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Good Ways To Foster Communication With Your Teen

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Good Ways To Foster Communication With Your Teen

The teenage years are confusing for parents and teens alike. Kids that once seemed open and full of sharing suddenly withdraw.

As a parent, your primary concern may be fostering communication with your teen. Most parents struggle to get something other than a one word response from their teenager.

It’s important to understand that you have to be delicate when approaching your teenager. You want to engage your child in conversation without putting them on the defense or causing them to withdraw.

While this can be challenging, the rewards of doing this are great. There are a few key strategies you can adopt to ensure that you foster strong communication and good ties with your teenagers.

Ask Indirect Questions to Facilitate a Conversation. If you ask your teenager a direct question you’ll probably end up with a one or two word response. Your goal should be encouraging them to talk about things from a broader perspective. To engage your child in a conversation about a particularly issue, consider asking them about something related but not directly tied to the subject you are getting at. You’ll help them ease into a discussion of what is on their mind.

Talk With Your Teen About Their Interests. Take an active interest in your teens interests. If they are doing something you don’t know anything about, consider learning more about it so you can ask them interesting and exciting questions about their hobby or activity.

Listen to Your Teen and Avoid Lecturing. Most teens will shy away from conversation if their expectation from that lecture is simply a lecture. You want your teens to know that you are interested in what they have to say. Withhold judgment at first and allow them to speak their mind.

Pay Attention to Non-Verbal Language. Your teen can send you many messages about what is on their mind through their non-verbal communication. You can also engage them in communication by putting your arm around them or patting them on the back, encouraging them to open up to you.

Remember your goal should be sending the message to your teen that you are providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can share their deepest concerns, fears and interests without fear of immediate reprimand or judgment.

Always take the time to accept your teen’s feelings even if you don’t agree with them. You have to listen to your teen if you want them to open up. Avoid jumping in and offering suggestions immediately. Instead encourage your teen to look for answers in a positive way.

You can also encourage your teen to share more by sharing with them daily tidbits and insights into your life. Consider occasionally asking their advice or opinion on things.

You’d be surprised how much easier it is to get teens to open up once you adopt a few time tested strategies. Provide your children with a nurturing and loving environment, and they will more easily welcome you into their life.
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BONUS : Goodbye My Bullied Baby

Victim of the school bully

Many parents feel the pain for their bullied baby and feel helpless to make matters better either because the child is to afraid to name the perpetrators or denies blatantly that they are are a victim of abuse regardless of the bruises torn clothing and the fresh black eye every week.

Children wrapped up in their winter woollies for school because mum is protecting them from Jack Frost.

In summer mum's protect with sun block and then protection takes place again with a healthy lunchbox full of Jamie Oliver's goodies. But are we the parents protecting them the right way.
The smile on your child's face is about to be wiped off by the school bully as he/she waves goodbye to mummy and daddy at the door.

The only company that your child has on his/her way to school is fear, fear of what is around the corner will it be a fist or a kick. My heart aches to think the mental pain this child who forever looking over their shoulder must be feeling.

We all know fear where our stomach fills with butterflies followed by spewing up the guts. For god sake how are these kids coping with the mental physical pain Will it ever end; even tortured by nightmares in their sleep and in some unfortunate cases the abused victim makes sure they never wake again.

Tackle a bully with a bully I say instead of committing them to a correction centre where life is made far too easy. Bullies aren't so hard when confronted by a victim's big brother/sister or member of the family. If you are a victim of abuse please talk to mum dad or teacher.

Do not be afraid of the bully now you have spoken out, your tormentor will still cause pain, only this time you have the last laugh because you gave them a reason and into the bargain they get to look over their shoulder now the authorities are onto them.

I can assure the bully that memories of their playground days will come back to haunt them. You will grow up hating yourself. No doubt you have nice side so put it to use to gain friends not enemies.
The next blow you cast could be fatal.

Parents check daily for signs of abuse, you may notice a change in personality marks like bruising or cuts. Look for ripped clothing or money going missing, your child may be funding the bully's pocket. This is a fragile situation so handle with care, we do not want the child to feel they are being bullied by their own flesh and blood.

Offsprings leave and marry and unfortunately abuse may continue. Parents are not immortal so when the time comes to leave our kids to defend for them selves is out of our control.

Put a protection plan into force today with online education. Today' society is about survival. By giving your child a decent education they get to make decisions for them selves not have them made by others.
Online education is the only way forward and if your child feels that enough is enough and wants to make a stand then the art of self defence can be found online too.

Want revenge on the playground bully without using violence. Then success is the sweetest revenge and if that means more education on how to excel then sweet is sweeter than sweet.

"La MĂ©thode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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