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Is It Ok To Put My Kid On A Diet

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Is It Ok To Put My Kid On A Diet?

Many concerned parents often ask me “Is it OK to put my kid on a diet?” My answer is always a quick and firm “NO”. The word diet is defined as ‘A food regimen designed to promote weight loss in a person.’ To lose weight, keep it off and live a long healthy life an overall healthy lifestyle is essential.

Here is a list of 5 most common Questions and their answers that I get form parents when working with kids.

Are weight loss diets bad for kids?

Often diets don't include a variety of nutritious foods and/or have too few calories. Growing kids need a variety of all the food groups and enough calories every day because they are still growing and developing. Too few nutrients and calories will cause side effects in children such as fatigue, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, poor concentration, mood swings or even stunted growth.

Another major risk of diets is the high risk of gaining the weight back once ‘normal eating’ resumes because lifestyle changes we not put in place. YO-YO dieting has proven to be more dangerous to health than being overweight.

What can overweight kids do to lose weight?

The first question I ask when a parent asks me this is “How old is your child and what is his/her weight and height?” I ask this because if a child is at a critical growth period then weight loss is not recommended at all. What is recommended is for your child is to gain weight at a slower pace or maintain current weight and let your child grow into their weight.

If your child is at a weight that is heavier that an adult weight and weight loss is necessary it should be gradual. Overall lifestyle changes need to be made such as increased activity and healthy eating.

Should I talk to my kid about trying to lose weight?

This is a tricky one, if your child is very sensitive then telling them that you want them to lose weight might be a bit harsh, even if the intention is good. Often the best approach is to be subtle. Talk to your child about improving your health or the health of the entire family. Always use the word “health”, don’t focus on losing weight and don’t be the food police.

You can buy fruits, vegetables and lower calorie snacks, by eliminating ‘junk food’ choices in the home also promote a healthier lifestyle for the entire family. Incorporate exercise into family activities or have healthy dinner night where the entire family prepares and dines together.

How can I tell if my kid is developing a weight problem or if he/she is just going through a growth spurt?

Our country is so weight conscious that this question comes up often. Is this a potential “problem” or just a normal part of growing? It is very normal for kids to have an increased appetite and gain weight just before a growth spurt. And in these common situations the best thing to do is let it happen. However there are a few questions that you can ask yourself to help determine if the weight gain could spiral into a full-blown weight problem or if it is simply a normal growth period.

 What has your child’s weight history looked like? If he/she has gained weight before only to grow 3 inches two months later then you know that it is probably happening again.

 What are your kid’s current eating and exercise habits? If you kid got a new computer for his/her birthday and has been sitting in front of it for hours every day and snacking on high calorie foods then this is an indicator that a weight problem is developing.

How much should my kid weigh?

It is impossible to put an exact number, for any individual, as a weight goal. Kids are growing and their bodies are changing not only in size but also in composition. At best we can estimate a weight range that is considered healthy for any kid at a certain age, height and gender.

Some ways that you can figure out what would be a healthy weight range can be to ask you doctor what would be an acceptable weight range for your kid. Look at your family history. If Dad is 6’4” and a solid 230 pounds then genetically Susan is predisposed to being tall and possibly larger than her classmates, this does not mean that she is unhealthy. You also have to look at the composition of your kid’s weight, if he/she is very active in sports they probably have a higher composition of muscle and therefore weigh more.
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BONUS : Is My Child A Target For Internet Predators?

Thankfully, the answer is probably not. Most children use the internet to socialize with friends and pursue budding interests. They manage to steer clear of the dangerous predators lurking in chat rooms and other forums who slyly manipulate their way into electronic networks of school-age friends to find and groom the next vulnerable child for future exploitation. While most children are safe on the internet, as you read these words some are in danger. Is your child one of these unfortunate few? How would you know before it is too late?

Given the risks, parents cannot feel secure with the mere probability their child will be safe. Even "good" or "smart" children are still just children and make, or can be induced to make, bad decisions with tragic consequences. Short of physically being present during your child's every encounter with the internet, there is no way for a parent to be 100% sure their child has not been contacted by a predator. Parents need to know the characteristics of typical victims, the warning signs a predator has entered your child's life, and steps they can take to protect their children.

Characteristics of typical victims:

* Most but not all victims are between the age of 12 and 15 years old.

* Most victims have an instant message account (most kids do) but have not set up privacy or security settings to block strangers and, in fact, willingly engage in conversations with strangers.

* Most victims tend to live in suburban or rural towns.

* Most victims are very sheltered and naïve, although a few are at the opposite extreme and willing to take very serious risks.

* Most victims tend to be loners with few offline friends. They are often looking for love and affection online. Many children contacted by predators believe they are communicating with someone around their own age, and not with an adult.

* Most victims tend to spend more than 90 minutes of non-homework time a day online, and are secretive about their internet activities. When you walk by, the screen often goes blank or windows are minimized.

* Most victims tend to have few activities outside of the internet.
Just because your child matches one or more of these characteristics does not mean they are being targeted by predators, nor is your child perfectly safe if they match none of these characteristics. In all circumstances, a parent should be ever vigilant and involved in their children's on-line activities.

Warning signs your child is being contacted by a predator:

* Phone calls. Are strange calls showing up on your phone bills? Don't assume you can pick out adults calling your children - a 35 year old can sound very much like a 15 year old if they want to.

* Gifts and packages arriving at your house. Many predators groom their victims by sending small gifts. Some predators have been known to send disposable cameras or web cameras for children to take pictures of themselves with.

* Secrecy. Teens are often secretive, and often it is a symptom of nothing more than their carving out an independent life for themselves. However, if your child is taking secrecy to an extreme, or has suddenly become more secretive than before, it is cause for concern.

* Trust your gut. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Predators are masters of manipulation. Unexplained and sudden changes in your child's mood or behavior may be a sign they are being manipulated in ways they are not comfortable with but are reluctant to talk about.

Steps to protect your child:

* Teach your child to not communicate online with people they have not physically met offline. This absolutely means friends of friends. Predators often infiltrate a network of child friends by finding the one weak link and using that person's trust to gain contact with others. Under no circumstances should a child meet in person someone they only know online - in most cases where a child is exploited, the child is conned or coerced into willingly meeting the predator offline

* Go through your child's list of internet buddies and have them tell you the real name of each person on the list.

* Review you child's home page or online profile. Make sure there is no personally identifiable information there, including photos, school name, or team names. Many predators keep detailed files on their targets and gather information over time from a variety of sources. Even seemingly innocuous information may prove harmful when combined with comments made weeks or months later. "I play catcher on my baseball team", "I went to a Red Sox game!", and "Big game against Bedford tomorrow - I hope we crush them!" can tell a predator their target probably lives in the Boston area and is playing baseball somewhere in Bedford the following afternoon. A quick Google search will show the public schools in Bedford and which ones have baseball games scheduled.

* If your child has been approached or harassed online, have them immediately delete their old account, pick a new username and start another. Do not let the harassment continue.

* Absolutely prohibit web-cams. Easy-to-use $20 Webcams instantly transmit high-quality continuous color video across the globe and are used by predators to exploit children.

* Most importantly, install keylogger or monitoring software on the computer used by your child( one vendor of such software is PCSentinel Software - ). There is no other way to be totally certain of what your child is doing online or who they are communicating with - and there is no other way of keeping 100% accurate records of what was said in the event your child is contacted by a predator. Even though it may feel like "spying" on your child, a parent has a responsibility to know with certainty who is in their child's life and keylogger software provides that certainty.

"La Méthode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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