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3 Key Challenges To Reduce Homework Time And Stress What Parents

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3 Key Challenges To Reduce Homework Time And Stress - What Parents Can Do

Parents have asked us why homework takes their child 2, 3 and even 4 times longer than their peers and what they can do about it. This article defines the 3 key issues and what parents can do about it. Student’s key issues often include:

1- Attention is a major problem, both in class and while doing homework
2- They often have one or more vision issues – too often these student’s eyes are either: not working together; skipping words or lines when reading; or they have difficulty copying off the board
3- They become tense when doing homework and often lose it

When a student has trouble paying attention in class, they often must be re-taught the information at home. What makes matters worse is that the students homework time which should have taken 45 minutes gets stretched to 1 and ½ hours due to re-teaching, and then to over 2 hours because they cannot stay focused.

Vision issues impact their homework in several ways:
1- They have trouble copying the notes off the board correctly and you spend time trying to understand the assignment
2- They skip words or lines when reading, further complicating life
3- When they do math problems they do not often align their work correctly, they miss minus and division signs so they make careless errors

Students often get tense when doing homework and battles often follow. What often happens is:
- Students are too intimidated to ask questions in class and they simply get stuck
- The student or parent gets angry and then …
- An argument starts which often escalates into a battle royale

What we recommend is that parents:
- Stay clam when doing homework with your child
- If your child gets stressed, give them a 1 or 3 minute break
- Hydrate them before doing homework and while doing homework
- When reading, use an index card or their finger to keep them on the right line
- If the attention is a significant issue, consider getting an ADHD diagnosis – if they have a learning disability or attention issues significantly impact their academic performance, the student could qualify for an Individualized Education Plan and they could get accommodations for homework which might include:

o Getting copies of notes – either provided by the teacher or by another student
o Seating by the teacher to improve attention
o Having the teacher check to make sure the student has written the assignment correctly
o Having you sign that they completed the assignment and putting it in a place they can find it
o An early warning system, where the teacher alerts you to issues early on
- If vision is a major issue see an optometrist – even if your child has 20/20 vision

At 3D Learner we have helped thousands of parents and students to reduce homework time and stress.
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BONUS : 3 Reasons Mom Should Have A Hobby

Moms these days are so very busy, but we're more stressed than ever before and in need of lifestyle choices that help us be happier. Pursuing a hobby may be just the ticket.

Here are a few reasons why a hobby is a great idea, even for a busy Mom.

Having a hobby relieves stress and tension

Spending time with a hobby replaces negative thoughts and replaces them with positive thoughts and feelings. Having a hobby or creative outlet can lift your spirits and help with depression.

Unlike passive activities like television viewing, a hobby provides intellectual stimulation while simultaneously relaxing you. Repetitive actions like those used in knitting are especially calming.

Hobbies help you parent better

We are so good at signing our children up for lessons and classes and encouraging them to have hobbies, even paying for these classes and driving them to and fro! But we forget that we also need to learn new things and grow as people. Hobbies also connect you with other people who share your interests.

A hobby can help you maintain your separate identity as a real person and not just as Mom. This models healthy habits and boundaries for our kids.

Hobbies provide a refreshing change from your daily routine

If you're a stay at home Mom, you may be frustrated because at the end of the day you can hardly point to anything you've "done". This is because of the repetitive nature of housework and childcare.

In generations past, women pursued hobbies like quilting, sewing, knitting, crochet and embroidery not only because they were enjoyable but because they provided tangible value to the family, either providing clothing for their backs or much needed income.

Some hobbies like tennnis, gardening or belly dancing can even provide great exercise with all of its accompanying benefits. The best exercise activity is one that combines mind and body and is enjoyable to pursue.

Why not carve out some time to pursue your hobby Mom? Don't let a shortage of time stop you. Rearrange your schedule and put YOU back in it, and start carving out time for your favorite pastime.

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