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Is Private School Right For My Child

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Is Private School Right For My Child?

You are considering a private school. Why is that? If you believe that by sticking your child in a private school that things will just get better for them, you may be making a big mistake. That is, you should send your child to a private school only if it is going to benefit him, not you. Many parents decide that secluding their child in this type of school will allow them to do better and avoid the problems that teens face. Yet, what you do not know is that they are probably going to face then anyway.

Drugs, alcohol, sex, and other teen pressures will happen no matter where they go and what they do. Instead of making a private school a punishment or a way to try and shield them from this, deal with these problems and then determine if this type of educational environment is right for your child.

When Is It Right?

To know when your child may be better off in a private school, ask yourself these questions.

Do you feel that the school that they are currently in is not capable of providing the academics that you feel are necessary for your child?
Have you tried to work with your teen on how to handle peer pressure, but feel that there is too much danger where they are nonetheless?
Will your child react that this private school is a punishment or will you try to explain to them that this will help them to become a better student?
Does the private school provide for the academics you need your child to have, the type of discipline that you believe in and the means to enforce it?
Will you still commit to helping your child through the problems they face, one on one even if they are not at a school locally?
What do you really want to accomplish from the private setting? Is this realistic?

Take some time to determine what a private school really can offer your child. In most cases, they will still be faced with all the temptations that other teens are. Making the right choice can happen if you to talk to your child, their teachers and your spouse.
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BONUS : Is Your Baby’s Size Normal

All mothers watch their children’s development closely. We get worried if they’re too small, or too big, too short or too tall. But, just like adults, babies come in all shapes and sizes. When you take your baby to the pediatrician for her well baby checkups, they will rank your baby’s size. Here’s some idea of how it will work.

When your baby is weighed and measured, the pediatrician will tell you where your baby’s weight and length rank in terms of a “percentile”. This simply tells you how your baby compares to other babies of the same age. For example, if your baby’s weight falls into the 80th percentile, it means she weighs more than 80 percent of babies her age. Some people seem to think ranking in a high percentile is a good thing, because it means the baby is thriving. However, this is not necessarily the case. A baby in the 40th percentile might be thriving, but just destined to be a small person. For example, my daughter has consistently ranked in about the 50th percentile, and she is very healthy, and has plenty of meat on her bones. My husband and I are not very large people, and it seems that she has simply inherited our body size.

Your baby’s length will be ranked in exactly the same way, and can give you an idea of whether your baby will be tall, medium or average in height. If both you and your husband are short, don’t expect a baby to rank in the 90th percentile in height, though it can happen.

One thing you do need to look for is a major difference between the height and weight percentiles. They should be pretty close. If your baby is in the 40th percentile in height, and 90th in weight, you might be feeding her a bit too much. On the other hand, a baby in the 90th percentile in height that ranks in the 30th percentile in weight is probably a bit on the thin side. Your doctor will advise you if your child’s diet needs attention.

The most important thing you can do to monitor your child’s development is to attend those well baby visits with your pediatrician. Your doctor will be monitoring your baby’s progress, and in the event that any area needs attention, he will be able to alert you to the issues. This first year of development is critical, and it is good to keep tabs on the progress.

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