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Making Your Child A Part Of The Homeschooling Process

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Making Your Child A Part Of The Homeschooling Process

There are a myriad of different reasons why people choose to homeschool their children: there is the economic benefit of avoiding high private school fees; there is the convenience of scheduling schooling around other family activities etc. . . One of the most important benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility with which you can tailor your child's education. It is a well known fact that every individual has individual needs, and homeschooling allows you to create a learning environment that suits your child particularly.

When you undergo homeschooling, it is important that you have a clear curriculum and mind and a plan to execute it. But within that plan, you should understand that you have a tremendous amount of flexibility: there are many different ways that a child can learn something, and many different things to learn in a given subject.

One of the best ways that you can ensure a high level of learning retention is to encourage your child to take a personal interest in his or her education. Although this may seem obvious, many people growing up who went though a traditional school system will probably agree that their education was received in an authoritative way: schooling and your education was something that was done to you, not with you.

When homeschooling, however, you can take advantage of the almost unlimited flexibility at your disposal and let your child take a more active role. While you can't, obviously, let your child do whatever he or she wants education-wise, you should always explain to him or her a given education plan, and see what he thinks.

For example, when you start your school day, outline the plan for the day with your child. Depending on his or her age you can also explain the reasoning behind the plan. If there are any things the child seems averse to doing, try and take them seriously. You should not, of course, avoid certain subjects or activities simply because your child doesn't like them. You should, however, ask your child why he or she doesn't like something in the day's plan, and to suggest alternatives. In many cases you will be pleasantly surprised by what your child comes up with, and be able to incorporate it into the day's work.

As much as possible, you should have a list of alternatives in mind for assigned activities. The idea is to try and think of alternative activities that accomplish the same task. If your child protests against a certain exercise, then, you can offer them an alternative. This can be extremely effective in getting your children to learn material that they dislike.

Oftentimes the child simply has to feel that he or she is more in control of the situation to enjoy it. Even though you are ultimately controlling your child's education, by granting them small allowances and choices, while still sticking with the larger picture, everybody wins: your child feels he is doing what he wants to do, and you are still teaching your child what you want him to learn.
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BONUS : Match-safety Tips For Parents And Children

Americans use more than 500 billion matches per year to light anything from birthday candles to campfires. Watching their parents light candles, gas stoves or barbecues, children

often become fascinated with the allure of dancing flames and sparks.

Because children have a natural curiosity about fire, they might experiment with it when adults are not around to supervise. That's why it is important to teach children at an early age about match safety and the danger of fire, as well as the difference between a controlled flame and one that is unsafe.

Birthday parties and other family events provide opportunities for parents to demonstrate match and fire safety. Diamond, the No. 1 producer of wooden matches in the United States, offers the following safety tips.

* Always keep matches in a secured drawer or locked cabinet away from curious children.

* Encourage children to tell an adult when they have found matches in a place that is easily accessible to them.

* When lighting candles on a birthday cake, use the occasion to discuss match safety with children and demonstrate proper safety practices. Use Diamond's Birthday Candle Matches, which are twice as long as standard wooden matches, to easily light candles and keep your fingertips away from the flame's reach.

* Once a match is used, discard it properly. If you blow out a match and throw it in the trash, there is a danger that it might not be totally extinguished. To reduce this risk, use the Diamond MatchGuard, a new matchbox design with a push-to-open match drawer and safety disposal chamber for extinguished matches.

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