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Monitor Children On The Internet

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Monitor Children On The Internet

It is a fact that many children today have access to the World Wide Web which allows them to be in touch with a lot of information that is exposed every day in our society throughout this media. If you have children, it is very important that you have some sort of monitoring so that you may be able to be fully aware of their actions while they are connected to the Internet. To monitor children on the Internet is as important as giving your kids advices on several aspects of their lives; you will find out, if you talk to them, that they are exposed to many different topics and opinions which may have been impossible for them to acquire otherwise.

Monitoring children Internet gives you the option to be fully aware of the actions that your kids take while they are connected to the biggest and most impressive net of information that has ever been conceived by mankind. If you monitor children on the Internet you will find out many different things that you were unaware of; it is a proven statistical fact that more than half of the kids that surf the Internet today have been exposed to pornographic material which was handled in an unnatural manner, this means that your kids are getting wrong information about delicate subjects without your knowledge, that is why monitor children Internet is extremely important for anyone.

However, it is not pornographic content which is extremely dangerous for your kids to acknowledge, there are many other dangers that you needs to have avoided or controlled while your kid is online, and the only way to accomplish this is my monitor children on the Internet using specific software or programs. Your kids are always exposed to danger while they are connected; for example, have you any idea of the amount of hours that your kids spend chatting with others? Of course you don't, and do you know that most of these conversations are out of direct control from your kid?

At least half of the time that your kid spends chatting with anyone he is talking to people that he doesn't even know, there are criminals that pretend to be someone else in order to get information from children and then using it for their advantage. That and many other reasons are why you should monitor children on the Internet for their own safety. It is also very important that you keep track of all of their activities while you are monitoring children Internet so that you may have all of the required knowledge to lead them in the right direction.
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BONUS : Monitoring Your Child’s Computer For Their Safety

What websites did your child visit this week? Did any of those websites contain porn, illegal content, or content that you would not allow your child to be exposed to?

What did your child receive in their email this week? Did someone from Bulgaria, Russia, or Thailand send them pornography? How about someone who lives even closer to you? What did they send your child?

Did anyone approach your child about sex in an Internet chat room this week? Did someone invite them to run away from home or to secretly meet with them offline?

Was your child approached through his or her Instant Messenger about sex this week?

You don't know? You hope not? You think that if it happened they would have told you about it? Or do you just think that none of that can happen to your child because you have some sort of content filter installed?

As a parent you have to be proactive. If you did not know the answers to those questions I mentioned above then your child is at risk of being taken advantage of by a child sex predator.

No, I am not just being an alarmist. I am not chicken little and the sky is not falling. However children are falling prey to online sex predators far too often.

Besides that, they are being exposed to pornography, inappropriate content, and even illegal content. If that does not concern you it should.

If your child is trading in pirated music, movies, and software, you can be sued for thousands of dollars. Do you really think saying, "You should not do that" is enough if there is a song or a movie they really want and they know you will never find out about it?

Child sex predators online are very, very smart. Smarter than your child. They can chat with your child for months gathering bits and pieces of personal information they can use to stalk or kidnap your child.

Spammers send out porn to every email address they can get. Is your child's email address among them. Is your child being sent pornography by email? Does it concern you that they might?

And whom are they talking to in that chatroom or on their instant messenger? Is it a friend they met online or someone who is out to do them harm? Do you need for something to happen before you do anything about it?

I am CEO of a missing children organization called the Kidsearch Network and have had to go out and search for more than 80 missing children. We have found a lot of them safe and sound, but we have also been on cases that turned out to be a homicide by a child abductor. Believe me when I tell you this. You do not want to wait until something happens before you do something to make sure your child is safe online.

The software is not expensive nor is it complicated to use, so you have no excuse as a parent for not knowing the answers to the questions I have asked you in this article. Our organization has no affiliation with the companies that provide this software. We make no money by promoting the use of the computer monitoring software. We just want your child to be safe.

You can even try it out for free. Go to for more information. It even tells you by email or by your cellphone whenever your child views inappropriate content. You control what websites your child cannot visit. You monitor their email for when inappropriate content is there.

If you monitor your child’s computer, the next time I ask those questions, you will be able to say yes.

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