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Having A Heart To Heart With Your Teenagers

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Having A Heart To Heart With Your Teenagers

Teen years are some of the most turbulent between a parent and a child. Often, you want to impart wisdom to them, but they don’t want to hear what you have to say. After all, you “don’t know what it’s like to be a kid today”. Wouldn’t you love to have a book that could help bridge the communication gap?

Bill O’Reilly, anchor of Fox’s The O’Reilly Factor, has co-authored a book, The O’Reilly Factor for Kids, that does just that.

Subtitled A Survival Guide for America’s Families, the book is written to teenagers addressing a variety of topics.

The first section addresses people in your life – including friends, or “so called” friends, as the case may be, who should be there when you need them and let you be yourself. There’s getting along with your siblings and the benefits of helping each other out. And, finding out how to disagree with your parents in a responsible way.

Next, O’Reilly tackles your private life – why it really IS uncool to do any kind of drug, why you should wait to have intercourse, why hours upon hours of TV isn’t a good idea, and why listening to music with explicit language isn’t really enjoyable. He talks about the importance of earning and managing your money and why and how to have fun. All the things you’ve been trying for the last 5 – 10 years to say. The difference is that it isn’t coming out of your mouth.

The third section focuses on school. Ladies, do you want to dress provocatively at school and if so, what does that say about you? Men, playing a sport in school is stupid, right? Is cheating worth the risk? If you read a book that isn’t required, is it a waste of your time? Is it a good idea to make a bad teacher’s life miserable? You’ll be glad to know O’Reilly answers no to all of these questions and explains why it is NOT so.

Finally, the last section deals with things to think about – health, work, helping others, death…He even brings up religion and the importance God has played in his life.

O’Reilly comes out and tells the readers that “Life Isn’t Fair”. Just telling it like it is – and in a way they can understand. With a format that intertwines Bill’s Story with “IMings” (“Instant Messages for those of us less ‘with it’ ”.)

When all is said and done, he has covered the important topics in a way that most parents would agree with. Like it or not, teenagers tune us out and we become a talking head. Take advantage of this resource to present another person’s point of view.
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BONUS : Having Trouble Getting Your Kid To Sleep?

Kids have a thing about going to sleep at night. It does not matter if it is a girl or a boy, they all have this thing: they hate going to sleep. Even babies will fight sleep like it was the devil. They cannot stand the thought of missing out on anything and they simply refuse to fall asleep and that is why you as the parent need to find out all of the top techniques that will help you to get your kids to sleep at night.

Let us focus on babies. They need to be on a strict schedule from the get go if you want to get them sleeping through the night. Kids need structure and balance in order to sleep well each and every night. That is why you should have a time of night that you put your child down. Do not simply wait for the kids to get tired before you put them to bed, have a time and stick to it. This is the best way to get your kids sleeping through the night quickly and easily.

Good nighttime rituals can really help you to get the kids to sleep at night. For example, you may want to give the kids a warm and soothing bath at night before bed. This can go along way towards relaxing them enough that they will go to sleep with ease when put to bed. Kids like rituals and these kinds are great.

It is also a very good idea for you allow the evening to unfold quietly. Playing games with your kids just before bed is probably not the best way to go. Instead of wearing out your kids playing games is only going to get them riled up. This is not going to help you get them to sleep each night. You need to get the kids calm and relaxed and a quiet evening followed by a nice warm bath is great.

If you are trying to get your kids to sleep, especially when they are still babies you need to take into consideration that your baby is not used to real silence. They come from your tummy where tings were really loud all of the time. Total silence is scary to many babies. Having a ticking clock or some other stead sound in the room with him or her might be what is missing in their bedtime routine. Try having these kinds of sounds in the room with your kids and watch the difference they can make. In no time your kids may be getting to sleep right away each night.

It is also important for parents to learn about whether their kids are self soothers or not. The techniques that you choose for your kids will be hugely impacted by this fact. Find out what works for your kids by experimenting. Don’t worry if you do not get everything right the first time, in fact, you might as well get used to it because no one is the perfect parent right off the bat.

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