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Help Protect Your Child S Vision From Uv Rays And Eye Injuries

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Help Protect Your Child's Vision From Uv Rays And Eye Injuries

For children, sunshine and warm weather equal outdoor activity. For parents interested in their children's eye health, it's also the right time to get kids sunglasses and protective eyewear.

Many parents don't think about getting sunglasses for their kids, but everyone is at risk for eye damage as a result of exposure to the sun. And children might be at a higher risk because their developing eyes may be less protected from the sun's ultraviolet rays than those of adults.

Wearing sunglasses that block UV rays can help prevent eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration - two leading causes of blindness. Since UV damage is cumulative over a lifetime, it's important for kids to start wearing sunglasses as early as possible to potentially minimize this damage.

Sunglasses must block 99 percent to 100 percent of UVA and UVB rays to be effective. The darkness of the lens is not an effective indicator of how well the glasses protect eyes from UV light.

Consult an optometrist to choose the right sunglasses. They are the doctors who provide primary vision care, examining people's eyes to diagnose vision problems and eye diseases.

Obtaining this expert advice can be as simple as visiting your local Wal-Mart or Sam's Club Vision Center. Adjacent to each of the Vision Centers at these stores is an office staffed by knowledgeable, professional and licensed independent optometrists who can provide affordable and comprehensive eye examinations as well as prescriptions for glasses and contacts.

The American Optometric Association recommends comprehensive eye examinations by an eye doctor at 3 and 5 years of age for all children.

"Many children get a cursory eye check when they visit their pediatrician, but only an eye doctor is qualified to perform a comprehensive eye examination," says Dr. Melissa Viker, an independent optometrist who practices next to a Wal-Mart Vision Center.

The optometrist can also offer guidance when it comes to eye protection. Annually there are more than 40,000 sports-related eye injuries - many to children. More than 90 percent of these injuries could be prevented by wearing proper eye protection, such as sports goggles, which are designed for impact resistance, unlike regular eye glasses that could break upon impact and possibly cause serious injury.

Eye protection should be worn during any sport that involves physical contact or a ball, bat, stick, racket or puck.

"A child's vision is a precious commodity, but caring for it doesn't have to be expensive," says Viker. "Wal-Mart and Sam's Club offer expert advice, low-cost examinations and a wide selection of affordable eyewear to help parents provide children with a lifetime of good eye care."
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BONUS : Help With Toddler Separation Anxiety

Dear Mom,

I try to leave my child and the minute I walk out of the room, she starts crying or screaming for me. Please help this gone crazy mom of how I can help my baby let me leave her for just a little bit. I think she has toddler separation anxiety but I just want to know how to overcome this.



It is normal for your baby to be going through what they are going through. For nine months, they were attached to us 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We were their lifeline and they have to learn their independence from us. Their whole mentality knows they are sensing this whole new freedom from mom, but yet they have reservations about beginning new things. The mom can help teach them independence by taking baby steps and not trying to separate from them without building up the process. You may ask, what steps can we take?

Start out small. Let them play in the living room as you go to the next room (room needs to be in eye view) to do a certain task as folding clothes. Make sure you are keeping eye contact with them and reassuring that mom is right here. Speak in positive, upbeat words. The first time may not work, but just keep repeating yourself and do it over and over until they are fine with you being in the next room.

Stretch the time being gone. When dad or another caregiver comes home, go and take a shower or soak in a nice bubble bath. Reassure the child you will be back. Never sneak away from the child as this will leave a bad coping skill with her and think you are never coming back. Give it 15 or 20 minutes and show your presence to the baby. Hug her and let her know you missed her, but will always return when mommy goes. After you do this a few times and she gets used to the ide of you being gone for that short amount of time, try going to the store for a longer period of time. You can continue to stretch each trip until you feel comfortable with the time you are being gone, for example if you are trying to build up to a night out of town with your signifcant other.

By taking things slowing, it will help you and your child overcome toddler separation anxiety with much less tears, heartbreak and stress. The baby will continue to grow her independence from you and will soon love her new found freedom of having playtime with dad, grandma or grandpa, or other special friend.

Hang in there mom it will get better and know other moms are going through the same thing as you right now.

Fellow Mom,

"La MĂ©thode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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