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Home Schooling The Advantages And Disadvantages

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Home Schooling: The Advantages And Disadvantages

People new to the idea and concept of homeschooling often have a thousand of questions to raise. Here is some helpful information to guide you in weighing things out:

Some homeschooling advantages:

1. Allow quality time, providing individualized attention and instruction. Homeschooling parents can better understand their children; observe how kids progress, what areas they find difficult and help them out.

2. Children learn in their own pace. At homeschool, children can advance at any time, not waiting on others or if the kid is a slow learner or having difficulties in a certain subject area, she/he can remain to focus on that area without pressure that others are already moving on.

3. Parents pattern their teaching style and curriculum in accordance with the childÂ’s learning style, allowing him/her to successfully understand the subject matter, thus better results are achieved.

4. No peer pressure. At a homeschool, age classification is not a factor, therefore children not only associate with children their same age level, but with children of different ages and adults as well, so they can decide on their own without the influence of peers.

5. “Hands on learning”. Activities which are outside the context of books are very much essential to the child’s learning process. Trips to the park, the museum, the zoo, going fishing with mom and dad can be a great time to spend an afternoon educating your child.

Some homeschooling disadvantages:

1. For the homeschool parent, much time and effort is required for preparation of teaching materials, lessons and managing the childÂ’s opportunities in order to cultivate friendships and expand on the childÂ’s interests.

2. Parents who homeschool do not have enough time to spend for themselves when kids are constantly at home. This frequent time of being together can be at times suffocating and, therefore, can not work in certain families.

3. Homeschooled children do not have a lot of opportunities to bond and develop friendships with peers. For many families, this really is not a problem and is supplemented by taking the kids out to play in the park, attend lessons in ballet, jazz, etc. However it takes a lot of effort on the part of parents to insure that their kids have these opportunities.

Whether to homeschool or not, it all depends on you, as a parent, on how much are you willing to give your child. On top of all the learning materials, the field trips, home schooling entails a lot of love, patience and encouragement.
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BONUS : Home Schooling Through High School

For many parents who have home schooled their children through the elementary years, continuing the process during high school may seem like a daunting task. After all, math and science become more advanced in the teen years, and you may not have been a genius when it came to those subjects when you were in high school. You may also be concerned about the social aspect of your childÂ’s development, as this becomes even more important for teenagers.

But if your son or daughter has benefited greatly from the home school experience thus far, why put a stop to it? Especially with all the online resources available today, itÂ’s definitely possible to give your teenager everything he/she needs to be successful at this stage of the game.

With an older child you donÂ’t have to be a constant guide every step of the way. Of course, a teenager still requires help and guidance, but for the most part a large percentage of the workload can be carried out independently. If you have high-quality learning materials and books at your disposal, your child can work through the subjects alone - if a question ever arises, the Internet, with tons of helpful online information for the curious and home schoolers alike, is just a few mouse clicks away.

Also, you can sign your teenager up for online high school courses, if you prefer that he/she learn directly from a teacher or tutor. There is a wide range of high school courses available online that make it easy to earn a degree, right from the comfort of your own home.

For certain subjects that your child might struggle with, consider hiring a tutor to come to your home a few days a week for lessons. Math and science tutors are the most popular choices, as one-on-one help with these subjects is something most students benefit the most from.

Another option: community college courses. You can actually give your teen an edge if they attend classes at the local community college. For certain subjects, being taught by a college teacher, and interacting with other students who are also interested in what is being taught, this is an excellent way to obtain particular credits and socialize with people who are on the same wavelength academically. You may have to jump through some hoops to enroll your child, but it can be worthwhile in the end.

If youÂ’re worried about neglecting your teenÂ’s social development, there are many ways to make up for any experiences normally enjoyed during high school. Home schooled high school students usually participate in a wide range of social activities, by volunteering, working part-time, and partaking in a sport or musical group. Many home schoolers even plan a prom!

If you believe home schooling is right for your child, thereÂ’s no reason to give up when the high school years roll around. There are many ways to make your older childÂ’s home schooling experience one to be cherished.

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