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Excessive Head Sweating

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Excessive head sweating

As far as life’s big embarrassments go, sweating is right up there and most horrendous of all is excessive head sweating because it is very difficult to conceal - you could be in the middle of an important meeting or out on a hot date and the next thing you notice is a little bit of sweat dripping on the table. There are different triggers of excessive head sweating for different people but the overall consensus is that everybody who suffers from it desperately wants to find ways to stop it once and for all.

The main cause of excessive head sweating is due to thyroid problems. The thyroid glands produce hormones, which regulate your whole body and determines how your body uses energy and produce heat. If you have too little secretion of the thyroid hormone you have what is called hypothyroidism and you will suffer from excessive sweating, dry skin, a general sluggishness and feel a bit blah.

Medically speaking, a doctor will diagnose you as having hypothyroidism if you have an overactive thyroid gland and as well as sweating excessively you will notice that you are gaining weight as well.

After discovering what your excessive head sweating is caused by you are now likely to want to find the best treatment so you can get rid of this excessive sweating as fast as possible. There are a few ways that you can control excessive head sweating, you just have to try things out and see what works best for you. The most common treatments available for excessive head sweating are medication for treating hypothyroidism, surgical procedures and Botox.

Oral medications- after your doctor diagnoses you with having hypothyroidism he/she may treat you with anticholinergics and beta-blockers as they claim to prevent the stimulation of sweat glands. As with many medications they are not designed for long-term use and have serious side effects as well which include blurred vision and constipation.

Surgical procedures- the most effective surgical procedure to stop excessive head sweating is Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS). In this operation the doctor will cut the nerves to your sweat glands using a small incision.

There is a 4% chance that this surgery will not work – you need to take this into consideration before you decide to have surgery to fix your excessive head sweating. There have been cases where not only has this surgery not worked but some people have had compensatory sweating – that means in addition to excessive head sweating they end up having excessive sweating in other areas of the body too such as on the back, legs, chest, abdomen.

Botox- has been in the spotlight recently in its ability to stop wrinkles but did you also know that it is used to stop excessive head sweating. Botox is a prescription medicine that is taken in the form of an injection and contains 100 units of Botulinum toxin type A and is prescribed to you by a trained medical professional. Botox temporarily fixes excessive head sweating but does not cure it. Treatment lasts only about 6 or 7 months and then you will be required to get additional injections.
Before deciding on any of these treatment methods for excessive head sweating consult your doctor as he/she will be able to provide you the best information and advice on treating your condition to stop you sweating once and for all.
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BONUS : Excessive perspiration

Sweating or perspiration is a process that is part of your body’s natural defense in regulating temperature. It is true to say that people will sweat more when it is hot outside and when they do exercise. Excessive perspiration is a different kettle of fish altogether and this type of sweating can have both physical and emotional repercussions for the person that suffers from excessive perspiration. If you are one of the many people that suffer from excessive perspiration you can stop feeling so miserable and embarrassed and follow the pointers described in this article to help you get rid of excessive perspiration today.

According to doctors it is possible to classify excessive perspiration (hyperhidrosis) into two clear categories: primary hyperhidrosis – not caused by a medical condition or medication, or secondary hyperhidrosis – caused by a medical condition or procedure. No matter what from of hyperhidrosis you suffer from the treatment remains the same because the end result that you want to achieve is a reduction in the amount that you perspire on a day-to-day basis. It is natural to perspire when there are triggers such as it’s a hot day, you’ve eaten a spicy meal or have done some intense exercise- in a nutshell you want to be just like everyone else.

To get rid of excessive perspiration there are a number of treatment options you can look into. These include antiperspirants, medications, Iontophoresis, Botox and surgery. However before looking into any of these treatment options it is vital that you speak with your doctor because some of the causes of excessive perspiration can be serious, for example you might suffer from depression and you suffer from excessive sweating due to your anxious feelings.

Antiperspirants- containing the active ingredient Aluminum Chloride is the best product to use to combat excessive perspiration (at least in the first instance) and it is best to purchase products that have 10-15% of the active ingredient. However, depending on the severity of your condition your doctor may prescribe an antiperspirant with a higher amount of the active ingredient.

Medications- to help alleviate excessive perspiration some doctors may prescribe you medication. Medications range from pills that will stop you sweating by sending messages to your sweat glands, to anti-anxiety medication, as anxiety may be the root of the issue.

Iontophoresis- is a procedure that uses electrical currents to treat excessive perspiration on the hands and/or feet. This procedure is relatively safe and very effective. The patient puts the area where perspiration is excessive in a shallow tray while a mild current flows through that area for about half an hour. The only problem with the procedure is that you have to put a lot of effort in before you see results.

Botox- if you get excessive perspiration in the underarm area you may want to look into getting Botulinum toxin type A injections. This treatment is effective in treating excessive perspiration, you will notice a big difference in as little as two weeks and in turn this will give you a boost in confidence.

Surgery- there are a number of surgical procedures that you can get done if you wish to get rid of excessive perspiration, however you should try all the other treatments above before looking at surgery because it does always work and you may even end up worsening your current situation.

"Stop Transpiration"
d'Antoine BLANC

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