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Meta Patterns Genius A Simple Game To Increase A Child S Intelli

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Meta Patterns & Genius - A Simple Game To Increase A Child's Intelligence

As a side effect in my life long study of human excellence, genius and creativity, I have discovered ONE particular thinking pattern that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE in:

- understanding the world
- problem solving
- innovation and creativity
- and even inner harmony.

This is a meta filter which people LEARN, they are NOT born "that way", and it is a really profound one that makes the difference between a great thinker and someone who isn't, at the end of the day.

This filter is about whether a person sorts all manner of incoming information by difference, or by similarity.

Fascinatingly, across the board, children's games are games of "difference".

Spot the difference; Sesame Street's "One of these things just doesn't belong here ..."; and many, MANY other strategies across the board and all the educational modalities reward this "sorting by differences".

The side effect of sorting by difference is to compartmentalise the world into ever smaller blocks of detail; this leads directly, and I mean directly, in completely logical cause and effect fashion to losing the ability to "see the big picture".

In neuro-linguistic terms, the movement from a normal sized picture into more and more detail is called "chunking down".

This is when we stop looking at the car, and instead focus on a single wheel, and then the hub of a single wheel, and the the screw with the hub, and then a single turn of the screw, and deeper and deeper into the details of the thing, until we're in quarks and neutrons territory and no-one knows or cares that we ever started with a bright red motor car.

Now, there is nothing wrong per se with "chunking down" into details of a thing; where it becomes immensely DANGEROUS for a person, and for many people in their collective societies, is when EVERYBODY thinks like that - apart from a few "visionaries" that is, of course, who will become the leaders.


A general MUST be able to see the bigger picture; a king must; an industry leader; ANY leader MUST have the magical ability to zoom out and perceive huge arrays of objects IN PERSPECTIVE in order to discover the meta patterns that make up the WHOLE situation.

In the education systems the world over, children are not raised and trained to become LEADERS. That explains why the "downchunk movement" into detail is being taught and fostered at every turn; people who are only comfortable with "small chunk thinking" and will turn immediately to chunking down EVEN FURTHER in moments of crisis, because that movement is THE ONLY movement they know and are familiar with, make great soldiers, factory workers, low level clerics - great ants, in other words.

But the fact is that to "think in the opposite direction", to zoom out to see the bigger picture, is a simple as a child's game - we just need to reverse it.

Instead of playing endless versions of, "What's the difference?" we start asking instead, "What's the SAME?"

It is then the meta patterns become revealed and the MOVEMENT OUT towards the "bigger picture" begins to occur naturally.

This is such a simple, and yet such an INCREDIBLE thing.

Consider this.

We may ask, "What's THE SAME about a black boy, and a white boy?" and the answer is ready and clear - "They're both boys!"

We may ask, "What's the SAME about a little boy and a little girl?" and we may receive the answer, "They're both human beings."

EVERY person needs to be able to ZOOM BOTH WAYS - into the details, and out to biggest possible picture, and back again.

EVERY person CAN do that - it is just a question of encouraging the neglected and secret "bigger picture" movement from an early age, and THAT in itself is as simple as to say to a child, "What's THE SAME about your teddy and your doll?"

For any adult who seeks to really re-connect to their own creativity and POWER TO DETECT THE META PATTERNS of our lives and our environments, it is the same game.

"What's THE SAME about the last five movies you've watched? What's THE SAME about the last 15 successful advertising campaigns the competitors ran? What's THE SAME about me and other people?"

There is a structural re-connection that is astonishing which occurs so naturally as a by product of asking that simple question, which is indeed profound, and profoundly healing.

I do believe that the answers lie in the meta patterns, and in our ability to PERCEIVE THEM CLEARLY.

If we get, as individuals AND as societies, those meta patterns right, then the details will NATURALLY take care of themselves - that's the way it works.

"They" say that the devil lies in the detail - it could well be so that salvation can be found indeed, in all of us starting to pay much more attention to "the bigger picture".
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BONUS : Metaphysical Parenting

In EmoTrance, we have the concept of the "Creative Template".

That is who a person was designed to be by the Creative Order at the moment of conception; and then this Creative Template moves through time to its ultimate conclusion, which is death of the physical body and transcendency of those energy systems which are not reliant on the physical body.

The purpose of the Creative Template in EmoTrance is to have people connect with a TRUTH about themselves that is THERE, that is really true, not an idealisation or a fantasy; we all have a Creative Template.

People make unfortunate health goals for example, or appearance goals, personal performance goals, that are either based on:

1. Themselves BACK in time - when they were 16 or something, or "before the accident" which causes CHAOS when applied to a 50 year old who is actually AFTER the accident;


2. Someone who isn't them at all - that's when a red haired Xena The Warrior Princess type girl tries to become Brittany Spears, or even worse, when a fully grown black man tries to become Bridget Bardot when she was 18.

Clearly, in personal health, developement and so on you need to make a goal that is based on YOU at the RIGHT TIME, future orientated, forward pointing; so we evoke the Creative Template of a person so we have something to consciously move towards in healing or restoration.

It's a wonderful thing to find something that is so exclusively yours and STILL so amazingly inspiring; and when we make practitioners look at the Creative Template of their clients so they know what we mean by "Even Flow" or getting a person's energy system to work the way the Creative Order DESIGNED IT TO WORK IN THE FIRST PLACE (no superhuman nonsense, just as it was designed!), they burst out into tears and are amazed at how remarkable these Creative Templates are.

There is then also an immediate DEEP, DEEP DESIRE in both the client and the practitioner to HELP THE TEMPLATE BE MANIFEST, to do whatever we can to right what once went wrong and get back with that, move towards that, the true Even Flow *for that one specific, unique person*.

What does that have to do with parenting, you might ask?

Well, when I was first exploring the Creative Template, it came to pass that I got very distressed about my kid and didn't know what to do with him, how to help him, how to make things better, how to ensure he would have a good future.

It just so happened that in the middle of being distraught, the instruction to the EmoTrance practitioners to "see the Creative Template" floated into my mind, and for a split second, I did.

I DID see the kid's Creative Template.

I was completely blown away by it; totally overawed and what happened was that I felt ashamed that I should ever have DOUBTED him, or his inherent strength, his power, and the fact that he was living HIS OWN life here.

I got very calm right away, and I remember dedicating myself, just as we do in EmoTrance, automatically to ASSIST this amazing being in whatever way I possibly could. Not as a "mother" with all the disturbance that entails, but as one human being, unconditionally, to another.

I am not kidding when I say that this experience changed my life and my relationship with the child profoundly, and I've never looked back.

It changed *me* and in changing me, it changed him.

I've never doubted him really since, and he doesn't doubt himself nearly as much as he did, and when he does, it really is top level stuff all kids have to deal with in these stupid societies of ours.

I've since advised other parents in moments of freakouts to do that, to look not at what they think they see when they see their child, but at their Creative Template instead.

That is an INCREDIBLE being, not the little whiner who makes your life hell, or some defective disapointment from the ideal little sweet child of fantasy and make belief.

That is REAL and it is right here in your life.

To just get a little taste of that is life changing.

To the child, to have a parent who SAW THAT IN THEM must be life changing also.

It MUST be.

To have your parent see YOU for what you REALLY are, just for one instant, and that's quite enough, is the dream of all children - you've made mummy or daddy proud, they admire you unconditionally, you don't have to prove anything anymore.

Just imagine your parents had given you that, how different so many things would be.

But all metaphysics aside, this is a very practical thing.

It holds the answers for the moments when you as a parent are at your wit's end, and you don't know what you should do.

Once you've touched the Creative Template, no matter how briefly again, you DO know. It tells you somehow.

It re-assures you and puts all things back in perspective.

And it makes you love them with all your heart, no matter what, and that, not washing their socks or running rings around them, is what makes a great parent, at the end of the day.

So simple, such profound results.

All parents should know this, not just EmoTrance practitioners.

Try it for yourself. Even if you can only get a brief flash of what the Creative Template really is, it will help you be a better parent - and give you a real tool for those moments of crisis.

"La MĂ©thode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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