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5 Steps You Can Take To Ensure Your Kids Are Ready For College

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5 Steps You Can Take To Ensure Your Kids Are Ready For College

College may be many years away… or it may be just around the corner. Whether your kids are 6 or 16, it is important that you prepare them for college long before the time comes for them to attend.

For many children going to college is a rite of passage. For others it is an unknown, a world of mystery.

You never know, your child may not even be sure if they want to attend college to begin with.

You’ll never know if you don’t take the time to sit down and talk with your kids about college. While you are doing this, you should also consider participating in 5 steps that will help prepare your kids for college long before that first monumental day.

Step 1: Communicate with your child about their goals and dreams. You have to keep the lines of communication open at all times. If you never talk to your child about what they want to do later in life, you won’t have a sense of what their goals, dreams and aspirations are. If on the other hand you regularly engage your children in conversations about education and their future, you’ll learn early on the types of studies that might interest them and can help them make important decisions about their college career when the time comes.

Step 2: Stay involved in education. You have to be involved in your child’s education from day one. It’s not enough to take an active interest their first day of college. Ask them how they are doing in school regularly, talk with them about the classes they like and the ones they are struggling with. They will be more likely to lean on you for support during their college years.

Step 3: Encourage your children to explore new things and subjects early. Don’t wait until they are about to head off to college to encourage them to try new things. Start when they are young. Expose them to different subjects, music, sports and other creative activities so they have a chance to experience as much of the world as possible before they make the giant leap to college.

Step 4: Don’t push. You should be available for your children when they have questions about college or pursuing a career, but you shouldn’t be overly aggressive about pushing them toward attending or even going to a particularly school. Why? Your efforts may actually backfire and you may find that your teenager decides to forgo an education all together, not because they aren’t interested, but because they want to defy your strict orders.

Step 5: Teach your child to start saving early. College is expensive. As time goes on your child may find themselves spinning a wheel of deeper and deeper debt. Teach them to be financially responsible early on by helping them set up a savings account. It doesn’t have to be for school or college only, but it will help teach them the value of saving a dollar. While you are at it, save some money too.

Preparing your children for college is a big step, but a worthy one. You’re children will thank you one day for taking time out of your schedule to help them through their college years.
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BONUS : 10 Amazing Baby Abilities

For new parents the arrival of the newborn brings a lot of excitement in their lives. They might look fragile and vulnerable, which they are, but there are some surprising things babies can do, much to the delightful fun of many people.

Most of the babies can do the following surprising things to us:

1. They can hear everything! Babies hear extremely well: they receive up to 20 000 vibrations per minute, while adults receive only 14 000. The fetus starts to react to sounds since the beginning of the 24th week of pregnancy and a week after delivery they easily distinguish their mother’s voice from the voice of other people.
2. In the case of distinguishing from the mother tongue and a foreign language, the mimic plays an important part for babies. In USA, a test was made: to some babies a videotape recorded in English but with no sound was played. Later on, another tape without sound was played, but recorded in French. The babies showed clearly more interest to the French videotape than to the one recorded in their mother tongue because they considered familiar the English tape. Unfortunately this ability is lost after the age of 6 months.
3. Prattling with the hands. Studies have shown that babies who grow up confronted with a sign language also try to communicate with their hands. They do it (like in the case of learning foreign languages) slow and unsteady at the beginning-they prattle with the hands!
4. I’m watching you mummy! Long before humans can speak they understand what others say. It seems that babies understand through observing the mimic of the nearby persons. So, mummy, be careful when you say something!
5. The older they are the smarter they get? That’s what we think. Researchers have discovered that as we pass through the life we lose some of our abilities, especially the ability of learning. This ability is most effective at the age of 6 months. So, the idea that they are young and they can not or do not know is just an illusion.
6. I’m just like you daddy! During the first days of life the new generation seems to resemble to the father. This is only a joke nature plays: it has decided that so all fathers in the world –long before genetic tests were invented- could recognize their babies and take care of them and their mothers.
7. Little Einstein. ‘Mary has 21 candies and gets another 19. Tommy has 51. Who has more candies?’ Of course, who knows how to add knows the answer. Here’s what tests say: even some children who do not know how to add can indicate the right answer. They have a great intuition!
8. What are you looking at?! It is not difficult at all for grownups to distinguish human faces from one another even if they might look alike. Still, when we have to distinguish between two resembling figures of monkeys we are totally unable. Not the same thing happens to the babies. Tests have proven that they possess this ability, but they lose it in time.
9. Can taste and smell and have shown preferences for their own mother’s...(read the full article at the link below)

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