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Checking Out Vocational Trade Schools In Your Area

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Checking Out Vocational Trade Schools In Your Area

Vocational trades schools have become very valuable nowadays. More and more people seem to prefer them to taking four-year degree courses. Most businesses and companies today have increasingly relied on vocational trade schools to provide them with a workforce with the special skills that their business need. Most businesses today consider having an employee with vocational training to handle specialized jobs that not everyone are qualified to handle.

If you plan to enter a vocational trade school in your area, you should be able to make sure of what type of profession you want to get into. Different vocational trade schools offer different training modules aimed to prepare and arm a student with a special set of skills for a certain kind of profession. After you do, you also need to check out the vocational trade schools that you wish to enroll in.

Before you decide on one vocational trade school to enroll in try to compare programs that the different schools in your area offer. Get the information that you need from these various schools and learn what they have to offer. Try to find out as much as you can about the facilities of the different vocational trade schools and see if they are adequate enough to answer their students’ needs.

Ask about the types of equipment such as computers and tools that they have that are used for training. Learn about the supplies and tools that the students themselves must provide during the course of the training. Try to visit the school when you can to see firsthand the condition of the classrooms and workshops used by the students.

If you are concerned about the quality of training given at the different vocational trade schools in your area, get some idea of the program's success rate for each of the school. Ask what percentage of students is able to complete the program. A school with a high dropout rate could mean that students may not like the program or the training being given. Try also to know if training credits earned are transferable to other schools or colleges.

This might prove useful in case you wish to pursue your education later on. Knowing that your training has transferable credits, you may be able to lessen your time spent on advancing your future studies. If most of the reputable schools and colleges in your area say they don't, it may be a sign that the vocational school in question is not well regarded by the other institutions.
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BONUS : Chicago Schools Debate Merits Of Small Schools

Chicago public schools have been going through a transformation designed to take the district’s mammoth high schools and turn them into more intimate, student-focused environments. Educators and administrators seem to love the concept. And deep-pocketed philanthropists think it’s a great idea too. Various groups like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation have invested $26 million to the small schools concept.

For urban areas like the Chicago Schools, there’s a lot of research to support the idea that teen learners do better in an environment where people know them and have regular contact with them. So over 20 of the Chicago Schools have been transformed to high schools that house 500 students or less. Elementary schools have a limit of 350 students.

The recent controversy is because the 2006 state test results for Chicago Schools did not show the expected rise in test scores that everyone hoped to see. But there were a lot of positive effects. Teachers report that the small schools have a climate that is better for teaching and learning. Drop-out rates are lower and graduation rates are higher in Chicago Schools that have switched to the new model. But what about the test scores? If academics aren’t affected are the smaller schools working?

My answer is- definitely. The fact that school climates are changing is a really big deal. Failing students in Chicago Schools usually live in low-income areas and have a history of school failure. So getting them to come to school, and to graduate is an important first step. And even if those students graduate with low test scores or low grades, the high school diploma and the options it opens up can be life changing. And an improved climate at the Chicago Schools will have long-term affects as well.

One of the biggest benefits of small Chicago Schools is that it fosters relationships between teachers, students, and parents. This closer communication helps the attendance rates because smaller schools are more likely to alert parents of student absences. Smaller schools could the best thing that the Chicago Schools have done in years. That doesn’t mean it’s the total solution, but it’s a great start.

As for why Chicago Schools didn’t show improvements on the Prairie State Assessment Test, well it actually makes sense. Keeping the low-achieving-would-be drop-outs in schools probably lowers test scores overall. But that’s OK, because they are where they need to be and getting a better chance at life than they would as drop-outs. Lifetime income for Chicago Schools students rises incrementally when they have a diploma.

All students in Chicago Schools, and all children in the world, thrive when given attention and when they feel that someone cares about what happens to them. Smaller schools simply make sense. I hope that the Chicago Schools have the sense to keep them around.

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