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Infant Language Development

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Infant Language Development

Do you want your baby to become an intelligent talker? Then you must take the initiative. Before you know what to do, get informed about certain things. These are:
Children normally have more understanding of language and they are generally more expressive than the adults\

Girls normally develop communication skills faster than the boys
When it reaches the age of 7 days, then an infant can distinguish her mother's voice from the others

When it becomes 2 weeks old then it starts recognizing its father's voice
You can get to hear few consonant sounds and vowel sounds from the infant at the age of 6 to 8 months

The infant begins responding to commands at 6 to 8 months when it attaches names to individuals

From this growth rate chart this becomes clear that parents should start talking to their babies as soon as he or she is born. If you are a quiet mother or if you feel that you should not talk to the babies since they could not understand what you are saying then this is a very wrong notion.

You must always chat with your baby so that he or she starts talking early. This is because babies learn talking by hearing what parents say to him or her. The more you parents use the same words, phrases to communicate with the baby the more quickly it will gather the knowledge of language.

Often it is seen that parents become concerned over the child's slow development of speech, as children grow slowly from infancy to early childhood. But it is not right to compare your child's language development to other children's language development. If you really feel that your child is having a problem in either receptive or expressive language, then immediately discuss it with the pediatrician and get professional help.

In this respect some points are worth mentioning. These are when a baby is about nine months old he should be able to understand simple words and commands and perhaps be able to speak some words. Moreover you will understand that a baby is able to say much less than the amount what he understands. In fact this is the case that continues throughout our life.

In the case of an infant his or her skill on listening or reading a language begins through constant and continual repetition of words or phrases and structures, and this effects in time his or her speaking or writing. The improvement of the speaking and the writing skill depends directly on the listening and reading skills of the infant. This proves the necessity of the parents creating ample opportunities so that the children can listen to their talking.

Another way to help in letting your child improve his or her language skill is that you should read to the children as and when possible. This leads to significant growth of the child's language skill. If the parents spend quality time reading out to children or teaching children rhymes and songs then it will reflect in their language development. Research has shown a child who is exposed to hearing parents reading books or singing songs for quality time learns to talk faster than the children who are deprived of this opportunity.

When a child is a bit grown up then mothers should take the responsibility of teaching him or her nursery rhymes. According to experts, the knowledge of nursery rhymes among the toddlers is a significant predictor of the child's reading skill later on.

So, now all the young parents start talking to your kids immediately. Remember, this will make your child cleverer than the others.

Article Written By J. Foley
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BONUS : Information About Home Schooling: Is It Suitable For Your Child?

There are a lot of parents who would like home schooling for their child. But they are afraid because they don’t exactly know if they can be their children’s teacher. They also need to find out if home schooling is suitable for their child and if there really is a need to home school their child. Of course most parents would like to have their children educated in school. The school is such a good place for learning practical skills and application.

Home schooling is efficient and helpful if you want it to be. You will be responsible for your child’s education so you will surely be the one to blame if they don’t learn. If your child prefers to be alone or isolated, you should not force him to go to school and mingle with the other kids. For sure, he will not feel comfortable and the learning process might be slow. If your child wants to learn at home with you, it will be to your advantage to teach him the basics.

Now that the education process is in demand, your child has a lot of options to choose from. First is to learn from the books just like the way they do it in school. Another way is by learning online through the use of e-books. E-books are the easy way to learn if your child does not feel comfortable with the teacher due to traumatic experiences or other reasons.

If going to school is geographically too far, you can educate your child at home. Traveling might be costly, stressful, and tiring. If your child has some physical disabilities, he might encounter difficulties in the public school system therefore home schooling might be the way to go. If your child has low self-esteem, and lacks confidence, he might not be able to deal with the pressures in public school, and could experience a lot of difficulties that may hinder his learning and social awareness. If your child has signs of autism or abnormalities, being home schooled would be the best way to go to ensure comfort and effective learning.

If your child’s interest is learning at home, home schooling will be the ultimate option. There are kids who go to school just to play and never study. If this is the case, bringing him to school will be useless and ineffective.

There is a fine balance with home schooling to ensure that your child has a relevant education alongside socializing and playing sports with other children. Home schooling allows you to impart values and teachings that you hold dear while adhering to the basic curriculum.

As long as your child has plenty of opportunity to mix with other children their age and you feel that you are adequately equipped to teach then home schooling can provide an effective alternative to sending your child to school.

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