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Why Women Like Bad Boys

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Why Women Like Bad Boys

Why are most women attracted to those motorcycle types, dirty and grungy looking Lotharios that their mothers and fathers have told them to not be involved in?

Is it because of these men’s inherently good looks, scorching bad boy quality? Or is it a simple case of bad psychology: that women really do not know what’s good for them?
Believe it or not, there is a certain aura that bad boys exude that some women do find hopelessly irresistible.

It is so good to be bad. Or in this case, it is so good to be involved with someone bad. For one thing, there is the adventure. Either some find themselves in their own little thought-of movie or romantic novel that being together or being involved with a bad guy is just plain tempting.

The Bridget Jones saga, both the movie and book version, seem to echo these same sentiments. Why would a woman who already has her gentlemanly Darcy, still find something attractive from a devilish Cleaver? The latter is so mean and so manipulative. While the other is so straight up and sometimes, a bit uptight. So who should a confused woman choose?

Basically, it is – sort of – a fact. Women love the little bad things found in men. Some do so because they love the drama. A relationship with bad men gets most women’s juices up and flowing. A date with them is unpredictable. One minute they may be out on a nice cozy dinner, the next minute they may be in a dark street corner making out. Meanwhile, a date with a straight-up men could be nice, simple, conventional and unsurprising. What follows after a quiet dinner may be a talk, and then some more talk, and a walk. Comfortable, safe and sometimes it might even be romantic. Although some do find such a scenario boring.

Sometimes, a date or a relationship with all the badness found in men is a great topic for a conversation for women the next day. Women love nitpicking every gory detail about their bad, bad men. How they have been bad, etc. However, women also enjoy talking about how their men has been good, in bed that is.

Sometimes, boys that are bad or those who have been bad are referred to as being a wolf, or being a fox. There may be a reason for this term. Both animals are predators. Women should not tread such dark waters, but sometimes they do. Believe it or not, it is the sexual opportunity and excitement that brings women or at least magnetizes them into the waiting arms of a manly predator.

Let us face it. Predators, or rather, men, could also sometimes be charming, if not handsome. No wonder it is so conveniently easy to simply fall head over heels over them. Plus, there is that dream fantasy of most females that they alone have this amazing and almost god-like quality to be able to change for the better all the bad men in their lives.

Fortunately or unfortunately, bad men makes some women feel instantly sexy. This is a stark difference from the guys touted as good who sometimes discourage some of their women to be as goody-goody as they can possibly be.

However, there are certain facts that just cannot be disregarded. There really is, and there should really be no excuse for being bad. Some men are just plain insensitive and no amount of patience, hope, wishing and dreaming could cover up for his badness. Men who are like this - please, please do remember – is not and could possibly be not that sincerely in love with the women in their lives. Believe it or not, they may be more in love with themselves than in anyone else. Try, as much as possible, to not fall for his own professions of his love for you. Chances are, and there is a great chance of this happening, his I-love-you’s may be his way to get what he wants with you.

All in all, dating bad men is good only for that purpose alone – dating. Adventure, sexual or otherwise, is good for the short term. Long term relationships require mutual trust and respect, a little kinkiness also wouldn’t hurt at all.
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BONUS : Why Women Test Men They Are Dating!

Dear friend,
No doubt dating online or off, you have been and are been tested by women.
Why? Well that’s a long winded answer, and I gave up physco analyzing women a long time ago. Even women will admit they can’t understand themselves! So what chance do us humble males have?

Zip! None! Zilch!

So best to just ACCEPT that they do and will test us. Be aware of it when it happens and deal with it in a way that gains us the authority and understanding in the relationship. Below are some examples of how women test us.

Why the testing?

1. They test us to see how strong emotionally we are.

2. They test us to see how smart we are.

3. They test us because they crave drama in their lives.

4. Some test because they enjoy making us uncomfortable.

5. They test us because they can. :-)

The following examples are tests from the type of women you do not want to get involved with. So be aware of, and try to avoid these types of women.

Let’s look at the tests.

1) The old 'outrageously flirting with another man in front of you' test.

2) The old 'yelling at you for checking out another girl to see what you do’ test.

3) The horrible and dreaded 'canceling a date at the last moment for no reason' test.

4) The worst one of all, 'getting you really turned on while making out and then saying no to see if you really respect me' test.
(I really don’t like this one.)

There are many, many more tests but this is enough for the purpose of this article. Now let’s look at ways to RESPOND to these nasty little tests as opposed to REACTING.

1) The old 'outrageously flirting with another man in front of you' test.

a. This one was really tough to take with a woman I was in love with for a long time. I thought she would grow out of it. But she didn’t. What I learnt to do however was to ignore her when it happened and enjoy my evening by chatting to other women or friends of hers. The best thing you can do is to NOT make a mention of it or big deal of it. If possible strike up a conversation with either her good looking friends or other women at the venue you are in. This will cool her off and if it doesn’t, you may have an unsuitable partner who will flirt every time you go out. You can only change yourself and your emotions so it’s unlikely she will change this habit. If she flirts, ignore it and enjoy your night. If she is always a flirt, you need to move on from her, she is trouble.

2) The old 'yelling at you for checking out another girl’s arse to see what you do’ test.

a. To start with, try to avoid checking out other girls in her presence. This gives you integrity and a style above others. If she does lose it without reason for doing so, she is likely insecure and looking for drama. Don’t yell back at her and calmly tell her to settle down. Smiling, tell her you are going to spank her when you get home if she doesn’t behave. This should defuse it, by getting a laugh and she may just want you to spank her! :-)

3) The horrible and dreaded 'canceling a date at the last moment for no reason' test.

a. This is really disappointing isn’t it? You are about to walk out the door and she sends a sms
Canceling. The most effective way to avoid this is to mention that one of the worst things women can do is to not show up and cancel dates. If you state this when you arrange for a meeting, it does help
prevent it from happening. We are all busy and need to plan ahead to be effective. However be careful not to write her off as she may have a legit reason for it happening. If it happens twice in a row, she’s gone…don’t put up with it!

4) The worst one of all, 'getting you really turned on while making out but then saying no to see if you really respect me' test.

The toughest one of all. Best to back off a little and be calm about it. Don’t sulk or push it. Just relax and have a bit of fun somehow. If you are cool about it and she can see that you aren’t stressed, she’ll likely relax and you have passed the test. Then just gently start making out again.
Chances are you have proven that you respect her by remaining calm and playful.

There you have it. You will be tested, that’s life,
How we respond to it is the key…

All the best,
Mick Jones

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