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Sweaty Hands And Feet

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Sweaty hands and feet

Your hands and your feet have more sweat glands than any part of your body and that is why many people often have sweaty hands and feet. This problem is very embarrassing for people and because of this people become very nervous when it comes to meeting others and shaking their hand. If you suffer from sweaty hands and feet you will find that you have to wear only certain shoes to hide the fact that you have sweaty feet. Very embarrassing.

How are sweaty hands and feet treated
The type of treatment you have really depends on you. If you find that having sweaty hands and feet interferes too much with your daily life you may choose a treatment that stops it altogether, where as other people may be content with washing their hands regularly and wearing shoes that reduce such sweating – it is all up to you.

With all treatments for sweating, professionals recommend that you start with light/minimal treatments and work your way up to the more severe treatments such as surgery.
An antiperspirant with the active ingredient aluminum chloride, called Drysol, is effective in treating sweaty hands and feet. For best results it is important that you apply the solution to the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet before bed at night and wash it off in the morning. Do not wear during the day, instead use an antiperspirant deodorant to keep your clean and dry during the day.

Tap water Iontophoresis is a treatment method that is most effective in helping people rid themselves of sweaty hands and feet. During this treatment you put your hands/ feet in a small bath that is filled with water and a mild current passes through.

Botox has been in the limelight recently in its ability to rid men and women of wrinkles, but what you do not usually hear about it is that it is also helpful for people who suffer from excessive sweating and is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for treating excessive sweating. If you often have sweaty palms and feet, you may find injections of botulinum toxin type A to be beneficial to you. Botox works by stopping the message between the nerves and the sweat gland in the area where the injection has been, in this case the hands and feet.

If you find Botox injections successful you will need to get regular injections. Botox does not cure the problem but it does make it a lot easier to control. Many people that get Botox to treat sweaty hands and feet find that their quality of life improves dramatically.

If all of the above methods do not work for you, you may wish to consider surgery to cut out the nerve that causes the sweating problem. However, you must consider your surgical options carefully as there is a severe side effect from such treatments and this is called compensatory sweating – that is you begin to sweat in other places other than in the areas where you had the sweating problem to begin with.

Sweaty hands and feet can be embarrassing for many people because it makes life rather difficult especially when meeting new people, as first impressions count. But there are a number of treatments available to improve your situation and stop you from sweating excessively. Give the above treatments a go and fix sweaty hands and feet for good.
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BONUS : Ways to stop sweating

Have you ever been referred to as a human faucet because of how much you perspire on a regular basis? If you find that you sweat a lot and in situations where you should not sweat you may actually have a sweating problem. This can be very embarrassing and after a while your self-esteem will be shot. This article discusses a number of ways to stop sweating apply these to your daily life and you will notice a real difference in the amount of sweat that your body produces. There are literally thousands of ways to stop sweating however some of these methods are downright strange such as eating charcoal so we have provided the best and easiest things you can do in your everyday life to stop sweating.

Apply talcum powder to your underarms right after you wash in the morning, however, if you are really concerned about sweating dust a little talcum powder under your arms while you are wearing your clothes. The reason why talcum powder is so effective is that it absorbs your sweat and is therefore one of the best ways to stop sweating.

Having a shower twice a day is really important and another of the best ways to stop sweating this is because not only are you getting rid of any odor that you have developed through the day but you are getting rid of the sweat too. It makes sense that you will sweat less if you shower regularly because you are cooling your body down and that’s the purpose of sweat to keep your body cool.

The best advice and one of the best ways to stop sweating is for you to wear an antiperspirant deodorant at all times. If you get used to applying it all the time you will really notice a difference in how much sweat you produce because deodorants slow down and stop sweating. There are a number of antiperspirant deodorants on the market and it is up to you for the one that you choose, however make sure you buy an antiperspirant deodorant and not just a deodorant.

If antiperspirant deodorants that you’ve purchased at the supermarket don’t seem to work for you there are other ways to stop sweating. To really get rid of sweating you need to try a product called Drisol that contains the active ingredient aluminum chloride. This is said to be one of the best treatments you can get your hands on without a prescription. All you do is apply a small amount of the product to the areas where you sweat heavily such as under the arms and on the feet, and wash the product off in the morning. You will find that after using this product daily for a few weeks you will produce less sweat and will only have to apply it a few times a week for it to be effective and stop sweat for good.

If you have exhausted all the above means you might want to consider Botox. Botox injections are one of the most preferred treatments for sweating. The Botox injections are effective because they are able to block the nerves that make the sweat glands work. A number of studies have been done that state that Botox is safe and effective and lasts somewhere between 6 and 12 months.

"Stop Transpiration"
d'Antoine BLANC

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