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Important Aspects Of Home Schooling

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Important Aspects Of Home Schooling

Some 26% of parents in each of the American states consider home schooling for their children over normal school classes. This is because of the benefits both the parents and the children get as a social being. Home schooling gives them the chance to be free of old school days with pressure and daily assignments. Due the old set up, many members of the family have become isolated from each other allowing them just a few precious times with their loved ones.

There are four important reasons why parents opt for home studying for their children, a) social reasons, b) academic reasons, c) family reasons, and d) religious reasons.

Social Reasons

By joining the community cycle, parents fee that their children are more comfortable in dealing with different kinds of people. They feel that their kids have a lesser tendency of becoming dependent with peers. By introducing the kids more to church and community programs, these home-schooled kids do not feel self conscious and recognized, as kids are easier to talk to.

The catalogue, Growing Without Schooling publisher Pat Farenga wrote: “Group experiences are a big part of education, and home schoolers have plenty of them. They write to us about how they form or join writing clubs, book discussion groups and local home-schooling groups. Home schoolers also take part in school sports teams and music groups (in nearby public schools), as well as in the many public and private group activities our communities provide. These young people can and do experience other people and cultures without going to school."

The home-school setting deviates the child’s attention from alcohol, premarital sex, drugs, violence and gangsters that could destroy his future. And since home-schooled children are free from peer pressure, they are more likely to have more friends from the church and community activities. Some communities created a special group for home-schooled children where field trips, social recreations and team building games are organized. This builds respect and opens channels for communication.

Academic Reasons

Parents believe that the less students handled by the teacher, the more focus is provided each of the learners. They thought that the personal tutoring of teachers is the most fruitful way of helping the kids learn successfully. The most famous home-schooled personalities of all time are: Thomas Edison, Charles Dickens, Winston Churchill, Agatha Christie, Florence Nightingale, Woodrow Wilson, Woodrow Brothers, and Benjamin Franklin. One parent got more of his children’s academic training in home schooling through the process of exchanging skills with other home schooled children. Being an English degree holder, he teaches three of his colleague’s sons, while his colleague teaches his kids math.

Although home schooling is, as derived from its own name “home”, this special education also developed into a more organized and planned instrument of teaching. One example is the High Plains Christian Home Educators that was established in Colorado Springs who has its own administrator who sees to it that all 200 of their home-schooled children are given enough classes. Unlike a normal school setting, home based studying allows each of the subject areas to be taught separately making the approach cross disciplined.

Each of the students is given their own set of action plans so they can have the freedom to continue their passion. Quality time is provided for each so that more focus can be attributed to their learning success.

Family Reasons

Parents of home-schooled children feel their presence felt by their kids. Family relationship is strengthened and ties are intact. A child’s self esteem are more boosted because of the parents’ full support. Based on the American League of Research Studies, kids that are home schooled are mo re loving and confident.

Religious Reasons

Schools in the US have kept away from any religious and political issues for fear of influence from the two, this is because many organized civil liberties even brought the issue of religious illegality in courts.

For that same reason, parents find teaching their children at home a worry free place for spiritual and religious growth. Religion can be inculcated as much as the parents would want to bring the whole belief to their kids in home schooling and they believe that it's impact can greatly affect the spirituality of their developing children.
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BONUS : Improving Your Teen’s Self-esteem

The teenage years are often the most difficult time of childhood. During this time, children are blossoming into adults and struggle to determine the individual identity.

It is no shock the teen years are the most dreaded by parents, but these fragile youngsters are at a critical time in their lives. Often, boundaries are pushed and rules are stretched by a teenager yearning to take that “next step” into adulthood.

Teens find themselves not only faced with emotional transitions, but also physical changes.

In the midst of these physical and emotional evolutions, a teen’s self-esteem can be compromised. Parents can take certain steps in order to ensure that a child’s self-esteem is not affected by the turbulent teenage years.

The best way to improve your teen’s self-esteem is to take an active role in your child’s life. By knowing his or her interests, friends, strengths, and weaknesses, you will be aware of any problems that may arise.

Starting from a young age, instill a positive attitude in your child. Children who have a great sense of self-worth are more apt to blossom into teenagers with a great sense of self-worth. Take time to talk with your teen instead of talking to your teen. If your child believes his or her opinion or thoughts have an impact in the home front, that individual is more apt to have a greater self-esteem. Allowing your teen to have a say in decisions that affect the entire family will further impress a sense of self-worth, thus positively affect his or her self-esteem.

Children learn by example, and teenagers are no different.

Teens whose parents showcase high self-esteem are more likely to exhibit self-esteem. Conversely, parents with low self-esteem or who constantly question their self-worth will pass those traits on to their children simply by their actions. The way you interact with your friends, family members, and colleagues will rub off on your children.

Individuals with low self-esteem set poor examples for their teens and should not be surprised when their teens exhibit similar actions. Children are like a sponge, so take care not to comment negatively towards yourself or others. Many teens with issues regarding their physical appearance learn these behaviors from home. Television, movies, and music play a huge part in any teenager’s life. These outlets seem obsessed with a pre-conceived idea of perfection that will most likely differ from that of the average individual. Take time to speak with your teen regarding these issues.

Interaction with your teenager will allow you first-hand information on any problems he or she may be having and make an attempt to remedy these situations. Often, teenagers are quite sensitive about their appearance due to acne or other issues. If this is the case, consider making an appointment with a dermatologist who will be able to remedy the situation. Similarly, your teen may be interested in changing his or her appearance to best fit a burgeoning identity, but may be hesitant to approach a parent. Remember, teenagers straddle the line between child and young adult.

Although they may yearn to be an adult, the child part still needs reassurance from a parent. If you as a parent feel a requested physical transformation will not benefit your teen, make a compromise. Often, teens are looking to be outrageous in order to push boundaries set by parents. Instead of lowering your teen’s self-esteem by creating a confrontation, create an atmosphere of discussion and compromise.

Open communication cannot be stressed enough. Take time to talk to your teen about their friends, classes, activities, or interests. Teach your teen to accentuate the positive instead of focusing on attributes they see as weak or negative. Instill a sense great self esteem at a young age that will continue with your teen as he or she grows.

You may wish to enroll your child in self-esteem building classes or extra curricular activities that will boost their self-worth. Whatever the case, taking an active part in your teen’s life is the best way to see them through this transitional time in their lives with their self-esteem intact.

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