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Hyperhyidrosis Treatment

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Hyperhidrosis treatment

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is a condition that afflicts many people, sweating in this instance is often not anticipated i.e. there are no real triggers. What is real is the embarrassment on the individual and the knowledge that there is nothing you can do about it. Hyperhidrosis can cause excessive sweating of the hands, feet, underarms and face, however sweaty palms (palmar hyperhidrosis) is the most common form of hyperhidrosis. The good news is that there is hyperhidrosis treatment available.

People who are affected with the condition make lifestyle changes to make the excessive sweating more bearable i.e. by carrying tissues around with them at all times, wearing a strong antiperspirant and carrying with them a change of clothes. Apart from the physical inconveniences of the condition, what is even more disabling is the psychological consequences on the individual.

In the past few decades there have been some substantial advances in medicine and hyperhidrosis treatment and this means that you no longer have to suffer with the condition any longer and you can live a normal life without sweat taking over. Hyperhidrosis treatment available includes oral medications, Botox and surgery. However, because hyperhidrosis is such a severe condition a lot of the time surgery is the best option and the most effective surgical hyperhidrosis treatment is what is called an Endoscopic thoracic Sympathectomy or ETS.

Oral medications are a hyperhidrosis treatment that has proved to be effective in treating the condition for some people. These medications are from a group of drugs called Anticholinergics and the drug that is prescribed most is called Robinul. However the one problem with this treatment and oral medications in general are the heavy side effects many people suffer from: dry mouth, blurred vision and fluid retention. Beta-blockers have also been proved effective in treating hyperhidrosis and this includes the drug propranolol, it too has side effects just like the anticholinergics.
You need to outweigh the positives and negatives with the side effects of such drug treatments; it may even be worth it if you stop sweating permanently.

More effective than oral medications is Botox (Botulinum Toxin type A) in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. This medicine is injected into the skin and blocks the sweat glands that are responsible for sweat production. Botox is best for hyperhidrosis of the underarm and many people find that after treatment sweating is reduced by 80% with results lasting for between 4-6 months. You have to be comfortable with needles if you are considering Botox as your hyperhidrosis treatment because you will be injected about 15-20 times in the underarm, but if you can handle it Botox is well and truly your best bet.

Surgery needs to be your last option for hyperhidrosis treatment because of the danger that something could go wrong, however sometimes surgery is your only option. The most effective type of surgery is ETS because it is precise, causes little pain, and stops sweating permanently. The reason why this type of surgery is so effective is because the nerve is cut and this stops you from sweating. One draw back of such surgery is the fact that there are a number of possible side effects you could face such as compensatory sweating and weakness in the arm. Many clinics around the country perform Sympathectomy surgery – do your research and find a doctor with a good reputation.
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BONUS : Overactive sweat glands

We all get sweaty palms, underarms, or face every now and again. This is usually because it is a hot day or because we are extremely nervous, however for some people this is actually something they have to deal with every second of their life. This condition is overactive sweat glands and clinicians refer to it as hyperhidrosis. This article discusses particular treatment options for overactive sweat glands so you can prevent sweating and start living a normal life without the constant fear of sweating profusely.

There are a number of factors that determine why you have overactive sweat glands (excessive sweat) this includes heredity, your current diet, medications you are taking, menopause and a condition known as hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). I will discuss each of these below briefly.

1. Heredity – overactive sweat glands is believed to be an inherited condition where the chances of developing overactive sweat glands are much higher when other members of your family have such the condition.
2. Diet- look at the types of foods and beverages that you are consuming because certain foods such as complex carbohydrates and caffeine-rich foods often make you sweat even more and this is even more important when you have overactive sweat glands.
3. Medications-the side effects from certain medications are sometimes responsible for your excessive sweating. Speak to your doctor about these side effects with your medications and you may be able to change medications.
4. Menopause- you may have heard women in the later life say that they experience ``hot flashes’’. If you suffer from such a condition and sweat a lot, you will find that you need to see a doctor.
5. Hyperthyroidism- you may find that you have overactive sweat glands and suffer from this condition because of a problem with your thyroid.

If having overactive sweat glands causes you to sweat excessively you have a number of treatment options and you must discuss this with your doctor to see which one is best for you. These include medications (these include crĂšmes, antiperspirants and drugs), as well as treatments such as Botox and surgery.

You should first try to see if medications work for you. Anticholinergics drugs help most people reduce their sweating produced by overactive sweat glands and hopefully they work for you too. Beta-blockers and anti-anxiety medication (benzodiazepines) have also been proven to be effective if your overactive sweat glands are caused by anxiety or stress.

Another option you can consider before getting Botox and surgery is a procedure that is called Iontophoresis. This is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and uses an electrical current to temporarily turn off the sweat gland. For the first few weeks you need to have this procedure done daily and then after that you should have Iontophoresis every month in order to control your sweating problem. However, the down side to this procedure is the ongoing costs you will have to pay and there is no guarantee that the procedure will work to remove your overactive sweat glands.

Botox is another option you could take if you are sick and tired of your overactive sweat glands and want to stop sweating. The basic procedure is a series of injections are applied to the area where you have excessive sweating and is popular with a number of people because of its effectiveness. The treatment lasts 6 months so you will need further injections if you want to control your problem.

Before having surgery to remove your overactive sweat glands, speak to your doctor because surgery needs to be your last option once you have exhausted all others. This is due to the cost, danger, permanence and side effects from such a treatment.

"Stop Transpiration"
d'Antoine BLANC

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