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Children Birthday Party Advice

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Children Birthday Party Advice

Birthday parties for children are exciting events. To make a thrilling experience for the children, we must work hard. Careful planning is essential.

The younger the participants the less structure you need to worry about. The younger the kids, the more relaxed they will be. Keeping it simple is important. Kids can entertain each other better than adults, so you don’t need to worry about too much structure. Minimal structure does not mean minimal parental supervision. A successful children party’s most important component is responsible adult supervision.

Planning the Party

Before you buy anything, you must set your budget. Don’t spend a dime before you set a budget. Your budget will determine many things such as the food, how many you can invite, entertainment, etc. Set the theme of the party before you go out for shopping for the party. The number and age of kids will determine what kind of games you should consider. Games are no an absolute must, but it may help with some of the older kids. Choosing the proper location is an important success factor. Kids need lots of space; they don’t like to sit around, so you have to give them space. Most importantly the location must be safe, and it must be large enough to accommodate your guests. A party at someone’s house is fine, as long as it meets your requirements.

The Checklist

Make sure you don’t leave home without a checklist. Shopping by a checklist will enable you to only buy what is necessary. In addition, it helps to avoid impulse buying. You should have a list including everything important for your party. Such a list can help you relax, because you don’t have to worry about remembering everything. Your list should include items such the cake, party favors, ice cream, games, etc. Depending on the particular party you may not need a long list, but make sure you have one.


Depending on the kind of party you are planning, formal invitations may be necessary. Make sure you send invitations at least two-three weeks prior to the party date, to allow parents planning and buying gifts. Using e-mail to notify the parents may save you a lot of time instead of mailing invitations. Always offer an RSVP so you know how many children and parents to expect for the party.

Games, Favors, & Activities

The number and kind of games you have at the party depends on the age of the kids and the location of the party. You don’t have to worry about games for a beach party as a party held at someone’s house during the winter. As much as you can, get the children involved with the planning. The more involved they are in the planning the more they will enjoy the party

Now that you have some birthday planning advice, get planning.
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BONUS : Children Can Keep Learning While On Vacation

The phrase "use it or lose it" may describe the way many students deal with new information. Experts say that within 24 to 48 hours after learning new concepts, students often begin to forget information.

Although a vacation from school is great for recharging your children's batteries, it can often offset the learning process.

The good news is that it may be easier than you think to reinforce learning activities. According to Dr. Richard E. Bavaria, Ph.D. and vice president of Sylvan Learning Center, "School breaks are an important time for parents to share in everyday learning activities with their children to enhance math, reading, writing and study skills development."

The following tips are fun ways to help your child continue to learn while away from school:

• Attend academic camps. To make the most of school breaks, look for camps that provide an academic focus. Programs should offer a broad selection of courses built to suit individual needs while targeting specific subjects and offering a small group environment. Look for programs with experience teaching children the same age as your child and flexibility in scheduling.

• Write a story. Encourage your child to keep a daily journal or write letters to family members to communicate weekly highlights. Encourage your child to read his or her writings aloud.

• Create a budget. Ask your child to assist in the creation of a grocery budget. This will help develop math skills and allow children to plan for "extras" that they might want during their break.

• Play a game. Board games and puzzles are not only fun, but encourage the development of analysis and logic skills. Play together as a family to double the fun.

• Take a trip to the library. Local libraries offer resources for families and many offer free children's programs and clubs. Librarians can also help parents find books that are appropriate for your child's reading level.

• Explore the Internet. There are many sites that provide educational enrichment for children and can motivate students to study more often and for longer periods of time. For instance, visit to create personalized book lists from more than 7,000 recommended titles.

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