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Helping Children Learn Through Music

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Helping Children Learn Through Music

If the thought of your children's development is music to your ears, you may want to share the joy of music with your kids--and it seems the sooner you do it, the better.

Exposure to music during the early years of childhood enhances the learning process by promoting language development, creativity, coordination and social interaction, according to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The group says vocal and speech development can improve through singing; listening and concentration can improve with aural training; and the values of cooperation are reinforced by the sharing of instruments and encouragement of other students.

To help their children develop a love for music-and for learning-many parents participate in classes facilitated by groups such as Music Together. The organization developed a research-based curriculum that takes a music and movement approach to early childhood music development. It's open to infants, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten children, and their parents or caregivers.

"The whole purpose of our program is to enable children, as well as the adults participating with them, to become more comfortable with musical expression and to develop musically at their own pace," says Kenneth K. Guilmartin, founder and director of the group. "Childhood music development is a natural process, just like language development."

The program works in harmony with recent findings at an Early Childhood Summit stating that music education is basic education and therefore integral to the education of children at any age-a statement the U.S. Department of Education agrees with.

The Role Of Parents

Guilmartin says an important key to his program's success is parental involvement. "The participation and modeling of parents and caregivers--regardless of musical ability--is essential to a child's musical growth," he explains. "Of all the programs available for preschoolers, it is the only one which has based its curriculum on that fact from the beginning."

Atmosphere plays an important role as well. Music Together works to create a playful, nonperformance-oriented environment that Guilmartin describes as musically rich, yet immediately accessible to the child and the adult. "We believe all children are musical," explains Guilmartin. "They can all reach basic music competence with the right help."
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BONUS : Helping Kids Become Good Readers

Reading is such an important life skill that it is important to do everything that you can to help your children become the best readers they can be. To encourage your child’s reading habits, it is pertinent that you not only give them the skills to succeed at reading, but give them the tools that make them enjoy it as well. If you can get your children to love reading at an early age, you will turn them into life long readers and studies show that kids that love reading tend to do better in school, which helps them to prepare for whatever life throws at them.

There are several ways to help your children in their quest for reading knowledge. There are many good programs, books, and even games on the market that help children learn the basics of reading fundamentals. With the market so saturated with different reading and phonics programs, parents often overlook a rather simple and fun way to get their kids excited about reading. Magazines are a great resource to use when you are trying to develop a love of learning in your children.

There are many children’s magazines on the market that are geared for children that don’t even read yet. While it may seem silly to buy a magazine subscription for a child that doesn’t know his letters, it is a great way to have fresh material that you can read to your toddler. Research has shown that children that are read to become readers and it is never too early to instill a love of reading in a child. If you make reading to your child a part of your daily routine, reading will become a habit to them, in much the same way getting dressed or brushing their teeth becomes a daily activity. There is also a lot to be gained relationally when you take the time to let your little one snuggle on your lap and listen to your voice as you take off on the merry adventures each story offers.

Once your child is old enough to begin learning to read or if he has already started to read on his own, a subscription to a magazine of his or her own can be an exciting treat. Let your child be involved in the process of picking out the magazine subscription. If you really want them to be excited about reading it, you should let them pick out the title of the magazine that they want. If you are worried about the choice they will make, give them a chance to choose between a select few titles that have been pre-approved by you. The main thing is to allow them to be involved in the process, so that they take a little ownership in it and really feel as if the magazine is their own when it comes. If they are old enough to do math, let them calculate the total cost of the magazine. Have them add up how much it would cost if your were to buy each magazine separately at the grocery store and then have them subtract that amount so they can see how much you are saving by taking out a subscription.

Once you have ordered the magazine remind them everyday that it will soon be coming in the mail. Once it does arrive, make a big deal about it, telling them they have mail of their very own. If you have more than one child, each one should get their own subscription to a different magazine. That way they can share them, but at the same time, everyone feels special and important because they have their very own magazine to read.

Once your child has thumbed through the magazine, encourage them to pick out a story and read it to you. This is a great way to spend time with your child while you are cooking dinner or folding the laundry. If they are reluctant to read out loud, ask them to retell you a story they read or describe what they just read about. Ask them lots of questions so they have to think about what they read and soon when they read, they will have better and better retention levels.

Magazines are a great way to get kids excited about reading and an inexpensive way to introduce your child tons of new information. With hundreds of magazines geared toward children available, you can start expanding your child’s world today!

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