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Children Take Part In Animation And Game Design Courses

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Children Take Part In Animation And Game Design Courses

If you believe what the old timers have to say, video games and television sets are ruining the American family. In particular, those who grew up in a less technological time will tell you that today's children are negatively impacted because they play video games instead of exercising. While it is probably true that the truth lies somewhere in the middle of extreme theories, it looks like there is finally something definitely productive coming out of the video game buzz. The children of this generation now have grown to not only love video game play, but to be interested in video game design. Programs are now arising in the field of Animation and Game Design that are geared towards children who are high school aged or even younger.

With new game systems coming out every couple of years, opportunities in this exciting field are growing by leaps and bounds. When companies like Microsoft and Sony are able to sell their game consoles for more than five hundred dollars each, it should be very apparent that there is some potential in this field. Children and teenagers, not content with just playing the games, have become very interested in creating the games. For those older individuals who want kids to be outside playing, this seems like at least some sort of compromise.

Some question how kids are getting the knowledge to get a good start in the animation and game design field. There are the very popular aforementioned programs that have classes designed specifically for them. One very popular program is in the field of robotics. It seems that robotics is the next in a long line of video game technology. Games have evolved at such a rate where it has become very apparent that gamers will no longer be satisfied with only high-quality digital games. They want to get involved through robotics. Nintendo took the first step this holiday season when they released the Nintendo Wi, a game console that enables the players to use their own motions to dictate the movements of the characters on the screen.

Robotics classes for young people are not designed to be taught like a normal class. Because of this, kids learn in an environment that will remind them nothing of a normal school classroom. Keeping with that theme, children are not relegated to a harsh and limited curriculum for their classes. Instead, these programs, taught at many places around the United States, are offering a chance to learn in a very relaxed atmosphere. Children are taught the art of animation and game design by adult mentors who have the time, desire, and expertise to impact knowledge into young people that will undoubtedly get them started on the right path.

Students in these programs learn all about animation and robotics. They learn how to think creatively in order to bring these objects to life. At these programs, creativity and the lively human imagination are valued like premium commodities. When students get further involved in the extensive learning programs, they will even be able to create their own robotic machines in an attempt to create game designs.

Today's children and teenagers are no longer interested in just playing video games. They want to get involved in the action. Animation and game design programs geared specifically for children have allowed them to put that long-standing creativity to use and get to work on something special. While they might not be out playing in the back yard like their grandfather would prefer, they are putting that passion for video games to a good use. As these programs continue to be designed with young folks in mind, today's youth will continue to take advantage of the great opportunities to learn and grow.
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BONUS : Children With Social Phobia

Social phobia has a tendency to begin during adolescence, but can develop much earlier. The onset of social phobia during one’s formative years can have a devastating effect on their social development. If left unchecked it can lead to serious psychological problems in later life, maladjustment, agoraphobia, depression and even suicide.

The symptoms of excessive shyness and acute self-consciousness are relatively easy to spot. If the child speaks very softly and says very little or if they shy away from eye contact. If they often cry or throw tantrums. If they are unwilling to participate in classroom activities. If they feign illness in order to avoid having to go to school. If they are constantly alone in the playground, not joining in, or if they spend a lot of time alone in their room, there is a strong possibility that they have social phobia.

It is important not to disregard a child’s anxiety by simply telling them they’ll grow out of it. Fortunately there are many positive things parents, teachers and family members can do to encourage a socially anxious child. The most important thing is to gently encourage them to confront their feared situations a little bit at a time, never pushing them too hard.

Parents can share with their child examples of times when they have felt anxious in social situations. This way the child will feel supported and know that they are not alone in feeling the way they do. Also parents can make a conscious effort to nurture their child’s self esteem, paying them compliments and being openly affectionate.

It is important for teachers to be mindful of not doing anything to embarrass or humiliate a child and to insist on a humiliation-free environment in the classroom. They can encourage a friendship between a shy child and more outgoing child. Also they might reward any small step a socially anxious child makes to be more outgoing or participatory in class, later gradually requiring the child to do more to earn the reward.

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