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Games For Children How To Develop Their Analytical Skills Using

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Games For Children: How To Develop Their Analytical Skills Using A Deck Of Cards

One of the most investigated subjects currently is children's mind development and analytical skills. More and more studies are being made and more lessons, programs and games are being developed in order to boost early stages of growth and increase existing skills.

There are more options and possibilities now than ever, starting with different educational facilities suited for different levels of development, and carrying on with special TV shows, books and games. These games are especially built to work on the growing and developing areas in a child's mind.

These skills can be developed in all kinds of different ways and not necessarily in a structural program or a special kindergarten. It can also be done in the simple and fun way of gaming. Considering the fact that there are hundreds of mind developing games for children, in this article, we will focus on card games.

Card games can come in different shapes and sizes and at different difficulty levels. The most basic card game is the card memory game. The game is played with half a deck or less spread on the table, while each card is facing down. Each player, on his turn, chooses to peek at one card at a time in order to eventually form couple or groups (based on what was decided earlier to be a group). This game helps to develop the child's memory skills and his ability to divide logically the symbols into groups.

Another game similar to the memory game, but one that focuses and handles a completely different area of your childs brain is the group game. At this game, the deck of cards is divided to the number of player so all the players receive an equal amount of cards. Each player on his turn form groups (based on what was decided earlier to be a group) and place them on the table. The players' goal at this game is to get rid of their entire cards by adding them to the groups already exists on the table. The players have the total freedom to change the position of the cards on the table as long as none of them gets left out of a group.

This game is more complicated then the other card games and therefore it contributes more to the child's growth more. The game teaches the players to make decisions based on optional following moves and to solve problems using their giving cards, which is in this case literally speaking. The game is highly recommended for children and adults as one, for it is competitive and suspenseful as much as it is friendly and fun.

Another popular game that most kids enjoy is war. But do not let them play it the usual way where the stronger card beats the weaker one. Instead, set different rules for each round. You can determine such things as that a two of clubs and a six of hearts beat any cards. You could even make it more challenging by setting a range of cards as jokers.

The variety of these kinds of games is relatively big and it is growing more and more as people are constantly looking for new games to play. As for the kids, the may be participating for a whole different reason, but the outcomes are the same.
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BONUS : Games That Develop Kids' Emotional Skills

Businesses are finding that most successful people have one thing in common: the ability to deal with people. But successful employees don't learn this skill when they enter the work force; they learn it at an early age.

As a parent, you may wonder how to help your children develop the emotional skills they need to get through life and be successful in their future careers.

It's a challenging task, but one game manufacturer has set out to make it easier through its series of "emotional intelligence" board games.

Parents looking for ways to breach difficult topics; teach their children about qualities such as empathy, problem solving, assertiveness and good manners; or who just want to have some family fun will find many opportunities in the following products from Oikos Global:

* Oikos Game Levels 1 to 3: Through active play, children learn positive strategies to handle common emotional situations relating to anger, aggression, fear and conflict.

* A 31 Day Success Principles for Kids and Teens: Each card contains a success principle - such as "know your purpose" or "be persistent" - and a mini-biography of a famous person who made use of that principle.

* A 31 Day Positive Affirmations for Kids and Teens: Each card contains one affirmation to read each day. The intention is for kids to focus on their strengths and positive attributes.

Oikos Global also offers fun family games such as Fikloo, a party game of crazy commands, and Wordigy, a challenging and educational word game.

Oikos games and activities might get your children thinking beyond the latest "must have" video game or DVD. They also make good gifts for holidays, birthdays and graduations.

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