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Charlotte Schools Team Up With Local Businesses To Improve Schools

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Charlotte Schools Team Up With Local Businesses To Improve Schools

Office Max Donates Funds to Charlotte Schools

One Charlotte Schools ’ member started off the school year with a big boon. Nations Ford Elementary School has received a $5,000 donation from Office Max. This donation is linked to the opening of a brand new Office Max in Rivergate Town Center on Sept. 6. Charlotte School’s teachers from Nations Ford Elementary Schools were invited to the grand opening ceremony where they could purchase additional school supplies for their classrooms. This donation will help the teachers get much needed supplies for their students and classrooms.

Along with the $5,000 donation, teachers received pre-packaged “goody” bags filled with office supplies and barbeque from Damon’s restaurant. The whole ceremony had a very festive feel. Customers can sign –up for a give away featuring $1,000 shopping sprees and other prizes.

Charlotte Schools Join Up with The United Way

The United Way has a long history in the Charlotte area. The United Way currently operates three programs with the Charlotte Schools: Right Moves for You, A Child’s Place and Communities in Schools. Charlotte Schools launched its United Way fundraising campaign on September 21. A rally was held where the Charlotte Schools’ Superintendent Peter Gorman and United Way 2006 regional campaign chair Michael Baker spoke. Preschoolers from the Charlotte Schools also joined the rally in order to say thank you to the donors who help meet the year’s goal of $44 million. This partnership not only raises funds for the students and children in the Charlotte area but allows students to interact with adults who offer positive influences.

Charlotte Schools’ School Resource Officer Program

The Charlotte Schools’ School Resource Officer Program is a joint program with Charlotte Schools and the local police force. The program puts police officers in Charlotte Schools were they can help teach the students about character and safety while providing advice on security to Charlotte Schools. A current School Resource Officer Robert Kierce received a standing ovation after returning from ten months of active duty in Iraq to Charlotte School’s Jay M. Robinson School.

Kierce was very surprised when the students and Parents welcomed him back to the School Resource Officer position at Jay M. Robinson School. Originally when he left for Iraq with the Marine Corps in June of 2005, the Jay M. Robinson School gave him a send off parade and gave him gifts of phone cards and coloring books for Iraqi children.

Kierce, who has a forensics science degree, will spend time in science classrooms this school year, as well as in history classes, where he plans to talk about some of his experiences in Iraq. He is slowly returning to the routine as the school year begins. Kierce has worked with the Charlotte Schools in the School Resource Officer Program for about seven years.

Charlotte Schools and V101.9 FM Launches “Terrific Teacher Tuesday”

Charlotte Schools is partnering with V101.9 FM to create "Terrific Teacher Tuesday.” This program was created to reward elementary school teachers in the Charlotte Schools. On the second Tuesday of the month, V101.9 FM will introduce a teacher and discuss why this teacher is a good teacher. Then the radio station will choose a winner by announcing it on air and then visiting the teacher at school. Teachers can be nominated by parents, students, and staff at all Charlotte Schools’ Elementary Schools by writing a 100 word description of why this teacher is terrific.
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BONUS : Chart your Child's Accomplishments with a Chore Chart

It can be very frustrating to ask your child over and over again to complete their chores without them ever getting done. If this describes your house to a tee, consider designing a chore chart. Chores might include taking out the garbage, doing the dishes, cleaning their room, yard work or putting laundry in the laundry room. Each chore has to be done just once or twice a week. Anything more is unrealistic. After your child completes each chore, they can put a check mark on the chore chart. At the end of each week, it's very inspiring for both parent and child to look at the chore chart and easily see that each designated job was completed. Just like our 'to do' lists, your child will find great satisfaction in being able to check off each chore as it's completed and take pride knowing they accomplished a set task or list of tasks.

Once you've sat down with your child and discussed and designed a chore chart, it's time to discuss the rewards for accomplishing each task listed. Perhaps at your home you decide you will give a set sum for each task accomplished. If you should decide to grant your child some sort of monetary allowance, make sure it's age appropriate and granted on a regular basis. A good rule of thumb is 50 cents per year of age. So your 8 year old child would earn $4.00 per week if each chore on the list has been completed. If it has not been, they do not receive their allowance.

This is a great opportunity for you to teach your children the value of both earning and saving money, and also giving back. Perhaps the child can divide their allowance into thirds: 1/3 to spend, 1/3 to save, and 1/3 to use to help those less fortunate than themselves. You might also want to consider designing a 'bank book' for each portion of the allowance and tuck each into three separate coffee cans or money jars, and that way you and your child will be able to keep track of how much has been saved, how much has been spent, and how much of their allowance has gone to help someone else.

Should you decide to use non-monetary incentives as chores payment, be sure you set clear parameters for your child. Be sure they understand that two hours each weekend of their favorite video game or going to see a movie with mom or dad is only earned by completing the chore list successfully each week. You might want to consider writing these on a slip of paper as 'currency' for the child to keep in their 'privilege bank' and they can cash it in with you when they'd like.

Regardless of the method you choose, keep in mind this can be a valuable tool for both you and your child.


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