable and appeal to consciousness of your child. (For example, if your child does not want to make homework in math, explain your him or her, that now the most important thing is not the homework, but how strong and self-controlled he or she is, and the ability of doing important things, which children do not want to do.)

3. Teach your child to avoid words such as “I want to do…” and “I don’t want to do…” substitute these word-combinations with “I need to do…” and “I don’t need to do…”Also do not tell your child, that he or she is “the smartest, most clever…” or “the best person” in any field. Because when a person says: “I am the best…” it is the signal for unconscious mechanisms to stop accept new information. “The best” person does not need to learn or know anything. Isn’t he or she “the best” already? Instead of that, say: “I’m good in this today, and I will even be better tomorrow!”

4. Do not demand from your child fast results and improvements. Remember, you should begin with small tasks, like homework or house work help.

5. Teach your child to be enthusiastic and open to new knowledge and experience. Explain and show him or her that, for example, every subject in school can be much more interesting if they try to learn more about it.

Invest your time, efforts and teach your child to be motivated to achieve their goals with the help of patience, diligence, strength of mind, will power, and hard work. This will be one of the most important investments in your life, because in the future you will be very glad to see that your son or daughter is able to achieve their goals and become a successful person.
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BONUS : Moving With Kids Made Simple

If you plan to move this year, there's a lot to know before you go, especially if you have children.

As difficult as the move is for adults, it has a far greater impact on children. Psychologists tell us that moving is the third most traumatic event in a child's life, just after death and divorce. Not only do they have to adjust to a new home and school, but all their best friends will be gone.

With today's highly mobile society, relocation is a fact of life. But just because it's a necessity doesn't mean it has to be traumatic. There are many things that parents can do to make a move easier for their children.

When you first break the news, don't think you have to provide all the details right away. Family Psychologist Thomas T. Olkowski, Ph.D., says, "The best way to deal with the initial news is to give it some thought. I suggest giving it some time to sink in." A child will talk when it feels right. Then, children will have lots of questions. So parents need to be ready with appropriate answers.

Let Them Participate

In Planning

One of the most important things parents can do is to allow their children to participate in the planning process. Dr. Olkowski says, "This is a chance for a child to take part in the adventure of moving."

In addition to helping with important decisions, children should be involved with packing and unpacking their own belongings. Knowing where their possessions are gives them a little control over a situation that, otherwise, seems completely out of their control.

Another activity that Dr. Olkowski believes can make a difference is leaving a memorial behind. A child can plant a tree or hide a special toy where no one will ever find it. He says this creates a lasting connection, and lets the child feel that "they're a part of this house and it's a part of them, even though they're moving to a new neighborhood."

Exchange Gifts With Friends

It may also help to exchange gifts with their best friends. In this way, they'll know that something of theirs is with their friends, and they'll always have something special to help them remember their friends. And, of course, it's important to exchange e-mails and phone numbers so everyone can keep in touch. A reassuring phone call or e-mail can make it seem like nothing has changed at all.

When arriving in a new neighborhood, it's essential that parents walk the streets with their children, so they can become comfortable with their new surroundings. And before a child has to face a new school alone, it's a good idea to make a visit together, to break the ice. Just knowing the new teacher, and where the bathroom is, can reduce a great deal of anxiety.

Perhaps the most difficult moving experience for children is making new friends. This can be very awkward, but parents should take the time to teach their children how to easily introduce themselves. Using a few common tips, a child can have several new friends in no time.

Most Kids Actually Feel Better After A Move

Dr. Olkowski finds that most children adjust well in time, and actually feel they're better off after a move. He has learned that "they discover how moving can be fun, and in the end, they end up having even more friends."

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