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A Child S Love Of Learning Begins

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A Child's Love Of Learning Begins

Reading aloud may be the single most important activity parents do with their child.

That's because a child who is read to is more likely to enjoy reading and will want to learn to read. Once a child becomes passionate about reading-he or she will have the opportunity to enjoy a lifetime of learning.

According to Dr. Andrea Pastorok, education psychologist for Kumon Math and Reading Centers, reading aloud stimulates the brain and serves as the foundation for literacy development.

Studies show that the more a person reads, the better he or she becomes at it and students who read the most are more likely to stay in school and experience academic achievement.

Dr. Pastorok recommends these tips to make reading aloud fun and interesting for your children:

1. Begin reading aloud to your child as soon as possible. Reading to infants helps them develop a sense for the rhythm and pattern of language.

2. Remember, the art of listening is acquired. It must be taught and cultivated gradually. Read slowly enough for your child to build mental pictures of what he or she has just heard.

3. Reading aloud helps children develop their imaginations and creativity. Looking at illustrations also encourages an appreciation of art.

4. If chapters are too long for one reading session, find a suspenseful stopping point.

5. Use plenty of expression when reading. If possible, change the tone of your voice to fit the dialogue and adjust the pace of your voice to fit the story.

6. Avoid long descriptive passages until the child's imagination, vocabulary and attention span are capable of handling them.

7. Unusually active children may find it difficult to sit and listen. Paper, crayons and pencils allow them to keep their hands busy while listening.

8. Encourage conversation about what is being read. Foster a child's curiosity with patient answers to their questions.

9. Remember to set aside regular reading times each day for your child to read on his or her own.

Dr. Pastorok is an educational specialist with Kumon Math and Reading Centers. She has a doctorate in educational psychology, a master's degree in counseling psychology and more than 30 years' experience working with children.
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BONUS : A Childs Rocking Horse Will Keep Them Occupied And Amused

A child’s rocking horse is a toy for your child in the shape of a horse mounted on rockers. The rockers are essentially springs, which enable a child to rock and ride. The rocking movement entices many a child. It is also popular as a hobbyhorse. These riding toys give your child the illusion of riding a real horse and therefore are a favorite with most children.

Although only a small horse, a child’s rocking horse is strong enough for your child to sit and ride. It is in the shape of a typical horse with a head, legs, back, and tail. However, the hooves are along the bottom with curved bow type joints. These joints are similar to those commonly found in a rocking chair. These provide a forward and backward movement and allow your child to rock on the horse.

The child’s rocking horse also has proper footrests or straps which serve as stirrups. Your child can place its feet firmly into these stirrups. There are normally two handles at the sides of the horse, coming from the head portion. Your child can hold on to these handles for a firm grip while rocking on the toy.

The earliest known child’s rocking horse dates back to the middle Ages. Although initially such horses were for knights to practice jostling, later, Germany made such wooden horses as children’s toys in late 17th century or early 18th century. Nevertheless, only the rich could afford such toys for their children.

However, the scene changed later and the child’s rocking horse was present in almost every house all over the world. It is now so common that these toys are often in the attic even after the children outgrow such toys. The newer ones are also available in plastic rather than wooden. Despite the popularity of other toys like Barbie dolls, computer games, and robots, children find the simple rocking horse as enticing as ever.

Some of the child’s rocking horse also has real horsehair manes. Most of them are padded sufficiently to make them comfortable for your child to sit and rock. Some have reins and cloth saddles too. Colors of today’s rocking horses are now far from being the traditional grey or brown. You can choose from an array of bright and vibrant colors. Other accessories are also available in leather, fabric, and similar others.

Innovative models of the child’s rocking horse include the rocking horse toilet. This toy serves the dual-purpose of being a child’s toy and helps you teach basic toilet etiquette to your child. Prices for such toys range from $200 to $3,500 depending on your choice of the toy. However, always keep a watchful eye on children younger than four years while riding this horse.

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