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What Was It That Magnified Her Beauty That I Had To Seduce Her

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What Was It That Magnified Her Beauty That I Had To Seduce Her

Reality. You say one lie (that you are bold-faced aware you are saying), and you have just changed the game. You now have to keep track of the lie, never forget it, and know that that lie is what part of your potential relationship is now based on. For she will believe you. And one day, if you are both lucky enough to get involved, she will find out. And she will dump your ass. Or do a LOT of haranguing and how-could-yous….

In the same respect as you will be yourself—nervous if you are nervous (some girls find that adorable); clumsy if you are clumsy (some girls find this endearing)—you will also remember that the girl you seek to impress might not be the one for you…no matter how close a next-door neighbor she is or how many years you all went to the same football games and movies. Do not bother “bartering above your station” if she is not the type to date your type.

Confidence. Don’t think yourself unworthy of every woman who walks into study hall, either. Try, please, TRY to strike a healthy balance between “Ah, me,” (ala Eyore) and the cock of the walk. We do not know how to handle either of you. WE don’t know what to do with a whimpering one—other than play armchair psychologist—and we don’t know how to act around an egotist—other than to giggle NERVOUSLY, as in DANGER to our self-preservation instincts, which are telling us to run.

Interests. Have interests other than guns. Talk about something besides your Nazi swastika collection. In fact, if you are a skinhead or neo-Nazi, you may have other things on your mind besides how to seduce women. So ignore this article, won’t you? When you ask her questions, for God’s sake—or yours—LISTEN to the answer. Don’t look at her boobs. Don’t keep saying uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Interact.

Health. The studies show that we are attracted to the body and face that represents the optimum reproductive abilities and features. That is, white teeth, symmetrical shapes, etc., are not consciously sought after but certainly part of the search. Brush, bathe, shave, etc.. And smell good. Whatever that means.

Fairness. Do not put her on some Madonna (or Madonna/whore combo) pedestal. She is not Angelina Jolie. She is not your mother. She won’t make love to you forty times a week. She won’t cook for you or jump up from her studies to do the dishes if you demand it, expect it, or insist that Mommy always did it for you. If you are just meeting her, don’t tell her how much you adore your mother or how many nights a week Mom comes along on dates with you. In fact, if you’re an actual Mommy’s Boy, don’t even bother reading this.

Positivity. Whatever You do, do not fake joy and sunshine and lollipops if your favorite pet just died, but try to see something good in every person you meet, not just the one that your biology cannot ignore. Try to see, especially, some good in yourself. Smiling and jokes are often great bonding mechanisms. So is “Hello.”
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BONUS : What Will It Be? A Russian, Filipina Or A Romanian Bride?

For people who truly want to meet someone for a special relationship, sometimes a careful examination of traditions and expectations of each possible partner is necessary to give the relationship a chance, to bring trust in the relationship and avoid being disappointed.

What about a Russian Bride? Russian women are much more traditional minded, caring, loving, and loyal in their views of love and marriage. They stand proudly in times of hardship, and will devote their love and trust to you for a lifetime.

Another truth about Russian girls is that are more "dressed up" when you see them on the street anywhere in Russia. "Will they continue the custom once they are settled in their new country?" The answer is frequently YES.
A Russian girl would most likely marry a man with whom she felt a high level of trust, honesty, love AND some financial security as well. Please keep in mind that financial security might be defined by many of these Russian girls as the man's ability to pay monthly expenses and have some money left over for discretional spending.
Filipina girls have been brought up in a culture where stability in a marriage is most important, that's why so many of these girls marry older foreign men. There's not a lot of jobs for Phillippine men so naturally the girls are receptive to older stable foreigners.

To the Filipina girls the ideal relationship is a series of stages over a long period of time. Engagements more often last for several years. When courting the Filipina you are not courting just her, you are courting the entire family. She will also expect this from you. They have a very high regard for marriage and view being married as a life long commitment.

I am sure that you have heard about Romanian woman that she is a wonderful mom, is proud but not squeamish. She take good care of how she looks without spending $2,000 per month just for clothes and hair styling. When her husband is coming back home late, she is waiting for him with love and patience and she knows to appreciate him and his work.

Imagine that you are going home, after a long day of work and stress, and a gorgeous women is embracing and kissing you, happy to see the master of her heart and her life. The dinner is prepared and it smell so good while she is all over you in order to make you feel good and forget all about stress, work or problems.

Another interesting thing about Romanian women is that they are used to go to work and don't like to be only a housekeeper. That's because most of them have spent a lot of time in schools trying to become someone able to make good money. In Romania life is difficult and without a College degree it's hard to obtain a good job.

But don't even bother to find and contact a Romanian women if you have drink problems or if you don't know how to respect and appreciate a woman.

Good luck to you and... FOLLOW your Heart!

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