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Why Free Dating Sites Just Dont Work

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Why Free Dating Sites Just Dont Work.

The main difference between online dating websites and other membership sites is that on joining a dating website, you are required to make an attractive profile, which is used alomost as a marketing tool to present yourself to other members in the best possible light. Without a completed profile you haven't a chance of attracting other genuine members who are seeking a partner.

Completing a profile of one's self is regarded by many as the most boring, time consuming chore you could ever be asked to perform by any website. And a large percentage of surfers will "put it off till later today or tomorrow" which in most cases means it will never be done. And in fact oftentimes they will never even return to the website.

Most researchers will agree that those who join a website community solely because its free rarely return to the site or sustain an interest longer than a few days. And it's not because they are forgetful and don't remember registering, because the website administrators will almost certainly send out reminders on a daily basis.
The online membership communities which includes dating sites would not exist if it weren't for the members in their databases and it's important that all members who bother to sign up, take an active part in the community and the services it offers. Otherwise it is a waste of not only the indolent member's time, but also the time of the website administrator and other genuine members.

Whereas, on the other hand, in the case of those membership sites that charge a monthly fee to become a member, they will have very few users who register, then stay away or don't bother to complete a profile. Once a user has been tempted to take out his or her credit card, they will be much more inclined to take their membership seriously enough to create a decent profile and visit it several times a day to monitor interest from other members.

The 'fee charging' sites will find it much tougher to get sign ups, but whats the point in having a couple of thousand members in your database if fifteen hundred of them are dormant and don't even respond to your emails? Much better for all concerned to just have five hundred interested members who pay regular visits to the website and use the facilities to the full.

But what of fee charging dating sites that offer a free period as a trial membership? Well that word "free" continues to cause complacency, but to a lesser degree. Whilst a free period may attract prospective members to a trial period, there are still a large percentage of these free users, who do not return to the website after subscribing.

Many dating sites who offer a free trial period, require the user to complete a profile before they are accepted as a free member. Some users however, will want to explore the member database before joining, and if required to join before they are allowed to search, a large percentage of these users will simply move on, and prospective members will be lost.. perhaps to a competitor website.

The highest number of long term signups per 1000 site visitors is enjoyed by those dating sites offering a free trial period, along with a script that will auto delete profiles not completed within a given period of say seven days.
The lowest number of long term signups per 1000 site visitors reflects the success rates of the 'absolutely free for all' membership websites, dating or otherwise.

Trevor Taylor -
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BONUS : Why Many Prefer Online Dating Over Traditional One

Gone are the days when dating means courting your future spouse you met at school or in your neighborhood. Romance could blossom now with a click of a mouse.

The Internet has become the ultimate haven for singles – without the drunks, the noise, and the exorbitant cost you pay to be in the bars desperately hoping to be noticed. Thanks to online dating sites, you don’t have to ask your mother or friend to help you hook up with someone they think is perfect for you – which in most cases, isn’t.

Some might still believe in the good ol’ traditional dating. Good luck to them. But not you. You are wise and savvy. You know that online dating is a better and quicker way of connecting with other people and getting to know them. You know you can’t meet all the people in the world that might just be your perfect match. The Internet expands your probabilities, widening your choices to meet a mate.

What are the additional reasons for checking out online sites?

1. The ability to easily access profiles from the easy access to a wide variety of profiles. Online sites make you see hundreds of profiles for a possible match. Clicking on someone that you have an interest on is so easy with just a click of the mouse. Vice-versa, others who would also like to talk to you (and hopefully, just more than that) can also message you.

In traditional dating, you are limited to the social circle that you have. Your choice then becomes limited. Unlike in online dating, where choices can be limitless, and is not limited in your immediate circle of friends and acquaintances.

2. Most reputable dating sites are safe. They are very particular on this area, enforcing among others, a Code of Ethics among members, Certification that a member is single, and background check on criminal record. Check whether the site has safety nets.

Both traditional and online dating have their dangers, although dating traditionally, admittedly, has lesser safety risks. But you can never be too sure.

3. You have the decision to meet or not to meet somebody. If you do not feel meeting somebody up, then it is your decision.

Compared with online dating, you feel a sense of pressure when someone wants you to meet this or that. If your best friend nags you to meet his or her cousin, how can you say no? In online dating, the decision to say yes or no is very easy.

4. The accuracy in finding you a good mate increases since the site has personal profiles for you to look at, personality tests, and image uploads. Some sites can even have audio and video capabilities in their personal ads.

Do not ignore these opportunities in improving your personal ads. Other singles and prospective matches will take a look at your ads longer if you have video or audio clips in your ad Personals ads with images of you have a response of 80 percent, but ads with a video clip or audio clip (or both) have a 97% response.

Unlike in traditional dating, you get to “know” various kinds of people in just a few minutes. You could sense someone’s personality without the hassle of actually meeting that person first.

5. It is relatively affordable and fast. Online dating sites are cheaper and quicker than arranging a date with somebody referred to you by a friend. In just a few minutes, your perfect match could be available.

Of course, internet dating won’t guarantee you an easy head start in dating and romance. After all, like any forms of dating, online dating takes practice and patience. Online dating has its downfalls too. Being online does not mean everyone would be buzzing around you.

That is why when you are using online dating services, you must take responsibility for your actions, and consider safety risks as well. After all you are spending money too – money not just for connecting to the Internet, but also for the minimal fees you pay for being a member in those sites. Internet dating sites cost primarily because of two reasons: First, to discourage fly-by-night creeps who just lurk and are curious in cyberspace. Second, running a good online dating service costs a lot, which also includes ensuring that members are safe.

There are vast differences between traditional and online dating, and it would not hurt you trying dating online.

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