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It S Not Back To School For Everyone

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It's Not Back To School For Everyone

Labor day is just around the corner and most parents are busy with back to school shopping, while kids are savoring their last sweet days of summer. But there is a growing population of children who are not gearing up to return to school. These are homeschoolers. They do not have to wait to see what classes they were assigned. They choose their own courses of study with help from their parents, an eye toward state requirements and college admissions recommendations, and possibly with the guidance of a Homeschooling Consultant.

“Parents new to homeschooling call me to help them plan curriculum, meet state requirements, and figure out how to provide their kids with social opportunities,” explains Rivka Seeman, a private Homeschooling Consultant based here in New York City. “Parents who are already homeschooling may call to discuss something that is not working, or to find creative opportunities for their children to learn outside the home. Sometimes teenagers find my website and prompt their parents to call. It’s all about giving parents a greater diversity of options so they can provide their children with the education that will be best for them,” Rivka continues. “For some kids that will mean going to school, but for some kids it doesn’t.”

Unlike children returning to school, their education will not take place in one building this year. It will take place at home, at the library, at several museums, at sports classes, at an art class at their community college, at the nursing home where they volunteer, at their home run businesses, at their community gardens, and on a walking tour of the city. It will take place while they lie barefoot in the grass happily reading a good book. They will be learning wherever and whenever and their learning will not stop with the ringing of a bell at 3:00.
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BONUS : Jogging Strollers & Car Seats For Kids

Gone are the days that a stroller was just a stroller. Today, jogging strollers are extremely popular among the active parent who likes to combine a leisurely jog while taking their little one along for the ride. Designed to be used by either men or women, the jogging stroller was first introduced in the 1980's and has steadily grown in popularity since then.

If you are considering the purchase of a jogging stroller, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100.00 to $300.00 depending on the quality and features of the unit. All jogging strollers require a 16" fixed front wheel, which provides the jogger with additional control over uneven areas and/or bumps on their route. In addition, it allows for greater ease when traveling over curbs and other similar surfaces. Jogging strollers also feature a built-in shock to help promote a smoother ride for both your child’s body and your own. A taller parent will enjoy the benefits of selecting a jogging stroller with an adjustable handlebar. Some children, especially those that are still young and require head support, will need to have a stroller that features a reclining seat.

Speaking of traveling, when it’s too far to jog, you and your child will have to be prepared for highway travel. In order to do this, a car seat is required for your child’s safety and should be placed in the backseat facing the rear of the automobile. If you need help getting the car seat installed in your vehicle, you can take it to a local car dealership and ask that they provide assistance with the installation. This will ensure that the car seat is properly secured in your vehicle and will help to avoid any mishaps while traveling.

As you are shopping for car seats, take the time to make sure you are buying a quality product above all else. While cost is a consideration, safety has to come first when it relates to your child. Make sure to check out the sturdiness of any car seat before you use it and confirm that it is assembled correctly. In addition, you will need to make sure that the particular car seat that you purchase has not been involved in a recall by visiting the manufacturer’s website. If you already own a car seat and learn that it has been involved in a recall, stop using the product immediately and call the manufacturer for further instructions on how to handle the repair, replacement or refund of the product.

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