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Stop Underarm Sweat

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Stop underarm sweat

Most people sweat in the underarm area every now and again, usually after a hot day or after heavy exercise this is not a problem, it is in fact completely normal and if you didnÂ’t sweat during such circumstances something is probably wrong with you.

However, there are some people that have more sweat glands than others and find that they sweat al the time. Are you one of these people and are you constantly frustrated with your underarm sweating problem? It is about time that you found out the answers to this million-dollar question and that is why we have provided this article for you on how to stop underarm sweat.

To stop underarm sweat it is important that you are vigilant in wearing an antiperspirant deodorant and make sure it is one that contains aluminum chloride. Antiperspirants that contain this active ingredient are great because the sweat duct is blocked and thus stops you from sweating; however if you find you try these and they donÂ’t work or your skin gets too irritated try others too.

If you find antiperspirants to be too irritating, another way you can stop underarm sweat is by applying some talcum powder to your underarm after you have had your morning wash. It works in a similar way that antiperspirants do i.e. it stops bacteria from touching the skin and thus it stops you from sweating so much.

Another way that you can stop underarm sweat is by showering everyday, not only will this make you clean but you will also be getting rid of bacteria that have formed and this will mean that you will sweat less. On top of showering everyday it is important that you use an antibacterial soap. Using an antibacterial soap will mean that you wash off all germs and bacteria that form on the skin, making it more difficult for sweat to develop.

If you sweat under you arms a lot you need to make sure that you are always wearing clean clothes. Never wear the same clothes two days in a row and when you wash you clothes that have sweat on them make sure that you soak them fully first so they are completely clean. Many people do not realize how important it is to wash clothes completely otherwise the clothes breed bacteria and you will sweat even more.

Not only is it important that you wear clean clothes but to stop underarm sweat you need to make sure you are wearing clothing made out of light fabrics. If you are constantly wearing three layers of clothes and sweating heaps it is probably due to the fact that you are over heating your body – the reason our bodies’ sweat is to cool us down. It has always been said that black attracts the heat and thus you should not wear a colour such as black (or dark navy) if it’s hot or you are prone to sweating. However, it is our advice that you do wear a black top made from cotton to mask sweat stains and provide proper air circulation. You can wear white or light colored clothes, however sweat stains will be easier to see and this will be much more embarrassing for you.

One final tip that we will give you here for stop underarm sweat is for you to start drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day- by doing this you will get rid of the toxins in your body and this will stop you sweating so excessively.
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BONUS : Sweating treatment

You may have heard that Botox helps reduce the signs of aging and stops you from having wrinkles but it is also an effective sweating treatment for the many people that suffer from excessive sweating otherwise known as hyperhidrosis.

Botox (Botulinum toxin type A) has been used since the early 1980Â’s to treat a number of medical conditions. These include BellÂ’s palsy, facial muscle spasms and heavy migraines, but what we are interested here is Botox as a sweating treatment.

The Food and Drink Administration (FDA) approve botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis affects four main areas of the body: underarms, face, hands and feet. Luckily for you Botox can successfully treat all these types of hyperhidrosis. However the FDA has not approved it for use in the hands and feet but many clinics still treat those areas with Botox. In order for use as a sweating treatment the nerves have to be blocked on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet because otherwise it would be too painful.

Many people (including you) constantly search for every possible way to reduce sweating such as antiperspirants, topical medications and have read absolutely everything on home remedies and what you need to do to stop excessive sweating. Once they have exhausted all other means, Botox is considered as an alternate treatment to surgery. It is a good choice to look into Botox as a sweating treatment because patients who have had Botox to stop sweating have noticed an 80% reduction in how much they sweat – remember you need to sweat a little as this is what keeps your body cool and if you didn’t sweat at all you would probably need to get a sweating treatment for lack of sweat.

It is important to remember that to stop sweating permanently you will need to make sure that you reschedule 6 monthly appointments because Botox is not a permanent cure for the condition. Botox works by temporarily stopping the nerve messages that stimulate the sweat glands. This means that the sweat glands are not able to produce the excessive amounts of sweat and gives you what is called normal sweat production. After about six months though the nerve message system is restored and you will begin to sweat heavily again.

You may have heard or read on the Internet of a number of side effects caused by Botox as a sweating treatment. I have spoken to a number of dermatologists who treat patients with Botox for hyperhidrosis and they told me that there have been no long term side effects with respect to treatment, only short term ones and these are a bit of a give in – you may have a bit of swelling, redness and bruising at the injection site but this will usually disappear after about a week.

For the first consultation for sweating treatment you should book an appointment for at least an hour, maybe an hour and a half. The treatment does not take long at all but the dermatologist needs to do a number of tests to determine which area needs to be treated and this includes a starch and iodine test. You also may have a number of questions about the sweating treatment so the specialist will be able to answer these questions for you.

"Stop Transpiration"
d'Antoine BLANC

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