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Stop Sweaty Feet

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Stop sweaty feet

If you find that you often have sweaty feet and wish to find out how to stop sweaty feet you have come to the right place. We understand how embarrassing it can be constantly having sweaty feet, whether you go to the shoe store to try on a pair of shoes and the saleslady sees your sweaty feet, or you are out socializing with your friends and your feet become all sweaty (and smelly too). Excessive sweating is known as a condition called hyperhidrosis and it is not pleasant regardless of whether you have excess sweat on your feet, palms, face or underarm. Feel free to take some of the advice passed out here to stop sweaty feet and apply the tips to sweat problems on other parts of your body.

There are a number of things that you can do to stop sweaty feet. These are listed below:

Wash your feet- if you have a problem with excess sweat on any region in your body it is vital that you wash that area thoroughly. If you do suffer from having sweaty feet it is vital that you wash your feet thoroughly using an antibacterial soap. You will really notice the difference in how much your feet sweat if you take note of this tip and apply it to your daily routine.

Foot powders- to stop sweaty feet foo,t powders are a godsend. There are a number of foot powders you can buy but it is best to buy a formula that is designed for curing athlete’s foot. However, if you are a little tight on money, or cannot find such a formula, talcum powder will do just as good a job. No matter what foot powder you choose to use, the method of applying it is the same. Sprinkle some of the powder in your shoes before wearing them for the day and make sure that your feet are clean.

Wear open shoes- many people that want to stop sweaty feet do not realize how important it is to wear open shoes to give your feet proper air circulation. You don’t have to wear open shoes all day everyday, most people work and are required to wear closed toed shoes whether you work in an office, at a restaurant or at a supermarket. When you get home from work and in the weekends try and wear open-toed shoes, and if you can try to spend some time in the evening where you wear no shoes at all.

If you have a problem with excessive sweating and you want to stop sweaty feet it is a good idea for you to buy a new pair of shoes every six months (if this is affordable and within reach). The reason for this is that shoes have a limited lifetime and this will help your feet from sweating so much. Make sure that you always wear socks with your shoes even if you are just going to be wearing them for a short space of time. If it is possible you should have two pairs of day shoes and wear them on alternate days as this will mean that your shoes have time to air out as well.

If you are sick and tired of having sweaty feet follow these tips and you will stop sweaty feet for good. We hope the above article has been helpful in helping you stop your excessive sweating problem.
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BONUS : Stop sweaty hands

Having sweaty palms is very common; everybody has had sweaty palms at one time or another, whether it’s before a first date or just before an important interview. If your hands sweat excessively you may suffer from a condition known as palmar hyperhidrosis. People that suffer from palmar hyperhidrosis suffer from the condition all of their lives but as you get older you find it more difficult to cope with the condition because you interact with more people in adulthood. It is important to stop sweaty hands because many people become very withdrawn from society as they become scared of shaking someone’s hand, scared that they are all sweaty. There are a number of things you can do to stop sweaty hands and this includes oral medications, Iontophoresis and surgery.

There are a number of treatments available to stop sweaty hands, it will all depend on the severity of your condition. Many people that suffer from severe palmar hyperhidrosis find that surgery is the only option. Botox is a possible option that is not approved by the FDA (Food and Drink Administration) and it is very painful, we will not go into detail to discuss it here. A surgery called Endoscopic thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) has been proven effective as a treatment to stop sweaty hands. Many people who have this operation are very happy with the results and go on living a normal life without having to worry about sweaty hands ever again.

It is best to try other treatments out to see if they will stop sweaty hands because surgery brings with it a number of risks and side effects – the biggest one being the change of having compensatory sweating. It is therefore best to weigh up the risks and benefits – if your sweaty hands are causing you terrible grief and you feel as if you have no other option, go ahead and have the surgery but it is vital that you look at other options as well.

Tap water Iontophoresis is an effective treatment to stop sweaty hands and feet and if done properly it has a high success rate. You can actually buy or hire the machine and have the Iontophoresis treatment in the comfort of your own home. With this treatment you rest your hands in a small bath filled with water for 30 minutes and a mild electrical current passes through. It is difficult to understand how the process works, it just does. For optimal results you need to have this treatment every second day for at least two weeks and then you can just do it once a week from then on in. It is a very relaxing treatment and totally painless compared to other treatments such as surgery or Botox.

There are a number of oral medications that you can take to stop sweaty hands. The most effective medications are from a group of drugs called anticholinergics, with the most effective being a drug called Ribinul. This drug blocks the production of sweat which is really helpful for when you want to stop sweaty hands. However, there are many side effects to drugs like these such as dry mouth and blurry vision. Many people do not find such drugs to being very successful in the treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis – but it is worth trying them out to see if they work for you.


"Stop Transpiration"
d'Antoine BLANC

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