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Reduce Sweating

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Reduce sweating

We all sweat; it’s nature’s way of controlling body temperature and preventing overheating. It’s pretty embarrassing and makes you feel pretty anxious and uncomfortable. However there are some lifestyle changes you can make to reduce sweating. These include always wearing an antiperspirant deodorant, washing everyday and keeping good hygiene.

One of the best ways to reduce sweating is by using an antiperspirant deodorant throughout the day. Roll on deodorant is the best. Avoid perfume smelling aerosol sprays as they do nothing for you except make you smell nice - they do not help reduce sweat at all. There are a number of over the counter deodorants that you can purchase to reduce sweating from the chemist or the supermarket.

As well as using a deodorant during the day we recommend you use a product called ``Drisol`` at night to reduce excessive sweating. Drisol is an effective antiperspirant that blocks the sweat glands and you apply it at night and wash it off in the morning. Overtime you will notice that sweat will reduce or even stop during the day and you won’t have to apply Drisol every night, you will find that you only have to wear it occasionally. Only use Drisol on little areas of the body such as under arm, hands and feet because it’s important that other areas of the body can sweat a little (it’s a natural process). It can be bought off the shelf without a prescription from your local chemist.

Personal hygiene is really important when you wish to reduce sweating and because of this you need to make sure that you shower everyday (maybe even twice a day if it’s hot) because this will keep your body clean and reduce sweating in a big way. If you don’t shower everyday and you find that you sweat a lot it is your own fault because you know what you need to do and there’s nothing worse than hearing other people whisper about you because you are sweating and you smell funny.

To reduce sweating it is important that you don’t wear clothes for more than one day without washing them – I know it’s tempting to wear the same shirt you wore yesterday today but don’t. Also if you find that you do sweat a lot it is a good idea for you to take a change of clothes with you every day to change into so if you find that you are getting too sweaty you can change into some new clothes. Usually carrying an extra t-shirt will do because most people get really sweaty on the back and on the underarms.

The choice of clothing is important when you want to reduce sweating – whenever you can try and wear black as sweat and sweat stains are often less noticeable on black clothes. Wear clothes that are made of cotton instead of fabrics such as nylon and polyester because your skin has more airflow and can breathe easier with cotton. Also it is better if you avoid wearing clothes that fit close to your armpits – looser clothing is much better if you have a problem with sweat as it is harder for the sweat to adhere to your clothes.

If you follow the above reduce sweating tips and see no change then it is best for you to book an appointment with your doctor because you may suffer from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.
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BONUS : Stop armpit sweating

Many people sweat under the armpits – this is a perfectly normal body function. We all sweat when it’s hot or after doing exercise because this is our bodies’ way of keeping us cool. How much you sweat depends on how many sweat glands your body has, some people just sweat more than others. This article provides some tips on how to stop armpit sweating so that if you are a ``sweater’’ you at least know what to do to improve your situation. I know how embarrassing it can be having sweat marks on your shirt when you are trying to impress someone, or people look at you funny because you have wet sweat on your shirt and you smell a little funny.

To begin with, if you want to stop armpit sweating it is a good idea for you to wear and carry an antiperspirant deodorant with you at all times. There are a number of antiperspirants on the market and it is up to you which one you choose. However, if you find supermarket antiperspirants don’t work you may find that you need to get prescription strength antiperspirants and they are available at chemists. You should get into the habit of wearing a deodorant all the time, so as soon as you have a shower in the morning apply deodorant and keep on applying it throughout the day to keep you fresh.

Personal hygiene is very important when you want to stop armpit sweating. Make sure that you wash everyday as this will help kill the bacterium that causes you to sweat. You may find however, that washing once a day is not ample so instead shower in the morning before your begin your day, and again after sweating - washing will be the only thing that stops you from sweating after you have sweated. One really good tip that I would like to pass onto you that has helped many people that sweat under the arms is using talcum powder on the area where you sweat.

It is also really important that you shave your underarms if you are prone to sweating heavily because having hair under your arms pits will only make the problem worse. Shaving is not so easy for men because it is manly to have a bit of underarm hair, but for women it’s much easier and part of every woman’s grooming routine. It is important to shave your underarm area because it means that there more air circulation and this helps reduce sweating.

Not only is shaving your underarm area important for creating more air circulation, but choosing the right clothing and fabrics is important too if you wish to stop underarm sweating. Try to wear t-shirts and tops made out of cotton as much as possible because this will allow your skin to breathe. Avoid polyester and synthetic fabrics as much as you can because this will help you to stop underarm sweating.

To stop underarm sweating it is important that you follow the tips above. But just to recap make sure that you always wear an antiperspirant deodorant, wash everyday, shave your underarms and wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe.

"Stop Transpiration"
d'Antoine BLANC

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