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Give Your Child Life Skills For A Lifetime

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Give Your Child Life Skills For A Lifetime

Many parents struggle with solutions to put their child on the fast track to success, and one such solution is not usually far from home. It is your local martial arts school.

How will martial arts change your child's life? The difference could be, as simple as, keeping your child away from peer pressure that leads to drug abuse. Although, the answer is much deeper, martial arts will give any child the tools necessary to become a success in life.

Goal setting skills (a major component in martial arts training) make a huge difference in anyone's life. By making accomplishments, your child develops a positive self-image. This "positive self visualization" develops academic and athletic success.

Children want structure, and they crave discipline. This makes them feel secure in family, school, and public settings. Within their martial arts training, they find structure, discipline, and the ability to discipline themselves.

Social skills, (like good manners), eye contact, and public speaking, are developed in each lesson. As your child advances through the ranks, there may be more opportunities with the "Leadership Team" or the "Demonstration Team." Some martial arts schools have these “elite teams” for children to develop leadership, and inner confidence, skills.

Leadership Team members learn how to develop the skills necessary to lead a group. Demonstration Team members learn about showmanship, humility, and the courage to perform in a variety of public settings. These elite teams prepare children for life's pressures, and give them experience, at learning valuable skills.

Let's face it - we live in a time of video games, Internet, cable TV, and fast food that tastes good. Globally, Type II Diabetes is on the rise in children due to inactivity, high calorie diet, lifestyles, physical education cut backs, and lack of time.

Martial arts gives children a positive way to burn calories, and socialize with quality friends, in a safe setting. It also keeps them away from the television.

Find a martial arts center that prides itself on the positive development of its clients. We have many success stories - from academic achievements, to losing pounds of unwanted fat. If you want to make a positive change in your life, or that of a loved one, your local martial arts studio is always there to help.
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BONUS : Giving Juice To Your Baby

Fruit juice for babies -- it sounds healthy enough, doesn't it? Yet giving juice to your baby is not as beneficial as many parents believe.

Health organisations worldwide, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Food Standards Agency in the UK, recommend that babies receive no supplemental fluids during the first 6 months of life. This means no juice OR water -- breastmilk or formula alone are sufficient for your baby's needs. If you give juice to your baby before 6 months of age, you may find that this "fills him up". This will then result in him consuming less breastmilk or formula, depriving him of the nutrients which are crucial to healthy growth and development.

Even in older babies, drinking too much juice may be harmful -- a baby who consumes juice before a solid meal will very likely eat less of his meal. This means he will be consuming less essential fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals than his body needs.

Another very important point to consider is that an excessive intake of juice can cause the body to absorb less carbohydrates -- this can sometimes lead to malnutrition.

Fruit juice can also be responsible for infant tooth decay, tummy pains and diarrhea.

The best option is to offer whole fruit to your baby -- nutritionally, it is far superior to juice and contains the fiber that juice lacks. When your baby reaches an age when supplemental fluids are required, then offer water instead! Many parents say that their babies will not accept water -- however, if your baby has not yet experienced the sweetness of juice, then he won't know what he's missing and is more likely to accept water quite happily!

If you still wish to include juice in your baby's diet, then you need to ensure that the juice you offer is appropriate for an infant.

Avoid juices marked "fruit drink", "fruit beverage" or "fruit cocktail" -- these are composed of less than 100% juice and often contain added sweeteners and flavors.

Any juice given to a baby must be pasteurized -- specially produced "infant juices" are the safest option and do not contain sulfites or added sugars.

Always offer juice in a cup, not a bottle - this prevents the fruit sugars in the juice from pooling around your baby's teeth. Only give juice with a meal - don't allow your baby to endlessly sip juice throughout the day.

Finally, limit your baby's intake of juice to between 4-6oz per day. This is equivalent to one serving of fruit and is sufficient for a baby's dietary needs.

"La MĂ©thode en 10 Jours pour en Finir avec les Crises"
de Daniel LAMBERT

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