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Can I Stop Sweating

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Can I stop sweating

Sweating is a natural action of the body when it gets hot or when you do strenuous exercise, however there are some people that suffer from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. This is where you sweat a lot and often in very inopportune times. Many people search for ways to stop sweating and that is why we have put together this article on stopping sweating so we can answer the question can I stop sweating for you in a clear and precise way.

The good news is that you can stop sweating, you just need to find the treatment that works best for you. To begin with it is best to start with the less invasive methods to cure you sweating problem. Antiperspirants are the first place you should look if you wish to stop sweating so much. There are a number of antiperspirants available but many of the supermarket brands do not work. Instead you should be looking for a prescription strength antiperspirant that contains the active ingredient aluminum chloride as these antiperspirants have really helped people that suffer from excessive sweating.

Hygiene is really important when you ask the question can I stop sweating. Make sure that you shower everyday and if your sweating is really bad shower/ bathe twice a day. Even taking this one little step you will really notice the difference. An excess bacterium in the skin causes sweating and that is why it is really important that you use an antibacterial soap at all times, especially in the areas where you sweat. It is also really important that you wear clean clothes everyday, don’t be tempted to wear the clothes you wore the day before, as they will be filled with bacteria. Make sure that you soak your sweaty clothes in a bucket before washing them in the machine as this will mean that your clothes will be completely clean and bacteria free.

If you were to type ‘can I stop sweating’ into the search engine you would see a lot of advice on a product called ``Drysol’’, this product contains the active ingredient and is great at helping you reduce how much you sweat. This is not an antiperspirant deodorant you spray on, rather you apply it to your skin in the area where you sweat a lot (hands, feet, underarm, back, face) and wash it off in the morning. It is effective in stopping you sweat after using it for as little as a week? Can I stop sweating? Yes, you can, especially if you use this product regularly.

Many people still find that they are asking the question can I stop sweating after following all these methods above and if you are one of these people you probably suffer from what is called severe hyperhidrosis. In situations such as these you might find that you need to look into more extreme treatments such as Botox and surgery in order for you to cure your sweating problem. It is important that you discuss your condition with your doctor/ dermatologist as he/she will be able to give you the best advice on what treatment will help with the particular area that you sweat in. Botox is good for treating sweating in the underarm region, and surgery is best for sweaty hands. Consider this however, that medical advances are being developed everyday so there is most definitely an answer and a cure for your sweating problem.

To answer the question ‘can I stop sweating’ you probably understand now that there are many different routes that you can take. Start slowly with antiperspirants and build up to medical treatments and surgery if you can’t fix your problem with other less dangerous and expensive treatments.
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BONUS : Causes of excessive sweating

If you find that you sweat more than other people when it’s really hot or when you exercise you don’t need to panic because some people just sweat a bit more because of their bodies’ sweat glands. However, if you find that you constantly have sweaty hands, armpits or face you actually might suffer from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.

This article will discuss the most common causes of excessive sweating and these include genetics, medical conditions, exercise, highly anxious people, reactions to particular medications, food reactions, menopause and obesity.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to find the exact causes of excessive sweating, much of the time it tends to run in families. Many times when family members suffer from the condition they find that they have sweating in the same area such as facial hyperhidrosis or palmar hyperhidrosis. There is much research going into finding the gene that is responsible for excessive sweating and once this is fully achieved there is a big chance that a cure can be found for excessive sweating.

There are a number of medical conditions that can be classed as possible causes of excessive sweating. These include a condition known as hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland). Excessive sweating by hyperthyroidism results from your body working faster than normal. There are a number of causes of an overactive thyroid gland – Graves’ disease makes the top of the list and so does an overactive pituitary gland and thyroid gland tissue growth. If you believe you have a possible thyroid condition consult your doctor so he/she can advise you on a cure.
There is a connection with excessive sweating and highly anxious people. People that sweat when they are nervous or in front of others suffer from what is known as ``nervous sweating’’. However, the problem is not only the fact that people sweat heavily when around others or in anticipation around others but many people begin to suffer from social anxiety and fear social situations because they know they are going to sweat heavily when around others.

The causes of excessive sweating due to medication, or secondary hyperhidrosis, is just that - a reaction to certain medications. We all know that many medications have side effects, a lot of the time a side effect is excessive sweating. There are a number of oral medications that cause excess sweating and these include anti anxiety medications, morphine and the thyroid hormone thyroxine.

Eating spicy foods is one of the surefire causes of excessive sweating. Have you ever eaten a hot curry at your local Indian restaurant and regretted it later? Not only because it was way too spicy but also eating it made you feel physically ill and you sweated profusely. Many people complain that certain foods react badly with them and cause them to sweat heavily, so if you find this happening to you it is a good idea that you cut out those foods from your diet now because you may be predisposed to sweating heavily when you eat such foods.

Obesity is also one of the main causes of excessive sweating. So if you find that you are overweight and sweat excessively it is a good idea for you to begin a weight loss program. You will find that after you start losing weight you may stop sweating so much, however if this does not happen you might suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Menopause is another one of the causes of excessive sweating. Many women between the ages of 55 and 65 suffer from what are termed ``hot flashes’’ – these are periods when a woman sweats excessively for no reason. To treat these excessive sweating periods women should follow a healthy diet and exercise and may need hormone therapy.

"Stop Transpiration"
d'Antoine BLANC

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