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A Balanced Diet For Your Kids

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A Balanced Diet For Your Kids

As a parent, one issue that is constantly on my mind is that of ensuring my children are properly nourished. Fortunately, my children have the eating habits of J.R.R. Tolkien’s hobbits- they eat at least three breakfasts before lunch. This gives me ample opportunity to ensure that their nutrition intake is set for the rest of the day.

I am sure that other parents have the same concerns, though possibly not the easy time I have with feeding my kids. I would like to share some of the nutrition “secrets” I have encountered in my seemingly endless trips to the refrigerator to keep my little hollowed out munchers happy.

The first secret is that nutrition is not a secret at all. Every container of food you buy has nutritional values listed on a label on the side. These values are very important in determining whether or not the charges of the stay-at-home parent are receiving all the vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and the hundred other nutritional necessities that keep the mind of the stay-at-home parent occupied.

The second important secret is milk. Milk is the nectar of the gods. By making sure your kids drink just one cup of milk with each meal, you will have taken care of their body’s needs for vitamins A, D and B12, as well as calcium, some iron content and even protein. Other dairy products also help fill these needs, so cheese and yogurt are also good add-ons for snacks or to meals.

Breakfast foods such as oatmeal and most cereals are also chock-full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Sugar cereals should be used sparingly, as a treat. There are lots of other ways to add some zing to a cereal that kids may otherwise think of as bland. Breakfast can also include fruit (bananas are an especially good power food) and juice, although too much juice in a day is bad both for a child’s sugar intake and their teeth. Kids should be allowed some juice, though, and the new style fruit and veggie juice is ideal as it tastes just like regular juice but contains vegetable content as well (such as spinach and carrots), and thus is a good equalizer for a child who is finicky about their vegetables.

Whole wheat bread is also very important to a child’s diet. They will only think it is undesirable if a parent or schoolmate points it out to them. Whole wheat bread, specifically Dempster’s brand, is brimming with nutritional goodness.

Recent studies have suggested that vegetables bought frozen may actually be healthier than those cooked fresh. The freezing locks the nutrients into the vegetable immediately, and does not allow the leeching out that otherwise begins as soon as the vegetable is picked from the ground.

There are some foods that may seem like a good idea for a snack or supplement to a meal, but in fact they need to be avoided. Uppermost among these are dried banana chips. These little nuggets are actually deep fried, and just a handful contain more fat than a Big Mac! Make sure that you know how the food you are feeding your kids is processed before considering it a healthy choice.
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BONUS : A Bedtime Routine For Your Baby

As soon as possible, you should start a bedtime routine with your baby. You can start when the baby is six to eight weeks old, and your baby will surely reap benefits from the early routine setup. Establishing a stipulated system will make your baby appreciable of the consistent pattern. The baby will be comfortable knowing beforehand what is it follow next. This would facilitate better and faster sleep for your baby. Even without your presence in the house, make an attempt to maintain the routine of the baby. And when you try to settle down your baby in a new place, the routine will ease the baby.

Some tips that you can involve in organizing the routine of the baby are giving your baby a bath, helping him to get into pajamas, telling stories, or playing a game. Select activities that soothe the mind rather than those that excite the mind, because they would help your baby to fall asleep faster.

Keeping track of a baby by following a bedtime routine is beneficial to both the parents and the baby. At the fag end of the day, the routine gives an opportunity for the child and the parent to create a special bond between them. Following are a few ideas worth a try:

At times you should allow the baby to let his stored energy to escape before you settle him down. Two good ways to do so are bouncing in a bouncer or on a knee or having a ride on a horse. When the excitement is done with, change into an activity that is quieting and relaxing. Follow this only when your little one goes to sleep effortlessly during bedtime, or it might be too much excitement for him.

Bath is a bedtime routine that is calming. A warm bath cleans the baby and makes him relax. You can try an aromatherapy bath by putting some scented lavender oil into the warm water. But then again if you see that your baby cannot adjust with a bath at night and feels uncomfortable and cannot go to sleep, then it would be prudent to strike it out from the list of bedtime routines.

Indulging in some quiet playing games can bring some fun moments to the bedtime ritual, like a floor game, stacking blocks, or peek-a-boo.

One of the most famous bedtime routine that almost all parents do is reading stories to the baby at night. This ritual has many benefits – it introduces your baby to the new world where he would grow up to be through a huge vocabulary and is a step towards acquiring skills of language.

Singing is another idea. Sing a popular song and let the process grow into a tradition in your family. By and by your baby will understand that when the song ends its time for him to get some shut-eye.

On the way to the bed, bid good night to inanimate objects in the house like favorite toys and other items. You can also include pets and other family members – this way your baby will get acquainted with the various things in the house and would begin to understand and identify things by their names. Leave out no stuffed toy because they would be his childhood playmates for sometime.

A host of other activities could be included in your bedtime routine. Indulge yourself and the baby with the fun methods and let them be a great time for the two of you.

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