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300 Writing Prize Focuses Kids On Gender Equity

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$300 Writing Prize Focuses Kids On Gender Equity

Harry Potter would be eligible for entry into a contest sponsored by up-and-coming young adult novelist R.J. Nimmo - on one condition.

"He would need some magic spell or potion to change himself from a 'Harry' to a 'Harriet,'" joked Nimmo, who is an expert on entertainment for children and young adults.

"Describing how the famous boy wizard would behave as a witch would be enjoyable for author and reader alike," Nimmo said. "And it is just the kind of fun, witty and creative submission our judges are looking for."

Nimmo, author of the emerging "Mustard Twins" fantasy series, says that trends in literature aimed at young people risk trapping kids in what he calls a "kind of reading time-warp."

"Certainly, where representations of gender in fiction heroes and characters are concerned, kids' books lag way behind today's society," he said. "A lot of popular fiction reflects outdated stereotypes of masculine and feminine roles. And books aimed at children and young adults share much of the blame. I am not only talking about mainstream books either, but Newbery and Caldecott medal winners as well."

To challenge the status quo, Nimmo is encouraging contestants to describe how a favorite fiction book or story hero would act or react in a dramatic situation. But there's a twist: Entrants are first required to swap the hero's gender role or characteristics.

With the contest, Nimmo hopes to positively attune parents and kids alike to the subtle messages being transmitted through popular entertainment.

"Readers - especially younger ones - are constantly being exposed to values that are completely out of step with modern times," he said.

Studies show that, from Harry Potter to Artemis Fowl, boys outnumber girls about four to one in books and TV shows, including those written by women. Furthermore, Nimmo points out, even books with female or gender-neutral names in their titles frequently revolve around a male character.

Why should parents be concerned?

"Society's values are largely transmitted to children through fiction," Nimmo said. "It is therefore important that parents be aware that self-esteem and personal development are influenced by the sort of book and story heroes we emulate as kids."

Nonetheless, Nimmo said, there are things parents can do to sensitize kids to the issue.

"Make sure to include books in your reading selection where individuals are portrayed with distinctive personalities irrespective of gender, where achievements are not evaluated on the basis of gender and where individuals are logical or emotional depending on the situation," he said.

To encourage young people to challenge the conventions in stories and books written for them, Nimmo is offering a $300 cash prize, plus signed copies of his latest novel, "The Ancient Egyptian Ennead," which tells the story of two spunky teenage female heroes and their exploits in ancient Egypt in the time of the pharaohs.
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BONUS : A Baby Sleep Pillow

A baby sleep pillow can serve as far more than a mere source of comfort for your child. Baby pillows can serve as small treasures: treasures that will last a life time. More than a decorative touch to any child’s nursery, a baby sleep pillow can be stored away and saved as a "momento" that reminds you of your child when they were small.

As your baby grows older and comes to age he (or she) will look with a chuckle at his favourite accessories when the world was his playground.

Baby sleep pillows come in all shapes and sizes. No matter what color your nursery may be, you are more then able to find baby pillows that match the room’s décor. Moreover, if you are looking for something extremely personal, you can easily have personalized a baby sleep pillow made for your child’s room. You can custom order baby pillows in pink or blue, in a variety of sizes and you can have your baby’s name embroidered on the service of the pillow. You can be limited to eight letters on your custom ordered baby pillows so if your child’s name is long, you may want to have your baby pillows customized with a nickname. You will find that most customized baby pillows are easily washable and are made of 100% cotton flannel.

If you are concerned about allergies, you can also purchase baby pillows that are made of all natural materials. Such pillows are made from all natural cotton and no bleaching agents are used. Moreover, the fill is made of organic wool and cotton and you can order the pillows online and have them delivered to your home.

If you are overly concerned with what baby pillows might be made of, you may be better off making your own. You can select the fill and fabric yourself and there are patterns available on the Internet for you to follow. In fact, you may find that you enjoy making baby pillows and you can then start a small online business selling them if you so choose.

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