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Changes Are In The Works For Baltimore Schools

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Changes Are In The Works For Baltimore Schools

Most people would agree that most change is for the better. Leaders of Baltimore County Public Schools hold this belief in relation to improving the 180 schools and 82,000 students they serve. They know that for students and their Baltimore Schools, working to enact change is to the benefit of all – since the district is in need of drastic student achievement. A school system that is dire straits, Baltimore Schools are in need of some major overhauling.

To this end, the Baltimore Schools system and administration have adopted a new vision. This vision hopes to “accelerate student progress through effective implementation of the BCPSS master plan, focusing on quality instruction, managing systems efficiently, and sustaining a culture of excellence.”

Baltimore Schools have set 6 goals for themselves which they believe will help them fulfill this vision. The following is a brief description of the first 3 goals, with this author’s opinion on how to accomplish said goal.

“Goal 1: By 2013-1014, all (Baltimore Schools) students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts, and mathematics.” While this is indeed an admirable and necessary goal, it is a difficult one at best. Baltimore Schools, any school for that matter, strives to improve student achievement. After all, the purpose of school is to educate students and help them become successful contributors to society. But the difficulty lies in factors that are beyond Baltimore Schools ultimate control. Poverty, education level of parents, even a good night’s sleep are all factors that are beyond the reach of educators.

“Goal 2: All limited English proficient students (enrolled in Baltimore Schools) will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.” An important goal, and one that is attainable, improving the achievement levels for LEP students is a given. Just because a person does not have English as their primary language does not mean they are unintelligent and unable to achieve to the highest standards. However, to truly succeed in any American public school, it is important that students are fluent in the language in which they are being instructed.

“Goal 3: By 2005-2006, all core academic subject classes (CAS) will be taught by highly qualified (Baltimore Schools) teachers.” Again, this goal is obvious. Baltimore Schools Teachers who have no training in education are most likely to fail in the profession. It has been said (wrongly, in my opinion) that “Those who can do, and those who can’t teach.” Well, let me tell you, not everyone can walk into a classroom, command attention, respect, and discipline, all while facilitating a student’s learning.
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BONUS : Changing Weather Is Often A Result Of The Earth's Rotation

Relentless interaction between the heat of the sun and the earth's atmosphere is behind weather development. When heating is not uniform all through a complex system of wind flows is generated. Air circulation produced by the atmosphere subjected to solar heat has three main forms.

The circulation of air near the tropics is called Hadley cells named after George Hadley, the scientist. Between 23.5 degrees latitude south and north, i.e., in the tropics the air rises having been heated. As it meets the tropopause it fans out while at about thirty degrees south and north a great part of this air drops back towards the ground. When it drops it removes air while to complete the cycle the removed air returns back towards the equator.

From thirty to sixty degrees north and south similar circulation known as Ferrel cells occur while in the polar regions polar Hadley cells flow.

But a straight north-south direction these air-flows do not follow and that is interesting enough. What is known as Coriolis effect is due to the earth's rotation. In the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere any fluid or object that moves freely seems to turn to the left or right respectively to the direction of motion. Since Gustavo-Gaspard de Coriolis first identified it in 1835 the Curiolis effect is named after him.

To an area of low pressure air tends to flow but deflection of air in this case is due to the Coriolis effect. By creating a circular movement, or a cyclonic flow an equilibrium it establishes ultimately. In the Northern Hemisphere air flows in a counter-clockwise direction in low pressure areas while in the Southern Hemisphere the direction is clockwise. But around high pressure areas the air flow is just the reverse to it.

Had there been no rotation of the earth the pressure would have been equalized fast since air flow of air would be quick and along straight lines. At the equator the Coriolis effect is precisely zero. For this reason, on the equator cyclones hardly occur or travel to the same. Most logically at the poles Coriolic effect reaches its maximum.

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