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Best Online Dating Resources Today

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Best Online Dating Resources Today

The opinion on who’s the best online dating service in America could vary, depending on the person being asked. But there was a popularity survey conducted among Americans and Canadians to find out the best online dating sites. The high rank though does not mean that it is the best online dating in terms of quality but it does mean that it is by far the most popular. This is based on the Alexa ranking for each of the sites. Alexa ranks the 16.5 million active websites on the Internet from # 1 (Yahoo), #2 (Microsoft) # 3 (Google). Sites ranked under 165000 are in the Top 1%.

The Top 3 American online dating agencies are the following: Match (#57), American Singles (# 179) and Date (# 658). High ranking though does not prove quality of the online dating site. But it does mean that they are used by millions.

Match is probably the best online dating site. It has an Alexa ranking of 57 and a membership of over 8 million, Match is the largest and most successful online dating agencies on the net. The main site of this one of the best online dating sites focuses on the USA, but it has more than 30 'sub sites' focused on many languages and many countries around the world. This best online dating site comes strongly recommended and it is also a pioneer of online dating that has grown from strength.

American Singles

This is the second best online dating agency with an Alexa ranking of 179. This one of the best online dating site is for North American only - USA and Canada. It is not recommended for other countries. This best online dating site offers a number of advanced features and free to sign-up. Also free to send 'teases' even if you are not a paid-up member. Technical support is provided for those who are not sure how things work. This best online dating site is also highly recommended.

Date is one of the best online dating sites on the Internet today. It garnered an Alexa ranking of 658 and is primarily US-based. However it does enable searching by region - United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Latin America, Caribbean, Middle East, Europe - Western, Europe - Eastern, Oceania, Africa and Asia.

The runners-up for the best online dating sites are : MatchMaker, FriendFinder, DatingDirect, DreamMates and eHarmony.
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BONUS : Best Personal Ad Tips: The Best Way To Advertise One’s Self

In business, no company can exist without the help of an advertisement. It’s their way of making their products known to people with less effort on hard selling as possible.

In the other areas like online dating, advertisements are also needed in order to make somebody known to other singles in the dating circle. This can be achieved through personal advertisements.

Personal ads or better known as personal profiles, people from different places have greater chances of meeting other people with whom they are compatible with.

The main function of personal ads is to present an individual’s personality to other people in order to find a suitable match.

Unlike copy ads, personal ads are not difficult to write. However, it still requires skillful writing and description in order to gain positive results. Therefore, for people who wish to know some tips on how to write personal ads, here’s a list that may be used as a guide.

1. Get the reader attention through good headlines.

Just like in copy ads, headlines are also important in making personal ads. This is because headlines are the ones responsible in catching your reader’s attention.

If the headline fails to attract somebody to read one’s personal ad, chances are, the rest of the personal ad will not be read.

Therefore, it’s best to create personal ads with headlines that can grab attention. A catchy title can entice the other person to read the ad.

2. It’s best to be honest when describing yourself and your personality.

Describing yourself is a critical step in developing a personal ad. Many people have very immature ideas of how other people see them. In fact, because of so much interest on getting a date online, some people tend to exaggerate on their personality description, which comes across as phony.

The rule of thumb in order to get positive results on personal ads is that people should always exert effort in being honest. In this way, there will be a consistency.

3. Pictures can really make a difference. So, it would be better to place a picture on the personal ad for some visual purposes.

The bottom line is that, like copy ads, personal ads entail careful combination of words, pictures, and values like honesty. If a person is able to incorporate all of these in his or her personal ad, chances are, he or she will get positive results.

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