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Kids And Cars Tips To Keep Your Children Safe

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Kids And Cars: Tips To Keep Your Children Safe

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more children are killed as passengers in car accidents than by any other type of injury.

Many of these deaths and injuries can be avoided with the proper use of child safety seats and seat belts. While 97 percent of parents believe they install and use child safety seats properly, NHTSA reports that nearly 73 percent of child seats are installed and/or used incorrectly.

The following are some tips on child safety in and around motor vehicles.

* Never position a child in the path of a front air bag. Kids of all ages are safest when properly restrained in the back seat.

* Always keep a child secured in a child restraint. Make sure the harness straps and the seat itself are not loose and that your child is the right age and weight for the restraint used.

* Before getting into the vehicle, check for children around the area, behind your vehicle and in the street. When backing out, roll down the window and listen to hear if children are playing near your car or calling out to you, check rearview and side mirrors for children (or pets) and honk to give a warning that you are moving your car.

* Never let your child ride on your lap. It is not only unsafe, it is illegal in all 50 states.

Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge service specialists provide these additional reminders for child safety:

* Never leave a child unattended in a car.

* Always keep the car locked, including the trunk or hatch.

* Keep fold-down seats in the upright and closed position so children do not crawl into the trunk.

* Keep car keys out of reach and sight of children.

* If a child gets locked in a car and cannot get out, immediately call 911 for assistance.

There is no substitute for having a child's safety seat professionally checked.
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BONUS : Kids And Money Guide

As the name of our website suggests we help you in managing your finances when you think it is time that you had a baby but are worried about the cost and responsibility of a new life on your shoulders and pockets.

Expecting a baby soon? Worried how you’ll be able to manage in the limited finances after it’s born? Worried about your child’s higher education? Well, we have the solution to your problems. At, not only do we help you sort out your financial problems but we also explain as to how to go about explaining to your child the need to save money for a rainy day!

Soon you may be incurring expenditure for diapers, baby soap, cradle, cots and the works. Within a few years you will be preparing for clothes, shoes, education, sports equipment, dates and bikes. We need to finance our children not only till the time they are in university but also until they start earning substantially. Therefore, the need for our intelligence in saving rises substantially.


Money does not grow on trees and we all require more than what we have. Therefore, it is essential we plan for our child’s education. It should be pre-planned so as to bear the cost of what our child chooses to do in the future. Planning helps in appropriate allocation of resources to the required areas.

Teaching the child

It is very essential to teach the child about managing finances. Giving the child pocket money and allowing them to make small personal expenses and then explaining the need to control expenditure and savings. And as a child grows up a bank account should also be opened so that he can learn the details of banking as well as managing his money.
Basically, two things need to be done simultaneously - the children should be taught the power of money and the things they can buy and at the same time also telling them to refrain from spending on whatever they desire. They have to be taught that a balance can lead to success and an imbalance otherwise.

Investing for the future

Certain investments should be made in the name of the child maturing with the child and ready-to-use at an age when required. Further, at an age when the child is in his late teens he should be allowed to make a responsible choice of taking financial loans for his needs whether educational or otherwise. Such efforts enable the child to realize the value for money making them more responsible and aware.

Exploring various options

While sending children to college it should be taken care that all colleges have been carefully explored and scanned and all benefits such as scholarships and needs-based grant monies should be taken advantage of.

To have a successful financial life for your children, make the right moves now and bear incredible benefits in the future.

"La Méthode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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