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How To Work At Home With Young Children

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How To Work At Home With Young Children

I’ve written a few simple rules to help you deal with the reality of working at home with young children. Your day may not go exactly like this, but at times it will probably come pretty close.

1. Start your day by telling the kids you are going to be working. Make sure you have enough time for last-minute demands, such as the urgent need to play “just one” game of Chutes and Ladders.

2. Remind kids of when they can disturb you while you work. “No, wanting a cookie is not an emergency.” “Yes, you can tell me if the cat is on fire.”

3. Remind husband of when he can disturb you while you work. “No, that’s not an emergency either. Give me a back rub after I’m done working and we’ll talk.”

4. Chase cat out of home office.

5. Clean up dishes from around computer. Take to kitchen and remind everyone they are supposed to eat in the kitchen, not the office.

6. Get cat out of office chair and put outside.

7. Get toddler out of office chair and send to Daddy. Close office door.

8. Hear toddler pounding on office door. Find teddy bear tucked behind computer and give to toddler.

9. Start working.

10. Hear kids arguing in hall just outside your office door. Remind them to be quiet for you. Try to get them to stop telling you their side of the story. Send kids to husband for mediation.

11. Take a deep breath. Get back to work.

12. Husband knocks on door to ask when dinner will be ready. With great restraint, remind him that it’s his night to cook.

13. Try to remember what you were doing. Start new project when you can’t figure it out.

14. Toddler comes in covered in paints. Older child follows, saying he didn’t either leave them out. Yell to husband to give toddler a bath.

15. Find paint all over your paperwork. Do your best to clean it.

16. Main phone line rings. Answer because husband is too busy giving toddler a bath. Tell friend no you can’t watch her kids for her tomorrow. Remind her that you do WORK at home.

17. Answer call that beeps through on call waiting. Tell mother-in-law no, you aren’t interested in the outside the home job she just heard about. Yes, you are earning enough working at home. No, it isn’t just a hobby. Explain you are working and can’t talk for long. Hear all the reasons she thinks you need to find a different job.

18. Retreat back to office before kids realize you aren’t in there.

19. Get some work done fast while the getting is good.

20. Soaking wet toddler comes charging in and demands you help dress her. Try to send to Daddy. Calm toddler’s tantrum as she insists she wants MOMMY to do it. Decide dressing her is faster than trying to calm her down other ways. Send clothed toddler back to Daddy.

21. Try to get settled back into working.

22. Hear smoke alarm go off. Dinner must be ready. Take a break and get something to eat with the family.

23. Head back to work. Find out you missed the call you had been expecting. Call them back.

24. Computer crashes. Wait for it to reboot.

25. Realize you hadn’t saved the file you were working on. Autosave didn’t quite get it all. Try to remember what you had been doing.

26. Realize your internet connection isn’t working. Try to get automated tech support to give you a real person.

27. Kids come thundering into the room for bedtime hugs and to ask for a story. Take a break and enjoy.

28. Chase cat back out of office.

29. Find out cat walked all over your keyboard, deleting half your file and inserting random text.

30. Toddler has to go potty and won’t let Daddy help. Once that’s done, help toddler back to bed.

31. Peace and quiet at last. Get some work done before you fall asleep.
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BONUS : How You Handle Your Childs Development Now Will Be With Them Forever

Having children is a life long commitment and it can be a daunting task when you think of all the different ways you can go about raising your child. Nowadays you need all the good help and information you can get when it comes to the development of your child, and there are many great websites on the internet that will give you a wealth of information. Whether you are just starting out with your first child, or maybe you need help with your teenager, you will find what you need to help you do the right thing for your child no matter what age they are or how many children or even grandchildren you are raising. There are hundreds, if not thousands of books out there that say they can help you with your child's development. Most of them are reputable however, they are supposed to be a tool to help you and give you some idea of how to help your child grow up healthy and strong. You should rely on your instincts too because you probably know more than you realize.

There are also many schools and training centers that you can enroll your child in that will help them with their school work and teach them the study skills they need to get ahead in school. There is help out their for parents who want their children to be the best they can be in all they do. Many websites can answer questions you have from doctor visits to separation anxiety. The first thing you will need to do to solve a specific problem is to find out what that problem is. So clarify the problem with your child's development before you start looking for a solution. So identify the key elements of the problem before you start looking for a solution. Visualize the problem or relevant process or situation. Sometimes, when we can see the problem with a child's development and all its important details right in front of us this will helps us understand the problem better. Other times we can't see important elements because they have already occurred or are not visible. In these cases, it is valuable to visualize important elements of the problem. Sometimes things said about problems are easier than the actual problem itself.

Research shows that parents are a major influence on their child's development. When looking for help, make sure the program you choose will include you in the process. It has also been found that parents who take time to play and read with their child will have a positive impact on them. Providing a stimulating home environment and using discipline strategies instead of spanking your child will have a more positive impact on them also. Most programs give free information on the best ways to promote a better education for your child. You want the best for your child's development and there are many websites out there that will help you get the best development you can find for your growing child.

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