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It Just Takes A Little Creativity

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It Just Takes A Little Creativity

If you are a parent, particularly of an elementary or junior high aged girl, then you know all about sleepovers. The chances are that your daughter has both attended and hosted many of these blessed events. The problem with sleepovers is that they are mostly the same. Girls gather at a home, pizza and other snacks are served, silly games are played, a movie is watched and then the girls stay up way too late into the night. My daughters and I have been thinking of ways to host a unique sleepover, and we've learned that all it takes is a little creativity.

I began to brainstorm new ideas for sleepovers after my daughters kept coming home saying that every party had been boring and pretty much the same. We sat down around our kitchen table one morning and determined to let our creativity have the best of us.

Our creativity quickly led us to one of the best ideas we have for our next big sleepover: a themed party. We thought it might be fun for us and for all thirteen girls that are coming to our home to center the sleepover around a theme. Because summer is quickly approaching and yet seems so far away we decided to do a beach theme for the sleepover. Use your creativity though, because any theme will do depending on the time of year and on the age and interests of the children attending.

Once we had determined our theme we went to what logically seemed like the next important thing to determine: the menu. Our creativity quickly led us to a long list of meal and snack ideas that would reinforce our beach theme and make the sleepover fun and unique for both my girls and their friends. We are going to have frozen fruit drinks, exotic fruit cabobs, and other snacks that might be found on a peach. Instead of ordering pepperoni pizza we are going to take time to let each girl make an individual pizza with any toppings she chooses.

After we nailed down our sleepover menu we focused our creativity on coming up with fun games and activities to keep the girls entertained without using movies or television. We decided on a hula-hoop contest and on making beach bags out of scrap pieces of fabric. We wanted to let the girls spend use their own creativity during the sleepover as well.

The sky is the limit when you use your creativity to plan the next sleepover or party happening at your house. Involve your kids in the process and enjoy it. For once you might have a little fun with so many kids running around.
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BONUS : It's Important To Get Your Hands On A Certified Copy Of Birth Certificate

A spill over of our technological era is the increasing importance attached to identification.

A decade or two ago, word of mouth is a perfectly valid way to identify yourself, but presently, that would just not be enough.

Identification is so important in our world today such that we must always have available a certified copy of birth certificate.

A certified copy of birth certificate is a pre requisite for obtaining documents, and an identification from the local DMV being one of those things.

Many people, including this writer often underestimate the importance of the certified copy of birth certificate, until when we need an important document and we are asked to produce a certificate.

I realized this when I moved from Washington to Las Vegas and finally Oregon.

In my first migration, I got my State of Nevada identification without any hassle.

Then it happened four years later...

After staying in Las Vegas for some time, I never needed my certified copy of birth certificate. Later, I discovered that I had actually lost this vital piece of document.

Four years later, the call of duty took me to Oregon. It was time to get an Oregon identification card.

But instead of getting the card in fifteen minutes as was the case in Las Vegas, I got the shocker of my life.

The official at the counter in a clipped voice told me he can't issue an identification card in Oregon that says I am a female if am not.

Of course, I am a woman! I have been since the day I was born. So I did the next logical thing: I enquired as to what in heavens name she meant.

Then I got another shocker, the lady alerted me that my Las Vegas ID card indicated I was a male!

How I missed this for four years I will never know.

My saving grace the official said is a certified copy of birth certificate as proof that I am a woman. It is needless to guess the outcome; I don't have one.

In the end, I happened to have my son’s certified copy of birth certificate which worked as proof that I must be a woman.

I tell you, I will never walk out of a DMV again without making sure I’m a woman!

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