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10 Ways To Make Reading Fun

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10 Ways To Make Reading Fun

Learning to read can be a challenging adventure for some children. It seems that everyone from a child's teacher to Mom and Dad and even Grandma is excited and waiting for the child to learn to read. All the pressure and expectations from the adults can sure put a damper on the excitement for the child. This loss of excitement can lead to a child who loses the desire to read. If we as parents can find ways to make reading fun and enjoyable, our children will be more willing to sit down and read a book together.

Here are a few ideas you can do to make reading fun for your child.

Popcorn Reading
This is a fun way for a child to be able to read the words he/she knows and pass on the words that are causing frustration. While reading a book together, each of you take a turn reading aloud. When the one who is reading says the word “popcorn”, it is the other persons turn to read.

Reading Buddy
Pair your reader up with an older “reading buddy” and have them read a book out loud together. We all have had times where an explanation of something made more sense coming from one of our peers or a sibling. This gives you child the opportunity to practice reading without an adults watchful eye causing possible nervousness.

Highlight Heaven
Grab an older book and a highlighter and have your child highlight every word one the page that he/she can read. After all the words your child knows are highlighted on the page, take a moment and have your child look and see how many words he/she can actually read. This is quite a confidence booster.

Flashlight Reading
Before your child is too tired at the end of the day, take some time and read in dark room. Take a flashlight with you and read the book by flashlight. Little boys especially like this one.

Secret Hideout
What child hasn't built a fort at one time or another? If you don't already have a fort in your house or outside in the yard, help your child create one. It can a blanket fort, a plywood fort outside, a tree house, or even a simple under to bed fort. (Just make sure you both can fit...being able to get out once you've gotten in is helpful too!) Bring your child's favorite reading book, get comfortable and read away.

Reading Corner
Make a “reading corner” somewhere in your home. Let your child be a part of decorating it and picking just the right spot to place it. Add some bean bags or pillows, maybe a favorite poster on the wall or even some family pictures.

Take a break and just read to your child sometimes
No explanation needed here.

Picture Detective
Have your child flip through a book and look at all the pictures and tell you what he/she thinks is going to happen in the story. Read the story and see how close he/she was.

Pop-up word
Pick one word that your child particularly has a hard time with and every time your child reads that word, both of you stand up. This will help him/her remember the word because an action is associated with it. This works particularly well with kinesthetic learners. (A child who wants to move all the time and likes to touch and feel everything.)

Star of the Story
Have you ever seen a personalized story book where your child's name is printed in the story? This is a unique way to get your reluctant reader excited about a book. In these kinds of books, your child's name and the name of his/her friends are printed in the story-line, making your child the star of his/her very own book! How motivating is that? He/she will have to read the book to find out what kind of adventure he/she will be going on!

To learn more about personalized story books, click the link below.

Sometimes all it takes to make reading fun is some imagination and a change of scenery.
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BONUS : 10 Ways To Make Sure Your Child’s Toys Are Safe

The whole scenario behind the invention of toys is that they are to be enjoyed, but part of that enjoyment includes making sure the toys are safe for your children. There are 10 simple steps that you can take to ensure that your child enjoys his/her toys while taking the appropriate steps to make sure they are safe.

Follow the age recommendations on the package.
This information is typically written in smaller print and is often located in a lower corner, or back, of the box.

If the toy contains small parts, consider your child’s behavior before purchasing.
Even if he/she is in the age range recommended by the manufacturer, parents must consider whether or not their child behaves mature enough to handle the toy and it’s parts.

Never leave a child unattended when playing with a toy that features small parts.
Even if you step away for a minute, that may be all that it would take for your child to decide to put the toy in his/her mouth. This can be very dangerous, so always provide as much supervision as possible while your child is playing with his/her toys and even more so if they feature any small parts. At the same time, never allow children to run with any toys that have sharp or protruding points.

Never allow the child to put toys in his/her mouth.
If the child were to swallow any part of the toy, or accessories, the result could be tragic. If you see the child putting his/her toys in their mouth, remove them immediately while saying “no” in a firm voice. It is not necessary to take the toys away from the child, but they should be closely supervised.

Pay close attention to consumer safety department notices and product recalls.
This information is very important because it provides updated information as to the safety of certain products, along with any that have been recently found to have defects. In the latter case, a product recall may be issued in order to avoid injuries. Never allow a child to play with toys that have been recalled or are not deemed to be safe.

Make sure that any drawing markers, paint or crayons that you purchase are non-toxic.
On every product that has been tested and is proven to be non-toxic, the label will indicate any such findings. Look closely on the back of the packaging in search of this seal before buying these types of art accessories.

If a toy is painted, make sure that the paint is not coming off.
This could be dangerous if the child were to put the toys in his/her mouth or if it were to get in their eyes, so be very mindful of chipping or peeling paint.

Make sure toys and dolls are flame retardant.
This is very important for the obvious reasons and to protect the safety of your child.

Make sure that the toys are an authentic product and not a cheap imitation, which may indicate cheaper manufacturing.
When shopping for toys, always make sure that you are getting what you pay for.

Monitor the message or rating that a toy or video game is promoting.
These days, so many toys are promoting unhealthy messages or ideals. It is important to monitor the toys that your child enjoys in order to make sure that the influences they are getting are the best for their age.

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