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A Bedtime Routine For Your Baby

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A Bedtime Routine For Your Baby

As soon as possible, you should start a bedtime routine with your baby. You can start when the baby is six to eight weeks old, and your baby will surely reap benefits from the early routine setup. Establishing a stipulated system will make your baby appreciable of the consistent pattern. The baby will be comfortable knowing beforehand what is it follow next. This would facilitate better and faster sleep for your baby. Even without your presence in the house, make an attempt to maintain the routine of the baby. And when you try to settle down your baby in a new place, the routine will ease the baby.

Some tips that you can involve in organizing the routine of the baby are giving your baby a bath, helping him to get into pajamas, telling stories, or playing a game. Select activities that soothe the mind rather than those that excite the mind, because they would help your baby to fall asleep faster.

Keeping track of a baby by following a bedtime routine is beneficial to both the parents and the baby. At the fag end of the day, the routine gives an opportunity for the child and the parent to create a special bond between them. Following are a few ideas worth a try:

At times you should allow the baby to let his stored energy to escape before you settle him down. Two good ways to do so are bouncing in a bouncer or on a knee or having a ride on a horse. When the excitement is done with, change into an activity that is quieting and relaxing. Follow this only when your little one goes to sleep effortlessly during bedtime, or it might be too much excitement for him.

Bath is a bedtime routine that is calming. A warm bath cleans the baby and makes him relax. You can try an aromatherapy bath by putting some scented lavender oil into the warm water. But then again if you see that your baby cannot adjust with a bath at night and feels uncomfortable and cannot go to sleep, then it would be prudent to strike it out from the list of bedtime routines.

Indulging in some quiet playing games can bring some fun moments to the bedtime ritual, like a floor game, stacking blocks, or peek-a-boo.

One of the most famous bedtime routine that almost all parents do is reading stories to the baby at night. This ritual has many benefits – it introduces your baby to the new world where he would grow up to be through a huge vocabulary and is a step towards acquiring skills of language.

Singing is another idea. Sing a popular song and let the process grow into a tradition in your family. By and by your baby will understand that when the song ends its time for him to get some shut-eye.

On the way to the bed, bid good night to inanimate objects in the house like favorite toys and other items. You can also include pets and other family members – this way your baby will get acquainted with the various things in the house and would begin to understand and identify things by their names. Leave out no stuffed toy because they would be his childhood playmates for sometime.

A host of other activities could be included in your bedtime routine. Indulge yourself and the baby with the fun methods and let them be a great time for the two of you.
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BONUS : A Bedtime Story For A New Day

Every child loves a bedtime story. Good stories inspire the imagination and create a sense of drama and suspense. Stories are as old as the bible and as new as the latest published book.

There are many different type of bedtime stories, but the best ones are stories that moms and dads can read to their children; a story that grandparents can share with their grandchildren. Every good story invites the reader to ask the question, “What’s coming next?” So, too, a good bedtime story intrigues readers, helps them sleep well, and gets them excited to greet a new day when they wake up.

Today, many people live in fear. Boys and girls are caught up in this negative way of thinking because the stories they hear are filled with violence and terrorism that destroy human relationships. These stories feed upon misunderstanding, intolerance, and hatred–lumbering along like dinosaurs that trample millions in the wake of their steps to make a world of fear, anxiety, and darkness. It is time for the light of a new day—a day of understanding, peace, and love in our world. It is time to respect the dignity of every person whose unique differences make creation what God intended it to be. May we wake up to a new day when we celebrate the riches of our diversity.

A brand new book, The Rainbow Chronicles: A Bedtime Story for a New Day offers a positive alternative. Dads and sons, moms and daughters can read this book and make the story grow into something beautiful. Our world needs old and young people to share their beauty and join with the grandeur of all people. Our world needs the positive examples of adults to be role models who inspire young people to live joy-filled, positive lives. Our world needs the faith, prayers, and effort of young people to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, like petals of the dark-purple tulips, so that future generations will wake up to a better day.

Each of us is called to be a dwelling place for the Rainbow’s End. Each of us is invited to welcome the Throne of the Almighty into our hearts. No matter what belief system, physical appearance, gender, age, family background, race, or ethnic heritage, whether married or single, I encourage you to make a difference for good in the way you and your family touch the lives of others through loving actions.

So, what is coming next? More dinosaurs or more flowers? A desert or a garden? In many ways, it’s up to you! Make sure to buy, read and act on this book. May you bring the Rainbow’s End home to yourself, your family, neighborhood, and community, your place of worship, and yes, to the ends of our earth. May you strive to help others write The Rainbow Chronicles in their lives. May the breath of the Almighty, the Holy Spirit, always whisper love in and through you.

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